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What is a Warrior?

Warrior seems to be a word that has been misused and now has many interpretations attached to it…honour is not something that is restricted solely to a warrior…all men and woman can act with honour Other words for warrior…Knight or paladin

Throughout this writing the term "he/his" may be used due to the fact that I looked in many places online for writing that seemed to say what I felt (I just haven't been able to change all these references)…I have a firm belief that in this world it is just as likely form women to become warriors as it is men (sometimes more so – as much as this may annoy my brothers…grin)

I see a true warrior as someone who strives to be the best they can be at all things (living life to its fullest) and not necessarily as someone who has prowess in the physical/martial arts of battle, but also in the arts of the psychological, mental and spiritual so that one may have the discipline to change our own behaviour to that of living honourable and in a sacred manner.

A person who lives with honour is noble

A warrior is someone who lives to a strict code of honour AND lives life to the fullest in full awareness and without fear of the unpredictable nature of life and of the constant presence of death

Death is not to be seen as something to be feared but only another part of the journey and therefore as with all things it is to be faced with honour

Can honour be regained once lost?

The code of conduct for honour is that of following the way of nature

The way of honour is not limited to warriors

There needs to be a word for someone who lives with this outlook and level of honour but who is not so eager for battle…or can does the word warrior now serve to also describe those who strive to excel in other arts such as healing, music, dance, spirit

I think for the moment that warrior shall be a word I use to describe any person who lives with honour who also strives for excellence in their chosen area

A true warrior strives to do all things in a sacred manner

Never afraid of the possibility of death yet never actively seeking death

So even when one has been dishonoured, is it dishonourable to seek death rather than seeking to make amends?

When shamed/dishonoured is it better to commit suicide (seppuku/seek death) or spend the rest of ones life trying to mend wrongs and continue to live in an honourable manner?

What should one do when the law/code that one follows is not good for the community / family that ones is honour bound to protect?

To live with honour and die with honour

Have to remember that there are those in the world who do not live in an honourable way…it is foolish to expect them to act honourably…one must remember this when defending family/community…one needs to fight with all the skills that one has
Eg do not be afraid to attack from behind or with stealth, as others will not hesitate to do this

One can afford honour among the honourable but not all are honourable…or is this the sacrifice one makes for honour…to act honourably at all times and still strive to succeed in a world without honour?

When does honour become pointless?…does it become just a matter of pride and ego?


The way of honour is not easy

The way of the warrior is based upon an individual's foundation values/ethics
Thus honour is a highly personalised thing

One can have totally opposed code to you but if they follow that do they still live with honour?

A warrior may be honourable whilst still being opposed to another warrior

Warriors may have differing ideals yet still both live with honour by strictly following their own personal code/ideal

What then of the concept of "honour among thieves"?

Being a warrior is not about bravado or machismo…in fact these are dishonourable

It is not honourable to waste ones resources…this includes ones own life and the lives of those around

Should one honour a promise to one who is dishonourable?

How should an honourable person act towards someone who has purposely acted without honour?

An order/group of honourable people does not need ranks or hierarchy as honour and respect should overshadow the need to fulfil ego and pride

Each person should have enough of both honour and respect for himself and for others to know his place wether it be high or low and to accept the words of all who choose to share

This also is relevant to those who need to learn and those who are able to teach Men and women sworn to develop a warrior spirituality in themselves, and to defend others.

A warrior, a definition, (1) Cultivates strength, agility, courage, and especially other honourable qualities and willingness to fight (but only when necessary and when there is not alternative) (2) Uses these virtues not for personal aggrandizement, but in service to the larger group or society of which he or she is a part...(3) Is initiated, by ordeal and by ritual, into the warrior status (is this necessary?)

A warrior is not a strutting bully. Neither is he a "peaceful warrior of the spirit." True, warriors can be peaceful, and they can certainly be spiritual, but they are also capable of inflicting injury and death on a real enemy in the physical and spiritual worlds. It is a warrior's honour and code which tempers his actions.

In ancient Indo-European society, to be a man was to be a warrior; the two were identical. Occasionally, there were women who fought alongside the men, and sometimes these were organized into special, all-woman units.

However now this is not so many, men especially, are trying to find a place in this world. It seems that the old definition of warrior has changed from what it once was. There now also exist laws and legislation of state which govern our actions as well as our own personal codes of honour.

Many modern warrior groups are dedicated to the protection and security of the Pagan community with members who are trained in spiritual, mental and physical defence, designing & performing liturgy for Warrior spirituality, and emergency response. All this is done through the study of warrior magic, history, strategy, and physical training. I feel that this is just a part of being a warrior. There is more to this, what about when the community is at peace? A warrior needs to be able to heal as well as injure. To be able to teach the ways of honour. Warriors also have another place in the community… this is one place I get confused since being an honourable man and warrior are only parts of being a proper member of a community.

The actions of a warrior

If thou art honourable and just, it is good that thou be known so. If it be necessary to sacrifice thy reputation to maintain virtue, do not hesitate to do it.

There are always those things which can be done, those things which should be done, and those things which must be done.

Honour is the courage to stand for truth, against any odds

Respect of talents and skills of people/creatures or effects of weapons regardless of their honour

Pragmatism…acting in a manner of awareness of death yet not actively seeking it while still not afraid of it…living life to the fullest, without waste or foolish action…if it is worth doing then it is worth doing well

By acting in a an honourable way one may lead others to live in a similar manner. To lead by example…given good leadership - sufficient noble inspiration by honourable individuals - the majority of people can change themselves for the better and come to know and value honour, loyalty and duty.

Those who now do not understand or value these noble things can do so given good leadership and guidance. A warrior is known for unwavering commitment to the people and ideals by which he lives.

There are many places where compromise is expected; loyalty is not amongst them. A warrior realizes that though the ideals cannot be reached, the quality of striving towards them ennobles the spirit. Nobility also has the tendency to influence others, offering a compelling example of what can be done in the service of rightness. Better individuals can only be created through the pursuit of noble values - by individuals changing themselves for the better through a personal act of will. This requires individuals, and society itself, to champion and uphold those values which create personal excellence, which aid the individual change necessary. These values are honour, loyalty and duty.

He has faith in his beliefs, for faith roots him and gives hope against the despair that human failings create. By living to a certain code of honour / ethics we can find for ourselves a path which will not crumble from beneath us.

To engage in the arts of song, poetry, and artistry is perfectly acceptable for the warrior. One does not hold to the false bravado and machismo that the above avenues of action will corrupt a person. Rather, they enlarge one's horizons. This does not mean that all warriors must pursue such activities, but that it is fine if they do so. A warrior may also seek to better their trade, so long as it be an honourable one (and conducted in a n honourable manner). He or she does not do this to gain wealth or fame, but rather, that they may better serve the community.
