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Life's Worth

This is my soul crying.
This is my spirit dying.
These are my tears cascading.
This is my life fading.

I can't get over this feeling of guilt.
It's like a parasite causing me to wilt.
Will the suffering stop eating away at me,
Or will it finally just end up killing me?

This is my body shaking.
This is my heart aching.
These are my eyes watering.
This is my life withering.

I’ve got no where to go to,
Not even for my last adieu.
Why can’t I stop this rage from paining?
Is my life only worth it’s baning?

This is my soul crying.
This is my spirit dying.
These are my tears cascading.
This is my life alone and fading.

Copyrighted ©2001 by Christopher Gielbert !-- BEGIN OF NO-RIGHT-CLICK SCRIPT ====================================================== -->

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