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Silent serenity,
Care-free life we made.
Harsh reality,
Care-free life we spade.
Perfect danger,
Running from the fear.
Screaming stranger,
Can’t get into the clear.
Denied dreams,
A future trying to obtain.
Dried stream,
A life trying to sustain.
Shattered family,
No place left to go.
Disgruntled enemies,
Nothing left to show.
Barren Earth,
Nothing left on this land.
Global birth,
We were made of this sand.
Endless pain,
Ruthless punishment and torture.
Bloody stain,
Polluted plans set into the future.

Blooming flower,
Under all the wreckage and debris.
Undying power,
It grows back stronger and free.

Copyrighted ©2001 by Christopher Gielbert !-- BEGIN OF NO-RIGHT-CLICK SCRIPT ====================================================== -->

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