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The Silent Sea

My silent nightmares scare me awake.
A chill causing me to stir and shake.
I see a silhouette in the silver of the moonlight.
A ghostly figure almost out of sight.
I can still see her in my mind.
She was so very considerate and kind.
Why had she been taken?
Why am I still shakin’?
Why can I still hear her in my head?
God, why must she be dead?
A life full of happiness.
A life full of pleasantness.
A life full of eternal promise.
And we never even got to share a final kiss.
I still can feel her presences near me,
Reminding me of the calm, cruel sea.
Why couldn’t you have taken us both?
This is a cruel fate that I loath.
Why did you take away my everything?
Why did you take away the one that meant anything?

Copyrighted ©2001 by Christopher Gielbert !-- BEGIN OF NO-RIGHT-CLICK SCRIPT ====================================================== -->

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