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The Struggle

The struggle of it all.
The struggle to keep from the fall.
The struggle to be free.
The struggle just to be.
Death becomes the easy way out
From the pressures of living life out.
Death becomes the short, sweet drug.
It makes us forget the pain we lug.
Death becomes the ultimate temptation.
To live or not, the greatest contemplation.
The struggle to be patient.
The struggle for the pleasure.
The struggle to be meant.
The struggle for the cure.
To feel the sun or the dirt?
To feel the joy or the hurt?
To feel the soft touch or the harsh sting?
To feel the short-lived or the everlasting?
All the choices that we juggle
Becomes our human struggle.

Copyrighted ©2001 by Christopher Gielbert !-- BEGIN OF NO-RIGHT-CLICK SCRIPT ====================================================== -->

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