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Past Updates

(Wednesday, September. 24, 03) - Added more pictures in Only Jet Page 2.

(Tuesday, September. 23, 03) - New Jet Li pictures in Only Jet Page 2.

(Saturday, September. 20, 03) - Ok, I said the new Bruce Lee pics would be the second update for today. Here they are at Bruce Lee Page 3.

(Saturday, September. 20, 03) - New Jet Li pictures in Only Jet Page 2 and new Picture of the Moment. I'll try to add in more Bruce Lee pics. If that's so, that may be the second update for today.

(Monday, September. 1, 03) - A second update for Monday, Sept. 1 - new Bruce Lee pics added in Bruce Lee Page 3.

(Monday, September. 1, 03) - Four more Jet Li pics added in Only Jet Page 2.

(Sunday, August. 31, 03) - Added more Jet pics in Only Jet Page 2.

(Saturday, August. 30, 03) - This is a second update for Saturday, Aug. 30. More Jet Li pictures in Only Jet Page 2. I created a second page because page 1 is already full.

(Saturday, August. 30, 03) - Lots more new pictures added in Only Jet Page 1. New Picture of the Moment.

(Friday, August. 29, 03) - New pictures in Only Jet Page 1.

(Thursday, August. 21, 03) - I have a new picture for the main page. It looks a little like the last one but this one has smooth graphics and better edging with all 3 pictures. Lots of credit to Naru from the Official Jet Li Forum for creating the picture. I also like what she did with the '3 Dragons' title. Nice font. Thanks, Naru!

(Monday, August. 18, 03) - Bruce Lee pictures added in Bruce Lee Page 3.

(Monday, August. 11, 03) - This is a second update for Monday, Aug. 11, 03. I just wanted to add a URL that links with the Picture of the Moment. Here it is: 'The Chinese Connection'. You can watch 'The Chinese Connection' online - yes, the whole movie. Choose your connection speed from 56k, 100k, or 300k.

(Monday, August. 11, 03) - It's 1:03 AM and I thought I'd fit in another update. New Picture of the Moment, there you have it!

(Sunday, August. 10, 03) - Alot more Jet Li pics added in Only Jet.

(Sunday, August. 3, 03) - More Jet Li pics added in Only Jet.

(Saturday, August. 2, 03) - Jet Li pics added in Only Jet.

(Friday, July. 18, 03) - New Jet Li pics in Only Jet and new Picture of the Moment.

(Wednesday, July. 9, 03) - New Picture of the Moment. I just found out that the clip in Jet Li Page 1 of supposedly Jet doing Tai-Chi on the Great Wall of China wasn't even Jet at all. At first, I thought it was. Just a while ago I found out it is Wu Jing. Anyway, I deleted that clip. But if you would like to see it again, you can download it here: Martial Arts Movies & TV Series - Wu Jing.

(Wednesday, June. 18, 03) - Added 1 'Danny The Dog' pic in Jet Li Page 6 and 1 Tai-Chi demonstration clip in Jet Li Page 1(under Videos and Trailers).

(Thursday, June. 12, 03) - This is the second update for Thursday, June. 12. Finally, more Bruce Lee pics added in Bruce Lee Page 3 and more Jackie Chan pics added in Jackie Chan Page 3. I HAD to create a 3rd page for both of them even though their 2nd page wasn't yet filled with pics because I had to use my new account for the new pics I just added. I'm out of room for the account which I used creating their 2nd page. Besides, there's still a thing in Angelfire called "Remote Loading". I already explained it and I'm tired to say it again. Just look in my Past Updates.

(Thursday, June. 12, 03) - More Jet Li pics added in Only Jet. I will make a second update today for Bruce Lee & Jackie Chan pictures.

(Wednesday, June. 11, 03) - I said I would create a page only for Jet Li, so here it is: Only Jet. I will update more pictures tomorrow. Plus, more Bruce Lee & Jackie Chan pics as well(finally).

(Tuesday, June. 10, 03) - New Picture of the Moment.

(Monday, June. 9, 03) - Just to let you all know, I am out of room in my current account in Angelfire. I will have to make another one. Since I update more of Jet Li pictures, I will create a seperate account for Jet Li so I don't run out of room so quickly. So then I will be making 2 accounts: 1 account for Bruce Lee & Jackie Chan and the other one made specially for Jet Li. I can't wait to do this so I can upload all the Jet pics I want and not run out of room for Bruce & Jackie. I'll have to do some major work on it but that's fine. If you want to know why I have more Jet pics than Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan, just E-Mail me, I'll let you know. I'll start this at the end of this week...maybe Thursday or Friday. Mostly Thursday because I'm off work.

(Sunday, June. 8, 03) - Added more pictures at Jet Li Page 6 and new Picture of the Moment. Also, don't forget to check out Film Information for some updates.

(Thursday, May. 8, 03) - Added 'Danny The Dog' pictures at Jet Li Page 6.

(Saturday, April. 26, 03) - New Picture of the Moment. Well, April is a good month. April is the month of Jackie Chan's B-Day, Jet Li's B-Day, and as well as my B-Day(April 25th), just a day before Jet's. Hope all you fans out there wish us a Happy Birthday.

(Monday, April. 7, 03) - New Picture of the Moment.

(Sunday, April. 6, 03) - Second update for Sunday. Added new pics at Jet Li Page 6.

(Sunday, April. 6, 03) - Added a Feedback section. You can find it right under MISC.

(Saturday, April. 5, 03) - I've decided to delete the Kung-Fu Films section. I should now have enough room to add more Pictures of the Moment.

(Friday, April. 4, 03) - I've managed to fit in atleast one more pic for the Picture of the Moment. I'm planning to delete the Kung-Fu Films section. It doesn't fit in 3 Dragons plus I need the space to continue the Picture of the Moment(whenever I should run out of space).

(Wednesday, April. 2, 03) - Second update for Wednesday. Jackie Chan pics added in Jackie Chan Page 2. As for the Picture of the Moment, I have to figure out what to do with that. Every pic I use for POTM has to be uploaded in my first account but I have no more room for future pics. I can't upload into my second account because Angelfire doesn't allow that. So I'll see what I can do. If I can't do anything then I may have to stop the Picture of the Moment which would suck because it fits perfectly for 3 Dragons.

(Wednesday, April. 2, 03) - Once again, more Jet pics added in Jet Li Page 6.

(Monday, March. 31, 03) - Even more Jet Li pics in the newly added Jet Li Page 6.

(Saturday, March. 29, 03) - More Jet Li pics added in Jet Li Page 5. I will have to create a 6th page for the next Jet Li picture update.

(Thursday, March. 27, 03) - More Bruce Lee pics added in Bruce Lee Page 2.

(Wednesday, March. 26, 03) - This is the second update for Wednesday. I made a Bruce Lee Page 2, hence, more Bruce Lee pictures.

(Wednesday, March. 26, 03) - More pics added in Jet Li Page 5.

(Monday, March. 24, 03) - I have added a banner advertisement for 3 Dragons. Please use it if you are linking my website to yours. It is located in the bottom of the page.

(Sunday, March. 23, 03) - HUGE picture updates in Jet Li Page 4. And because of the massive updates in Jet Li Page 4, I had to create a Jet Li Page 5 so the pictures can load easy for everyone. I've also changed a few stuff in the center section of the website(mostly the font) and used new pics for the Dragons on the left side of the page.

(Saturday, March. 22, 03) - More pictures added in Jet Li Page 4.

(Monday, March. 17, 03) - I put in a '3 Dragons' index picture for the main page. I created it myself. I moved the guestbook all the way to the bottom of the page with a NOTICE.

(Sunday, March. 16, 03) - This is the second update for Sunday. I've added new pics for Jackie Chan. I had to create a Jackie Chan Page 2 on my second account otherwise if I had the new pics on Page 1 then I would be "Remote Loading". Go to Past Updates to see what I mean if you missed it. Read the first old update on the top. Also, a new Picture of the Moment has been added and I decided to delete the 'My Stunts' video in the Kung-Fu Films section(it wasn't working anyway). I'm still hoping I'm not doing anything to violate Angelfire Policies. I put alot of time making these updates.

(Sunday, March. 16, 03) - Alright, here's what I came up with. I made a new account. But instead of using that to upload the files to my new account(extreme4/3dragons2) and having my first account(extreme3/3dragons) linking to the pics on my new account, I just used the extreme4/3dragons2 and stored up my pictures in there. It's kinda like a website linking another website. All you have to do is click on the link and it will take you to the page where I stored my pics. I hope that made sense. I almost confused myself trying to put the words together. Anyway, I hope I'm not violating Angelfire Policies. Here is what I came up with: a Jet Li Page 4.

(Saturday, March. 15, 03) - Bad news. The Jet Li pics I added from my last update is gone. I had to delete them. Unknowingly, I violated Angelfire Policies. I was doing what they call a "Remote Loading". The thing is, I don't have anymore disk space to load more picture files in my current webshell(account). So I created another account and loaded my new pics onto that one. That is what they call "Remote Loading". That's a new Policy of Angelfire and they don't allow that. I have no more space, so that means I won't be able to load anymore picture files. Hmm, I'll see what I can do from here. Til' then, I can't update pictures. All that work yesterday, down the drain. Sorry everyone for making a lame return and for violating Angelfire Policies.

(Friday, March. 14, 03) - Hey everyone who still visits...I'm back! After being absent for atleast 5 months, I've returned with more Jet Li updates. I promised I'd finish Jet's section first and then go on with Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Anyway, I've got C2TG pics in Jet Li Page 3 and Misc. is also updated with 2 new pics. I'm able to update atleast everyday for now on now that I finally got the internet installed in the computer in my room. Alright, thanks to anyone who still visits and is visiting for the first time. Keep coming and I'll bring you the best of the '3 Dragons'.

(Friday, November. 1, 02) - Sorry for the lack of updates over the days. You know the story already. I haven't had access to the internet in almost a month. I don't have much time right now to do alot of updates but I did manage to post a clip in the Kung-Fu Films section. You can find it in the bottom.

(Wednesday, October. 9, 02) - New pictures at Jet Li Page 3.

(Tuesday, October. 8, 02) - New Picture of the Moment.

(Wednesday, September. 25, 02) - More Jackie Chan Pictures.

(Monday, September. 23, 02) - New pictures at Jet Li Page 2 and I had to make a Jet Li Page 3. Page 2 filled up fast. Enjoy!

(Friday, September. 20, 02) - I'm back with more updates. Sorry for the delay. By now you should know my excuse if you have been keeping up with my past updates. Today, I added more Jet Li Videos, 1 Bruce Lee Video as well, pictures of Jet Li's upcoming new movie Cradle to the Grave in the Jet Li Page 2, new Picture of the Moment, and finally some new Bruce Lee pictures.

(Tuesday, August. 27, 02) - More Jet Li Pictures in Jet Li Page 2, New Picture of the Moment, and added some more Jet Li Animation in Jet Li Page 2. The animation comes from a video game so it's not really Jet Li. But if you've seen the Once Upon A Time In China series, you'll know it's a good similarity between the two. That animation character is Lee Recca. I got it from The Jet Li sections are going so fast I may have to make a 3rd Page. Also, new Jackie Chan and Jet Li films here in the main page under 'Check Out'. One last note - if a thumbnail doesn't load up, click on it and click back. It should show by then.

(Monday, August. 19, 02) - I am back with an even bigger update. I added more pictures in the Jet Li section. I didn't want the page to have a long load so I made a Page 2 of Jet Li.

(Monday, July. 1, 02) - Wow! It's been a long time since I haven't updated. I am in the library right now and I figured I'd do a little updating. I haven't got internet on my computer yet but I am in the process of getting it. I really have no idea when it will be installed. Anyway, I added 2 pics of Jet Li and 3 animation clips. I decided to update Jet Li section first, then work my way up to Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee then Kung-Fu Films. I am going to finish each section one by one that way I will be organized. If I get the chance to update again, I will be putting up a new Pic of the Moment.

(Saturday, May. 18, 02) - Well, we got our new house. My room is all set up and and so is the computer. The only thing I don't have is the internet. I need to buy some kind of cable or something like that so I can get connected. I don't know exactly when I'll be buying it so until then I can't make any big updates. You're probably wondering since I'm on a computer now with internet, why not update. Well I wouldn't have the time and I need lots of time to make an update. The update I plan to make will be sort of big. More news pics, probably a new look(still thinking about it), and anything else I can fit in. That's about it. Atleast I have everyting. All I need is the damn internet and I can go from there. Oh yeah I also made a Past Updates section. There you can find all the updates I made in the past. (The date for this could be wrong. I may have forgotten to change it. I don't think I updated twice on the same day.)

(Saturday, May. 18, 02) - New Picture of the Moment.

(Friday, May. 17, 02) - Only 4 more days left til' my big update. Ok here's the plan. Our family is going to move into the house Tuesday(May 21st) but our household stuff won't be delivered until the next day on Wednesday. Hopefully by Thursday I can set my computer up plus we still need to set up the connection for the internet. I hope this all goes well according to the plan. I don't want to take one month to update after our move. Also please understand that I'm busy with my school work; and I know that my father will bug me to finish my homework before getting everything ready for my room and the computer. I hate it as much as you do.

(Friday, April. 26, 02) - New Picture of the Moment. I've also decided to cancel the Daily Poll. But if you still would like to see the Previous Poll Results, you can find the link under Kung-Fu Films just right above this section. Plus I've managed to update a few Jackie Chan Pictures. I will be making a big update around the end of May. The time of moving to our new house just extended to the 21st of May. I know, it sucks! As long as I'm updating.

(Saturday, April. 20, 02) - Just found out the name to the unknown Law in the Law Family. His name is Nood Dee Law. By the way, it's almost May. I could have some massive updates coming up next month.

(Tuesday, April. 9, 02) - I just noticed the link to the Picture of the Moment wasn't working. It's fixed now. Sorry about that. In about a month, we(my family and I) will be moving to a new house. I will get my computer then and that’s when I will continue updating the pics.

(Monday, April. 8, 02) - New Picture of the Moment.

(Saturday, April. 6, 02) - No updates today. Just a reminder that it is Jackie Chan's B-Day tomorrow on April 7th. I will have a Picture of the Moment B-Day Card during this week(maybe Monday). And one more thing, keep checking back because I am eager to update with new pictures. I just haven't had the time. I would do that now except the computer I'm using can't save pics on Documents or anywhere else.

(Monday, April. 1, 02) - New Picture of the Moment. I've been busy with school. As soon as I have time, I will add more pictures to all sections of the page.

(Friday, March. 29, 02) - The new section The Law Family is up now. Check it out!

(Wednesday, March. 27, 02) - I decided to suspend the poll since it wasn't getting many votes. I may or may not have it up again. Anyway, I will soon be making a special section called "The Law Family". It will contain the "Many Faces of Jet Li" from the movie "The One". It's in the DVD Special Features. Expect for it to be ready in about a week.

(Tuesday, March. 19, 02) - New Picture of the Moment.

(Monday, March. 18, 02) - New pictures in the Kung-Fu Films section.

(Sunday, March. 17, 02) - Wow! Another update. It's gotta be around 1 in the morning right now and I made the last update a couple of hours ago. Anyway, I just put in more Jet Li Pictures.

(Saturday, March. 16, 02) - The Kung-Fu Films section is FINALLY up. The pictures you see there is all I posted for now. There will be ALOT more than that. Also, new Picture of the Moment and new Poll.

(Friday, March. 15, 02) - No updates. But if you want to make one last vote in the poll, do it now because I will change it soon.

(Thursday, March. 14, 02) - New Jet Li Pictures.

(Monday, March. 11, 02) - New Picture of the Moment.

(Thursday, March. 7, 02) - I have added the pictures to the Previous Poll Results winners and new picture of the moment involving the death of Jackie's mother.

(Tuesday, March. 5, 02) - No new updates today. Just want to let you all know that today is the release of The One.

(Friday, March. 1, 02) - New Poll and added Previous Poll Results section. Soon I will add pictures of the person who gets the most votes on the poll. And next time I will warn you to get your last votes in before I post a new one.

(Wednesday, Feb. 27, 02) - New Picture of the Moment and added Picture of the Moment Archive.

(Sunday, Feb. 24, 02) - New Jackie Chan pictures.

(Friday, Feb. 22, 02) - Added Picture of the Moment and new Bruce Lee pictures.

(Wednesday, Feb. 20, 02) - I added Daily Polls and a Guestbook. Just scroll down to see it. Please vote in the poll and leave your mark in the guestbook!

(Saturday, Feb. 16, 02) - I decided to add Short Clips & Trailers to 3 Dragons, starting with the Jet Li section.

(Thursday, Feb. 14, 02) - Jet Li pictures are up. Today is the Grand Opening of 3 Dragons! Go ahead, look around. More and more pics will be added often. The Kung-Fu Films is not yet finished. I will get to it ASAP.

(Monday, Feb. 11, 02) - The site is up but still under construction. Sources, Bruce Lee, and Jackie Chan section is completed. Won't be long til' the Grand Opening!

3 Dragons