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Previous Poll Results
(Wednesday, Feb. 20, 02)
Who do you like more?
Bruce Lee
Jackie Chan
Jet Li

Winner is Jet Li

(Wednesday, Feb. 20, 02)
Who is the most powerful villain?
Gabriel Yulaw (The One)
Imohtep (The Mummy)
Satan (End of Days)
Agent Smith (The Matrix)

Winner is Satan (End of Days)

(Friday, March 1, 02)
There will be an upcoming movie coming out soon starring Jackie Chan & Jet Li. Should they be teaming up or against each other?
Against each other

Winning pick is Teaming

(Friday, March 1, 02)
Who plays better as Wong Fei Hong?
Jet Li (Once Upon A Time In China Series)
Jackie Chan (Legend of Drunken Master aka Drunken Master 2)

Winner is Jet Li

3 Dragons