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flame1.gif (21280 bytes)THE DANGER OF MATCHESflame1.gif (21280 bytes)

 The match is lit, the fire it grows
A young child watches, as the horror unfolds
It moves off the table, and climbs up the wall
A scared young child flees down the hall

The air's getting hot now, her breath's getting short
It's harder to breathe, She chokes on the smoke
She drops to the floor, like daddy taught her to do
"I wish daddy was here 'cause he'd pull me through"

The room's getting darker, she can't hardly see
Her life's at an end, Her future will never be

Then out of the darkness, a figure comes forth
Wielding an ax and a light that cuts smoke
He searches the room with precision and care
He doesn't know it's his daughter in there

She slept at a friends house, while dad was at work
Then this sleep over took a turn for the worst
Then deep in the darkness, a limp body he finds
Get her out quick, and waste not, no time

He retraces his step's and returns to the door
He passes the body to a guy from squad four
He walks to the engine and removes all his gear
The guy from squad four is yelling "come here"

He doesn't waste time, and hurries back to the truck
To give him a hand in the back of the bus
He climbs in the bus, and gets a great start,
His eye's start to water and his heart rip's apart.
For there on the cot, a young body lies,
And his body goes limp as his little girl dies.

He speaks to the kid's now and goes to the classes,
To teach all the children the dangers of matches.