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Time for Fun!


As the tones drop and we start to run,

"Yippie" it’s time to have fun.

Is it a EMS or a Fire?

It doesn't matter for it fills our desire.


We jump in the Engine and/or Rescue,

We hope for a good one,

Not just someone who forgot to open the flue.

Finally alarm gives us our assignment,

And away we go...It’s no longer silent.


Code 3’s on so get out of our way,

We got a call and it’s a MVA!

We put on some gloves and grab a road vest,

It’s now time to do what we do best.


Once we get there, My partner and I,

We evaluate the scene and demand "Put a bird in the sky!"

They say "You have LifeNet 1 with a ten min ETA"

Boy, oh boy did that make our day.


We started by hooking up the EKG,

As the poor man yelled, "Help me, Help me!"

As we went on we got short on time,

So we grabbed saline and select-3 to set up a line.


We stuck him with a 18 Gauge in his right hand,

As we looked down we saw blood on the land.

"Where is it coming from?" we thought

We have to keep looking for that bleeding spot.


We got the backboard and rolled him on his side,

It hurt so bad he suddenly cried.

Then we load him up on our gurney,

Covered him with a blanket so he’d stay warm on his journey.


As we see the chopper high up above in the sky,

I look at my partner, wondering if he will die.

Before the bird can land on the ground,

We look to make sure no one is around.


Now comes the time when we load him up,

Say Good-bye and wish him good luck!

As we walk away and they lift off,

We are careful not to get our heads taken off.


We start to talk as we walk back to the scene.

For there is much to do, so we start to clean.

My partner and I jump into the ride,

We are so tired, and we both sighed.


As we make our way back into the Hills,

We see it paid off, All of those drills.

Back at the station, My Partner, My Friend,

We continue to work till the tones drop again.


And when they do and we start to run,

Like I said in the beginning......"It’s Time To Have Fun!"
