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That's Why


To bring a small child from a rapidly burning home, and see her reunite with the mother she has known... 

To comfort a husband when he asks how his wife is, and be able to tell him, "The accidents not too bad, your wife surely will live"... 

     To tell a grandpa he'll see his family again, 'cause although he may be older, he'll feel as good as us now and then... 

 That's why I do just what I do... 


Sometimes the call comes out, for a wreck involving those who just had no way out... 

Or the home that was too far gone, to save the man who was home alone...

But we try anyway, we give it all we've got, to save the lives of others and the one's we don't, we never forgot... 

That's why I'm here, and that's why I do, just what it is, God put us here to do... 

"Love thy neighbor," the Bible says, and for us as volunteers, it's 24-7 in all our days...

It may not always turn out for the best, but our hearts can feel ease knowing we did our best...

So for those who may need us one day, we are here to help, no matter when, why, or in what way...


That's why we're here, and that's why we do, just what it is God put us here to do.