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One White Rose


A call for help goes out at three, Setting off pagers all over the town, Somewhere, an unknown 1050(PI) And the dispatcher cannot calm down.

Rescuers leap out of their beds Leaving with no backward glances They can only guess what's ahead As they leave in firetrucks and ambulances

The ambulance departs the station As the dispatcher repeats the address "The injured require extrication, And most of all, ALS."

Inside, they feel so empty, Not knowing what awaits. Also, unsettling urgency-- They're responsible for other's fates.

Dread reaches out icy claws As they hear the latest news. Officers are requesting the "Jaws" And even more back up crews.

Firefighters are also on the way-- Hearts racing, a touch of fear. "Jaws of Life, what's your ETA?" Less than a minute, now they're here.

The police were first on the scene Controlling and directing traffic And updating the rest of the team (Although the sight makes them sick.)

The scene is a wicked nightmare, Broken glass and plastic litter the ground. There's twisted metal everywhere And the odor of "ETOH" all around

The images are horrifying grotesque Lit by red and blue flashing lights. Worse than anyone had guessed-- It will haunt them for many nights.

One young man, on his way home, Didn't see the stop sign. The mini-van he T-boned Couldn't move in time.

20 years old - too young to drink He'd said he was sober-- it was a lie. He left the party, his friends didn't think That he'd be DUI.

Crushed and slumped against the wheel Was the driver of the van. Dead of injuries he didn't feel, An innocent family man.

Crumpled against the passenger door Lay his broken and battered wife Her cries faded and were no more As she passed out of this life.

A scream echoes on the icy breeze From out of a shallow grave Despite the efforts of the EMT's It will be a third life they cannot save.

Curled up in a heap The child is discovered in the wreck. He may have only been asleep-- Except for his broken neck.

The young driver staggers from his car, Bleeding from a cut on his arm. He watches the scene from afar As he's suffered no major harm.

An officer sees him standing there And gives him a breathalyzer test. Ignoring the boy's glassy stare Says; "Son your under arrest."

When hopes of survivors were almost gone And it seemed pointless to try They heard a sound that drove them on-- A weak and scared child's cry.

She looked like a porcelain doll With pale hair and a button nose. Skin so white, body not hurt at all-- Like a lonely white rose.

They pulled her free and began care Of this child of only three. Fortunately, she was unaware That she'd lost her family.

Hours later, the street is clean-- All traces of tragedy gone. Rescuers slowly depart the scene But memories don't fade with dawn.

The boy is taken to jail, Where he beats his fist against the tile. His mother cannot afford his bail, And so he'll remain until his trial.

His mother, with eyes downcast, Had tried to leave but he'd caught her. "What's wrong? what is it?" he'd asked. She cried and said "Vehicular Manslaughter."

For seventeen years, the man had cried Consumed with guilt and sorrow. At times, he wished he had died So he wouldn't face another tomorrow.

At last, he was being released From years and years in hell. The pain of the accident never ceased And never would, he could tell.

As soon as he was out, he found the graves Of the people he had killed. Their deaths haunted all his days And left a void that couldn't be filled.

He is laying flowers on the ground Next to each headstone. He hears a voice and spins around And discovers he's not alone.

Behind him is the one he didn't kill. He shares the anguish she knows. Drawn to her against his will, He gives her 'One White Rose'.