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The pager goes off, 

sometime in the night. 

Your feet hit the floor, 

To get up you fight. 

Something has happened, 

and on you they depend. 

They know you and your brothers, 

their life you’ll defend. 


You are pillars of the community, 

everybody knows your name.

You do this for you, 

and not for the fame. 


Me, Myself and I,

are the first most important things. 

Then the safety of your brothers 

when the siren rings. 


The next concern is the patient,

that’s why you're up at this time. 

You need to help them out, 

don’t listen to the clocks chime. 


You arrive on the scene, 

you have an unresponsive female. 

With all the training that you have, 

you know you will not fail. 


But in the back of your head, 

you know its just their time, not much you can do. 

All the work you’ve been doing, 

she just won’t make it through. 


The family is in shambles, 

from everything they have seen. 

The look of worry on their face, 

is something you’ve often seen. 


The ambulance arrives, 

to take her in their care. 

They leave the scene with her, 

as quickly as you got there. 


You leave the scene back in service, 

to do this job again. 

Although you wonder of the patient,

her life you tried to defend.


Later that day,

your pager goes again.

You hurry out the door, 

to repeat the process for certain,


Everyone depends on you,

responsibilities and all,

911 is dialed 

 and you answer their call