*** Nerina had entered Eterna dressed in a white evening gown cut cunningly with a clasp holding it together at the curve of her breast. Her hair wound at the crown of her head, soft tendrils escaping to whisper across bare flesh. To add a hint of sophistication, she wore a ruby necklace set in antique ivory, the gem nestled in her cleveage. Her sun kissed face smooth and golden, innocent of the artifice of cosmetics. The soft ensemble clinging, hinting of the erotic beauty that lay beneath.. delectable breast, curvacious hips, lush derierre and long sleek legs.
She of course payed little heed to the haunting voice.. "You look like a kitten in cream, darling girl." .. She could only wonder, the way the gents eyes had devoured her.
Nerina was to meet Gabriel this eve ... with elegance she stepped forth entering the main bathing house.. her confident stride belied the butterflies dancing in the flat region of her stomach.. looking over the surroundings she found he was absent. Softly spoken she had inquired of the Lady Deathz, whom replied that he had yet to arrive.
Taking the oppurtunity to catch her breath and shake the nervous edge that claimed her... she decided to explore the garden while in waiting. Nerina removed the long silken gloves placing them in her jeweled hand bag, then knelt to remove the ruby and ivory entwined sandles that laced up her smooth slender legs... setting them aside on a marble bench.
She set out.. bare foot, the moist grass thick like satin carpeting.. a smile reached her lips as the blades tickled her toes... standing before various shades of roses she glimpsed something sparkling due to the moons soft glow.. curiously she kneels finding a lone cuffling... the center of gown seperating to expose the ruby ring in her navel... a hint of the white lace thong that hid her secret treasure... wanton charms that remained virginal.
Nerina decided to leave the cuffling where she had found it, thinking it the remaining tale of a lovers waltz within the gardens. She began to rise when noticing a rose that was raven in color the hue so dark it cast violet shades.. briefly allowing her fingertips to caress the petals had been her flaw.. light pain singed the palm of her hand. Plucking the thorn from her flesh which began to bead with blood.. trickling over her palm to fall just below her navel, a single drop staining white lace. Her brows furrowed, she rises without hesitation.
Time had escaped Nerina once again, scanning the area she notes the fog that begins to slowly roll into the gardens. An uneasy feeling over coming her she runs through the gardens returning to the main bathing house.. having forgotten her sandels.. no time to return for them, she silently enters as the chimes ring out loudly.. the clock striking 12.. The Witching Hour.. (Let your imaginations run wild, all I can offer is ... simply erotic ecstacy. Gabriel DeMedici, A most worthy sire, his Dark Kiss can not be put into words.)
**Nerina paced about her loft adorned in a silky black night dress of her own design.. the long gown whispered across her bare feet that beat a worn path. Once again she looked to the newsletter reading that the Consiligere of the Catalyst had taken a mystress.. she crushed the paper with such force her nails split ... she hadn't realized such untill she had tossed the news letter to the floor were splats of dark crimson stained the plush carpeting.
Moving to her desk she takes a piece of white stationary... she would not write of such .. placing it into the typewriter she had cherished through younger years... she noted the paper was stained with her blood... it matters little.... she began type:
Dearest Gabriel,
Know that my one wish is that you be happy.
**Looking to the paper she thought it ironic.... The words had come from the depth of heart yet she was numb and unable to place her name upon the paper she had left stained and wrinkled in her struggle to place it in the typewriter.
*Standing from the desk she scanned the loft that had housed her possessions.. turning her back to the room she moved to the window... she stood there for a brief moment recalling her first encounter with Miquel... without a second thought she jump from the window with such hast that shards of glass layed sprawled around her... her feet and palms bruised from the force of landing... she in a crouched position looked about at all the horribly shocked faces.. their wretched screams tormenting her more so... she hissed at those surrounding her.. she had failed to feast and was tempted in her weakness, trying her damndest not to fall prey to the frenzied madness which began to tremble within...the onlookers in a state of shock went sprawling backwards in attempt to flee her...
The deathly beauty rose from her crouched position... she bothered not to look back ... she moved in silence... enveloped in a cloak of darkness... Nerina had come to a decision, she would no longer mingle amongst the public. She would finish her creation.. herself alone.. soon she would unveil Darque Erotique ...
All that would be seen and heard would be from the shadows.
Venture Out
**Nerina pulled together well.. her previous loft abandoned.. she had wandered the night in despair.. unknown forces drawing her to an errie unoccupied estate or so she had thought. Marvelous to the eye, the mystery Intriguing to her in such depth .. the gates stood open, inviting.... the establishment beckoned her, daring that she enter.
She had not envisioned this would be the establishment that would house Darque Erotique.. her fist thoughts had been the heart of the city with a penthouse. Nerina had done her homework.... she had searched history to the date in which the Estate was established in the 18th Century. It had been previously owned by a Royal Family with retinue of enuches and servants. All were brutally murdered in their living quarters. Officially it had been recorded as a robbery.. and had not been occupied since, believing to be haunted by those that had passed in Death. The truth of it was far more sinister and interesting.. On the night of her despair she had been witness to what had taken place in the dungeon centuries ago... The victims called out to her.. "Beware you enter the Dungeon of the Prince"...
She could feel eyes upon her.... she quivered lightly with icey hot chills running down her spine... twas then she knew she had to have the estate.... but how would she aproach her Dark Prince on the matter.. she had been selfish and rebellious... it had not been her intention to displease her sire.. yet it was not the way of the male gender to understand women..... she being a woman child newly embraced was surely to be a nuisance. She was doubtful her sire would agree to something so grande.. would they forever remain at odds...
**Her where abouts had been unknown and shielded from the publics acknowledgement. She had illegally taken occupancy within the estate.. twas indeed a safe haven that allowed her the distance she required.... yet all must be righted, this she knew. Nerina began to worry her scarlet stained lips with fangs of pearlized ivory.. it would seem old habits thought to have been broken had resurfaced as of late. It was insane to say the least.... the manor was sparkling..... antique furnished yet as though it had been purchased and decorated for her arrival. She simply shook her head pushing all thoughts from her mind.... she entered the enormous library and began to write to her Dark Prince, when she had finished the letter she slipped that and a photograph within the folder which held the information she had gathered on the estate.
Dearest Gabriel,
Yes, retribution for the young women who were lured into the prince's nearby dungeon and prepared for the harems by psychological indoctrination, opium-induced submissions and torture. It is my desire to purchase this estate.. the lower levels would house Darque Erotique..... the highest level I shall take residency in claiming it as my own private chambers.. and the dungeon.... this shall become the art studio/gallery in which portraits and paintings will take place. Tis a mere fraction of my hearts desire... This I ask of thee.... only this my sire.
Your chylder,
**With that done... she steps out into the inky darkness... shrouded in a cloak the night shadows engulf her as she sets out ... her destination not favorable but she refuses to approach the housing where he has taken a mystress.... like a thief in the night she enters his office leaving the folder atop his desk, then departs to return to her safe haven.
** I had been most pleased to recieve word from my Dark Prince. Gabriel had seen to the legal matters of securing the deed to the estate... I had not known such joy since the Dark Kiss.. though such could not be compared.. yet each a link to the dark desires that consumed my innocence.
The Haunting
Some people say that dreams are the mind's way of dealing with unresolved feelings or events of the waking dusk. After reviewing one of my recurrent dreams, I knew there were sexual issues to work out... I had not known such in my mortal years nor the following immortal.. the orgasim that accompanied the dark kiss was the closest I had known to that of the dreams that plagued my being.
In the dream, I find myself waking up in my own bed, but I am still asleep. I think of 'him'.. I can not see his body, his face, his eyes.. I hear his voice and suddenly I am with him, in a haunting way. I can touch his face, his hard rippling muscles, his tattoo baring the cult of ectasy symbol and his back, his abs and waist and. . .his thick, full hardness. In my dream I am lying next to him.. in his bed? Sometimes he kisses me tenderly, sometimes hungrily. As he envelops me with his hauntingly real arms, I can feel his breath on my face, on the top of my hair, on my forehead. And sometimes He reaches down to feel my wetness, my deep need.
He whispers for me to be his Queen and sometimes he moans how much he wants to know the depth of my being. I long to drink of him, he taunts me with the scent of his vitae, I can feel him grind against me, he bends me over... wild nights. The night, so sweet and hot.
I wake up, very wet in the late evening, feeling as though it was real. How does one resolve such a hauntingly real dream? In dreams, anything and everything is possible -- maybe they reflect the future.
Twas not as though I could reveal such to my sire.. my dark prince. What punishment would he bestow... such secrecy I could not confide. The Haunting ... A Dominant Master... His powerful Vamperic nature far stronger than I. Nae I would not succumb ... I would learn.. drink of his knowledge...
For I have not fed since the dark kiss... how I thirst for his powerful vitae.. surely tis a sin.. a crime... I grow weary of the pain that accompanies such foolishness.. I try hard not to acknowledge that the time draws near.. I must feed or perish... I have thrown myself into the busy schedule of presenting erotic treasures... in time.. mayhaps the wisdom gained shall unfold a dominatrix whom shall take pleasure in a prized ghoul.... wishful thinking?..
Darque Erotique Mystress
For the submissive woman is like unto no other, in her mind, her body or soul. For her the journey is rocky and harsh, but she will have no other road.
That road is fraught with peril, their path at best a bitter sweet run. A lonely soaring searching need to find the truly Dominant one. To cast away the wannabes, the abusers and the cruel. To find the one that she can serve, and not be seen as less when she calls him "Master", as she kneels in front of him.
For with that title there come a trust, that none can understand. To take her mind, her heart and soul and mold it with the Master's hand. To protect her against all the world, be she right or wrong. To love her enough to discipline her into the cold and lonely night regardless of the cost.
To bring forth from her the beauty that in truth was always there, had any the eyes with which to see. To show unto her the hardest truths, how a chain can make you free. And how a women that is kneeling, can stand above the rest. And how to have the strength to offer her submission, can be the hardest test. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
** Tis here I stand.. within the shadows of the night.. watching the delivery of Darque Erotique from afar... I pay little heed to the busy city .. occassionaly I scan the area to be sure I stand alone.. I note the dim light within the law office.. What kept my sire, I had no idea... Tempting, yes... I had thought to seek him out, unconciously even whispered.... "Come to Me.. Dark Prince".. and still I refused to mingle amongst the public. How long had it been since last a smile had graced the lovely porcelain features... once sparkling, now dull cold eyes peered out from the hooded cloak... assaulted by the faint scent of vitae and the distant pleas of a victim that had fallen prey to the night. Silently I crouch low, a hint of a smile adorns pale lips previously hued in scarlet... had one been witness they might have thought me ready to pounce my prey.. How long had I remained in that position?.. In honesty I could not tell thee.... twas the moment I felt eyes upon me that had brought me back from clouded judgement.
Fantasies Come True.... Or Wishful Thinking?
-Her scent was easy to track, such a erotic scent, innocent, yet plauged by the sins of the flesh. It was to this place, this... 'Dungeon' as she had come to call it.
-The one time leader of the Cult of Ecstacy had come, the object of his desire, his intent and purpose clear within his mind.
-The red eyes, that give away the Kindred as that of a Gangrel, are the only things that are seen from within the mist.
-A whisper upon the wind, death comes a knocking, given life. He is her temprot, and he will be her savior, he will give her all that she needs.
-Tracking the lithe beauty from the outskirts of town had been quite easy. He will enjoy this, so much thought and time had been placed into the beauty that is Nerina.
-Now it is time, he will collect on what he has invested in. Her torments will come to a end, he has plauged her mind for months now, perhaps it is time that the mercy is shown, and she be given the full release.
-The soft tap of steps walk through the Dungeon that Nerina had come to call her home. He will not relent in his torture and rape of her dreams.
-The images he conjures up within her mind, images of being tied up in the center of her chambers, blindfolded, the only senses to her use is that of feeling and scent.
-Of course the scents that she permanates between the place between her legs will overcome all other scents. The method he uses within this haunting dream is that of a feather.
-The light caress of the feather, running slowly, and smoothly across the swell of her breasts, tickling her pebble like nipples. So careful is he with his torture of Nerina, as if he were sculpting art.
-The feather would proceed to drive her torment and need of release further. That warm and damp spot between her thighs, purposfully letting the small air light fabric of the feather run acoss the small pleasure spot.
-All the while he torments and rapes her dreams with promises of release, though that is a little fact that stays beyond her grasp. He will give her that release she seeks.
-The Lithe Beauty comes within his eyesight, standing against the wall of the bedchambers. He watches her in her tormented state, already the scent of her sex wafts through the air to his nostrils.
-"Your Release Has Arrived My Innocent Cardnal Sin. Divulge In The Sins Of The Flesh..."
-His whispered words come to her ears, they also invade that of her dreams, with wicked intent, he awaits for her to awake, such wicked intent indeed.
Enduced or Seduced?
**Nerina had decided to return to her estate... she had grown weak... an uneasy feeling crept over her.. could it be fear?.. she felt eyes upon her but could not locate the source. Mayhaps what she needed was a warm bath and to retire before Dawn set in.
*She stood from her bathing water, the light disturbance of the water sent the rose petals flowing as well the floating candles... the flame always alluring to Nerina. Dripping wet she crossed her private chambers .... upon her large bed lay His & Hers, matching robes. She took His placing the robe upon her body, moving to the looking glass she stood before it. Amused.... the robe seemed to swollow her slender form.. the design, creative in it's beauty.. but there was one flaw that hadn't gone unnoticed... a simple smile touched her delectable lips and she whispered to her image in the mirror.... "Yes this Shall do."
*As Nerina removed the robe exposing her nudity to the chilled room, in strolled Robur.. she spoke to him not at all pleased though she refused to look at her pet.. the tray in which he surely carried would only enrage her. Robur spoke his mind as he was allowed but knew his limits... "Mystress Nina you seem to have chosen the wrong robe"... he said this with a low chuckle .. and she responded.. "Robur I insist you call me Nerina... as to why you fail to do so is beyond me" she looks to him with a saucy lil grin.... " Is not the colour purrfect... wouldn't you agree, Red, being lovely for the occassion."
*She then tosses her pet the robe informing him that it should be gift wrapped separately from the feminine one on her bed that had been untouched since it's design. "I insist you deliver them to my sire... a gift for he and the mystress.. this you will do before Dawn" Robur agreed, still he could smell the enticingly erotic scent that was Nerina after his departure, he was aware that it came from the robe she had carelessly tossed to him.. he worried of this game she had chosen to play with her sire but he would not dare voice the opinion.
**At Robur's departure.. Nerina slipped into a black sheer chemise with an adoring lace thong.. her movements were as graceful as the feline when she crawled across the large bed. There on the nightstand was not what she expected.. she had thought Robur had brought the chalice of bloodwyne which she loath but she found a vile of laudnam in it's place.. the lil man just shy of 4' had been her mothers servant in times past.. Nerina had looked upon him as a pet and was glad to discover him.. he had voyaged far to attend his mystress only child.
**She was hesitant to take the drug yet had witnessed Robur serve it to her mother on her death bed.. it was what had brought her the rest she so desired. Hoping to find peace within her slumber.. the vile lay empty on the serving tray.
*And then her tormentor came to her. This dream haunted her even more so.. she was sluggish and unable to rise from her slumber.. she trashed restlessy about on the bed... her unconcious mind was most defiant.. she fought against the tormentor, she was aware that it was no hallucination... his presence felt closer than ever before ... and still her body would betray her. Nerina was covered in a fine sheen of perspiration.. She weakened even more so as the vitae seeped lightly above the surface of perfected pearlized flesh. Raspy was the whisper that escaped her parched lips... "Why must you rape my dreams... go away you persistant beast"
*The perspiring vitae had left Nerina vulnerable ... as well had given her the ability to stir from the darkness that held her with a death grip... the laudnum was wearing off..yet , she could no longer defend herself..she had failed to drink the elixir of life and she craved this intruders vitae with a fierce passsion. Struggling again to rise ... the erotic musky scent, sweet in it's aroma yet assaulted her nostrils.. she knew the scent to be hers but in the air wafted another scent, that of The Outlander.. within the minds eye she witnessed the mighty wolf stalking her... and slowly her lashes lift, she must now battle the haunting in her reality... Out he comes from the shadows of her chambers, and she hisses in response to his intrusion... "Thou shall not reign as Master in my Domain"
*Nerina is aware that her sheer chemise clings to her body due to the perspiring vitae.. her slim fingers pull her knees to meet her chest as though the position might offer some sort of protection, not an easy task... her body sleek in it's weakness, sensitive to the touch.. her vitae now smeared over her body as though she had indulged in a bloodbath, that of the unexpected prey.
Entering Dark Kingdom
Risen --------------------- *** Retrieved from a burnt out villa .. an Italian painting with so many disturbing elements.
Nerina had Risen after 3 hundred years of sleep to let loose the powers of the night. She awoke with a start.. her face flushed, the room cold and dim. Cold and petrified, yet gradually the panic subsided.
She saw an enormous painting against the far wall and read the Latin title..
"The Temptation of Amadeo"
(Amadeo - One who loves God)
Nerina studied the picture becoming engrossed...
A splendid choir of black winged angels hovered around a single kneeling figure, a young boy... Such photographic perfection.. one cold feel it's coldness .. The Angels were exquisitely modeled, they wore expressions of faint amusement, almost bitterness.
Human bones in the corner covered with dust as though they had been merely swept away
Attached was a letter:
Nerina Cara Bella,
In time you shall forgive me for leaving so suddenly. I am Confident this is best for you. Let none take from you that which you have set out to do, This must not engulf you nor lead you away from the family history.
Yours always,
with unquestioning love
The letter had come with the same affection, concern, advice but there was to be no visit.
Nerina had been Cold, Distant, she pressed him hard. What a raw painful moment this farwell threatening sorrow.
A love affair so many years ago.. A remarkable woman that was feared and lived in Independant wealth a sponsor in the Darque Erotique circles of the city. Robbed of youthful passions, no longer the innocent whom had feared the first tastes of love.
Vulnerable and Brave all at the same time. A dead father.. A dead love. Such troubeling hopeful ruminations.
It was Rumored she lived life as she pleased, taking scores of lovers, if gossip was to be believed.
Nerina was no one's fool, She was indeed an Italian noblewoman, a serious patron of the arts.
It was simply assumed she would fall in step with the arrangements that had been made... not likely. She would not continue to be plagued by her dreams.
There was a dark fire blazing within... She must learn to content herself.
To taste her was to invite pain into life, to live without her, to live without touching her was more painful yet. Desire Her, never love her... So be it.
No longer would she waste her time with impossible dreams. Her Forbidden Fruits were to be unleashed.. A woman in her prime .. strong, vibrant, and lush. with the ability to sense his presence like a doe sensing the approach of the predator.
**She simply would not accept it.. old feelings of inadequacy and despair were clanging in her heart and brain... Two pariahs, destined for one another?... nae.. Why, because she was different from the others .. she could refuse what she professed to love. Soft sobs erupted and blood tears made rivulets down her cheeks. Nerina closed her eyes and placed her fists to her temples.. she doubted love even exsisted in society's rules... games such horrid things... twas quiet ugly and she was hard pressed to believe anything at the moment. Finally she allowed her mind to succumb to a numbing sleep.
** Nerina had made the mistake of moving. The pain was excruciating.. So sharp as it shot through her.. twas no wonder .. how long had it been since she had consumed the elixir of live? Her state was something of a frenzy or was she experiencing death...
"Ye ain't dying, although ye ought if ye intent to lie about without partaking in a feast that is necessity" Where had that repulsive voice come from? Pain sliced fully through the fog of her brain "I am dying" she muttered thickly. She hoped death would come sooner rather than later.
There it was again, so harsh the voice but oddly familiar.. How dare he order her to rise.. swallowing back a wave of nausea, Nerina murmered.. "If I move, I shall expire."
Slowly she opened her eyes wincing at the pain as she tried focusing on the one standing next to her bed.
He demanded she drink.. and she felt the force.. What was he doing trying to kill her?.. The nausea was so great that she quickly closed her eyes, swallowing hard.
His voice had taken on a softer tone.. "Trust in me, you'll feel yourself again".. But she didn't want to feel herself again, not the befuddled, helpless spinister.
Nerina pushed herself up and her stomach roiled in protest... she had drank to quickly.. "Bloody Hell" she had never drank such an amount. A firm hand lifted her .. Was that a self satisfied smirk? Perhaps it was.
The voice was uncharacteristically sympathetic.. "I have drawn you a bath." She moaned at how the room was spinning about, Nerina grasps holding the masculine beast untill the room had stopped spinning.. at last she felt she could maneuver about and seen to helping herself into the bath. A full hour later she emerged from the water standing before Him.... Oh how he drank in the sight of her, but had not uttered one word as she had bathed.
She marveled at his masculine beauty... So hard with only a hint of an inner softness... a softness she could tell was not easily penetrated through the unseen sheild. Yes .. He was dangerous, mysterious, scandalous.... and impossible to resist?
As he had said, Nerina was feeling somewhat more herself, physically speaking... but what would it take to improve her mood... still she felt a consuming guilt no matter how very handsome he was. What was she doing tempting fate so openly and brazenly?
Welcomed into Dk by Lord Shyno, tis here she was to meet Taker.
Drenched In Love
Even content, I seek your love at night,
At day's restful end, when all else seems well,
My pen down once more, with no more to write,
Thoughts lost in your thought, dreams...will kiss and tell.
I am an artist, who is but a fake,
A weaver of wonder, a wooer with wine,
When all I seek is one brief chance to make,
The you of my verse, the joy I call mine.
Drink, now, my heart that beats bold with your blood,
Courses through veins with the vintage of you;
Intoxicates my own self with a flood
Of passion's pulsing and pounding, anew.
Distilled from sweat as you pass through me whole,
Words, drenched in love, drunk with you as my soul.
A Prayer to Orisus Crimson has been floating in the void of nothingness for over a month... nothingness but images that are placed before his eyes in different intervals. Images of his past, what he left behind...sadness, despair that he left to deal with as he caused so many deaths...so much war, so much strife.
He finds himself trapped within this void, yet something... is pulling at his form, something holds his form and makes him watch...watch people praying for him. Praying for his life to be restored to the living, not to rot in the void of nothingness.
He asks himself, why did he do this. Why did he take a fight that only gave him a possibility of living, falling upon those odds and offering his life at the end of the fight... instead of coming to a truce, fleeing...no he died.
Death took hold of his form and placed him within this void of nothingness... trapped for all eternity to watch those that morn for him... watch those that pray for him.
Yet he can do nothing but watch as only hope holds him from being dispelled within a place where he can not possibly return. A void of nothingness is where he is placed and where he stays as long as hope lives on in the hearts of those that hold him dear.
His pride and foolishness has caused so much pain, cost so much... Can this pain be remedied if the prayers are answered? Only time can tell this, only time can show what is presented before the many... only Orisus has that say... in time.
**Within the shadows of the mighty temple Nerina remained silent.. nae she would not speak aloud... that of course did not mean that her thoughts were void as she spied the denizens, each with their on reasons .. a plea that would be a most worthy account it would seem.
A Dangerous Gentleman... A Ruthless Charmer, Much like the Wicked Angel that had been his maker.
Powerful and Rich in characteristics.. unique in his plots, but were had that gotten the Master Crimson...
How wickedly delightful.. this underlying mystery that builds such intensity.... Would Orisus be favorable and return life to the Crimson Master?
The longing of so many denizens... how captivating and emmotional this scene that played before her very eyes.
So haunting... the death of a powerful, dangerous, and seductive being.. Then again how spellbinding it would be should Orisus be true to the legend of creation..
Yes this God was hypnotic in his powers.. luxuriously evil which is as sensual as is dangerously intriguing.... Oh the frustration of one whom weilds such talents. Compelling and Engrossing... this vein of violent storms.
Nerina exits the temple as silently as she entered.. or had she?.. Was Orisus aware of her very thoughts... How delicious it would be should the tragedy conjure up the decayed... mmm... the very thought of such morbid delights were erotic and satisfying.. a most intoxicating brew for the Darque Erotique Mystress.
Mezmerizing. Alluring. The hypnotic calling of the frailest will-o-wisp from far within the depths of the lone temple.
Deepening. Darkening. A voice bathed in the solice of shadow and it called out to them.
Lai voti des' cari
Le vui dra tain
Swirls of dust of grit. Beams of vibrant blues and yellows. Deep within the depths, the presence returns. Within the spiral of dust and grit and strikes of yellow and blue two emerald eyes appear. And the voice calls out again:
Lai voti des' cari
Le vui dra tain
G R A N T E D . . .
And the emerald eyes then closed and faded into the image of a corpse. Crimson-Night's own deep within the resting place. Concealed from the world. Hidden. Protected.
A silence broken - he gasped for one breath, and with it, ate of life's whole. Life though, strange to a vampire. Or is he? Vampire's do not know life. They begged for his life, and it was his life he gave to them. A living, breathing vessel again, no longer confined to the refuge of darkness, hidden from the world that saught to destroy it's kind. A homosapien.
And the images disolved into thin air and were no more. Silence again, the presence having come and gone as it did so many times before.
Then the frantic beating at his coffin door. If someone didn't let him out soon, he might run out of air. Crimson-Night that is.
** Nerina had not traveled so far, when she heard the powerful voice.. and it brought her pleasure that Orisus had displayed his talents .... yes hypnotic was his mezmering depths.
Ironic she had been taunted by a masked beast (Astynax) about 9 lives and style before victory but she had scored and the victory had been claimed by she... no matter how small or how little it had meant to her twas her style that had claimed her victory. How well she had become at evoking raw emmotions within others who taunted her with games.
Then her attentions were reclaimed by the almighty Orisus, And She Spoke... Nerina's voice seductive in it's undertone of innocence... yes cunnningly feline with an aura of grace.
"Ha lasciato il rotolo di tempi buono!" ... " Sempre l'il saggio ed astuto Dio" {pause}
*her silver tongue darts between scarlet stained lips and a wicked, erotic smile is born of exotic enticements*
"lei me porta di grandi piaceri"
A soft whistles is all that is heard as she simply continues on her way .. her eyes glacier yet so flamingly darkened... { a sudden and quickly passing thought } .. Should she greet the Crimson Master when he first arises?... Ah, but then it wasn't her place.. it should be left to his family. She couldn't help think had it been Akuzed she would have greeted him without hesitation wether it were a family's place or not.