- Shyno stands quietly on the balcony overlooking the dark churning waters of the nearby sea. To either side, the trees tops sway in the silent breezes, the scent of salt water carrying up the heights to the place where the Lord of the Dark Kingdom Clan now stands. Standing with his hands leaning on the balcony's railing, he tilts his head as a light appears in the distance, the area surrounded with thick foliage suddenly alight, the birds usually quietly perched within the area take to flight squawking at the sudden intrusion. Squinting slightly, Shyno calls out to the watch commander to send a few riders out to see what the light was. Turning back towards the Keep, Shyno enters his study as he hears the drawbridge being lowered and porticulus raised. Hoove beats pound on the roadway as a small group of watchmen move out into the night. Dissmissing the light momentarily, Shyno returns to the work at hand. Quickly he summons a messanger.-
Shyno: "I want you to get word to the Familia. I want them all here, within the next 2 days. They are to gather immediately and send word when they have arrived. Have rooms prepared for all, and the Great Hall prepared. There is much to be done.. so Go."
- Shyno watches as the messanger disappears, off to gather the Dk. -
**Darque Erotique Estate- Lavishly dream like in it's Gothic perfection.. A messenger is seen approaching the swampy landscape.. once entrance is permitted through the gates the heavy limbs of the trees gnarl to form an unbroken ceiling of crude arches which lead the way to the verandas of the Manse. :::::::::
**Nerina stood embraced in his arms, what a handsome man he was... and she was keenly concious of every fiber where they touched, the scent of leather and horse and faint colonge that clung to him.
Persuer- "You are smiling, I was beginning to fear your mouth was permanently affixed in a frown."
Was she smiling? This was awful, completely wretched! Something had awakened in her, something that had lain dormant for far to long, burning her from the inside out and making her shiver with heat of it.
The very base truth was that she longed for a man's touch, longed to be held, to be caressed, to be kissed. She looked to where his hands covered hers, his fingers tightly encased in leather gloves, long fingers that undoubtedly pleasured a woman. This was madness! She was aroused, could not ignore the feel of his leg or arm against her. she was imagining his hand on her breast. She suddenly pressed her palm to her cheek, jolsting him in the process.
**At this time she caught sight of the presence she had felt drawing nearer.. a messenger. Looking back to her persuer..
"How did you find me?" she asked reluctantly and a sneer at his response. "I have been deprived and shall expire without you." She simply replied.. "I am well aware of the company you keep.. particularly at night." He looked a bit bewildered by that.. ^twas her cold way in which to keep the distance.
The messenger had approached , a quick clearing of his throat.. feigning innocence of overhearing .. "I have brought a a coach madam.. The Lord Shyno request your presence within the Kingdom."...
Nerina gave a weak smile, Her destination rudely interjected itself into her thoughts and her perfected posture hinted at shoulders that would sag had she let her expression of body language be read. "I... I'm sorry, but I have accepted another engagement."
Panic sprouted in the messenger ... He knew that Shyno would not accept the decline of this request. "And what is this engagement? Perhaps I could suggest to the old boy that I found you first .."
She could see the problem.. she could almost taste his fear.. without further word to the persuer she turned to the messenger and then gracefully made her way to the coach, just as she was to enter she uttered a curse in Italian... "Bloody Hell" Nerina had managed to catch her heel.
Persuer- "If you would be so kind sir, as to give us a moment." He winked at Nerina, leaned over and lifted her evening gown. "Ah yes, you've done it up right, haven't you? If I may be so bold to acquaint myself with your foot."
Nerina gave a low hiss.. "That won't be necessary." His touch fired heat in the flat of her stomach as he stretched her leg out... "There you go free as a bird," he said but failed to release her, instead caressed her.. his fingers trailed up her calf .. his touch feather light and highly erotic.
Messenger- "Beggin your pardon, sir!" the driver called out harshly, adjusting his neck cloth, and cleared his throat. Nerina croaked and stumbled awkwardly into the coachman as her foot was instantly released. She looked to the persuer "Good Eve." then entered the coach with a cunning grace... fleeing was more like it.
The persuer called out as the coach lurched forward.. "Give me the pleasure of meeting you on the morrow."
All her feminine wiles told her not to respond... but with a flash of naughty smiles she taunted him... "If my schedule permits," she said primly.
Only once did she turn to look behind her and still he stood there, still he smiled.. and what was that smile to mean?
It had seemed awfully long this ride to the Kingdom, one which she had dreaded but was determined to enjoy every moment of it if it killed her. Nerina took several breaths.. not that she was in need, for it was habit that had been necessary in her mortal years. She dabbed at the blood dew of perspiration on her forehead and into the misty darkness she could see they crossed a bridge that would enter onto the main lands of a Dark Kingdom.... Ahh she could now see the towering stone structure and she marveled at the massive size in which it cast shadows... had she been mortal her heart would have tumbled drumming a beat in her breast with the force of ten men. Alas she had arrived and the coachman had been kind enough to personaly escort her to The Lord.
More likely than not it was due to his gratitude for her granting the Lord's request... for he feared what might be had he returned alone.
**Miles away from Tyran, across the sea there is a land by the name of golothen. It is sparcly populated, a few towns here and there on the cost, a city or two deep inland, and one lone shack away from it all. A candle burns inside the home more for serenity then for light, for inside this building there dwells a man that has forsaken the light. The furnishings of this home are meger. The walls are hidden by bookshelves, books are piled on the floor save a trap door that leads below the home to a chamber which holds a coffin. In the middle of the room there is a desk and a chair and in that chair Taker sits, writting in one of his many ledgers. A raven is perched in one of the rafters looking over the man he is connected to.**
**As Taker writes his attention is drawn from his work and to the east, to the land of Tyran. He feels a presence that he has not felt for a long time. The stiring of a family that was at one time all but gone. Taker stands from his work and makes his way outside to the chill night. He walks for a ways untill he reaches the top of a near by hill. From this spot he can see the sea off in the distance. Taker closes his eyes and breathes in the cool air as he centers himself. Reaching out his feelings he scences many from his past, Warrior, Xavier, and even Lord Shyno. He knows the Old keep is a buzz, the knights are reforming and the call has gone out to any who can, or wish to hear, that the Dark Kingdom have returned to the land that had forsaken them. **
**Taker sends out a message of his own. One that may be his undoing. He sends out his location to any who wish to recive it. He sends no answer on his return for he does not eve know if his presence is wished or even if it is weither or not he cares any more. But the first communication has been sent. That is more then he thought he would ever do. Quietly he returns to his home and to his work and awaits if anything comes of it.**
- Slowly the moon peeks out from behind drifting clouds, the night air carrying the scent of salt water upon it. Moon light pours down upon a balcony where a lone man stands, his hands again holding tight to the railing, his eyes staring straight ahead, and yet a distant look is evident. Slowly Shyno tilts his head, he feels them.. each one answering to his summons and beginning their trek to the Keep. He feels his sister Jadessa, Nerina, Faith, Cassisa, Shysani, Soren, Warrior, Angelina, Brooke, Valiant, Riven, and all the others. A smile crosses his face as he steps back into the study, the door openning and Fatal stepping in. Shyno listens as she asks if anything else is needed. Nodding slowly, he says -
Shyno: "Yes.. actually there is. I have summoned the Dk to the Keep. There will be a meeting within the next few hours in the Great hall. We have business to attend to."
- Shyno smiles knowing Fatal knows what he means. Watching her exit, he smiles thinking he is very lucky to have Familia like he does. He turns and prepares to sit when a mind link stuns him, reaching out quickly, he grasps the end of his desk. Shaking his head slowly, he moves out to the balcony. Stepping to the edge, he senses it again, his brother is close. Tilting his head sides ways he calls back out across the ocean. -
Shyno: "Well big bro.. what are you waiting for.. a private invitaion?"
"Taker are you there?"
**As those words are said the old wooden door creaks open and from the darkness appears Taker with Kalibus, his raven familiar, on his shoulder. He is dressed as he always is, a black shirt of silk laced only half way up as to expose his neck, leather pants and boots, as well as a hooded cloak. The hood and cloak thrown back in more of a cape look. No weapons does he carry for he has no need for such things. He walks silently towards the Lady Jadessa and bows to her at the waist.**
"Tis been a while Jadessa, a long while....it is good to see you. I appreciate your coming. I suppose I could have just made the journey, though untill this moment I was not sure of what action I should take. The family has changed, for better or worse I am not sure, nor do I feel I will ever know, but I have heard my brothers call, and though it pains me to return to that land and its hypocracy...I can not say no. My things are gatherd, two trunks filled with my books and work, and my coffen. I shall return to Tyran by sea though I know it will take some time, I wish to take in the sollitude of the journey. I figured you would wish to return at once and can sence that you are tired from the journey here, so I made something for you."
**Taker hands her a strange peice of bone...what type of creature it came from is hard to tell, but there is a magic aura about it.**
"Throw it upon the ground and a portal will open and take you where ever you wish. If you could tell Shyno that I will arrive as soon as I may. And again Jadessa, thank you for coming."
**Taker smiles to her and bows again, this time taking her hand and gently kissing the back of it. With that he turns and goes back to his home and awaits the carriage that is coming for him.**
The air was cool, the room warmed and dimly lit only by a small fire in the fireplace opposite the bed. A light breeze was blowing the drapes into billows around the huge iron bed. In the distance you could hear the ocean, and there was the faintest smell of salt in the air. She had watched him for three nights now, and she could not shake the image of him from her head. Could it be, She wanted to lose herself in him?
Finally, he had been summoned.. she would indeed find the courage to come out from the shadows.
She could feel his presence growing nearer. Ever so quietly she slipped within his chambers, and twas immediate the vision danced within flames.
She traced a soft arch with her fingernail, between his shoulder blades down to the small of his back, he did not stir. She did this again, this time with her tongue, this time he stirred. He rolled over on his back, exposing the chest she longed to get lost in. She ran her hand across his thigh over his stomach and rested it on his chest.
"L'aspetto Temptress" he spoke softly. "Lei guarda a lungo." She immediately felt the burn and tingle in her ears as she blushed. The warmth surged through her body, and with a knowing little smile she leaned into him, to taste his kiss at last.
Like a flash, he was up and towering over her. She had never seen anyone move so quickly, like a large cat. Fear gripped her, had she a mortal heart, it would have pounded each beat in her ear. But it wasn't simply fear, she was arroused.
His weight pinned her to the bed... she could feel him hard pressed against her, softly growling as he licked and nibbled at her neck. Tracing his tongue across her throat, to her erect nipples, first one then the other. She let out a soft moan of approval, He growled louder. She began to strain against him, he resisted and pressed himself tighter. She knew he would. The night air was cool but both were glistening with sweat. She wanted to feel him, to taste him... He wanted to take her pleasure to new heights.
Slowly he moved his hands from her wrists. One hand under her head, fingers tangled tightly in her hair. The other hand drifting slowly and gently down the outside curve of her body. She twitches ever so slightly as his fingertips hit the soft spot at the base of her ribs. She arches her back allowing his hand to slip under her and tilt her hips just slightly forward. One slight move and now he can feel her form completely. She strains upward against his weight and he slowly falters, grabbing tightly onto her hair as his soul reaches deep inside her. A wave rushes over her, she thinks, "L'avrò ancora." He feels her whole body tighten. This time she doesn't contain herself, She reaches up and pulls him to her. Now she is in control... Now her animal is out. He can feel her erect nipples pressed into his chest, She lunges forward and sinks her fangs deep into the softness where his shoulder and neck meet. With passion she intrudes upon his mind.. "Lei sono la miniera adesso." Looking up into his eyes she can see his fire. She is swimming with ecstacy and can hear his growl each time she draws more. Wave after wave filling her completely.
The air was cool, the room warmed and dimly lit only by a small fire in the fireplace opposite the bed. A light breeze was blowing the drapes into billows around the huge iron bed. In the distance you could hear the ocean, there was the faintest smell of salt in the air. She had watched, hoping the next night would bring them together.
**Tis a busy night at the shipyards of Tyran. Men run around like ants as they begin to load off the cargo of the ship that has just docked. The sails are lowerd and the ramps let down as the few passengers are let off the ship. The travelers begin to gather there chests and luggage and go off to find lodgeings for the night. They are all unaware of the land they have just entered.....all but one. Taker stands alone, his cloak pulled around him, Kalibus on his shoulder. He goes to the near by stable and buys horse and cart. Quickly the ship hands load the cart with his trunks and his coffen. Many of the saliors are glad this strange man is off there ship, for since he boarded it seems a strange illness has strucken and killed a few of there companions. Taker says nothing to them, but does give them a pouch of gold for there troubles. He mounts the cart and slowly makes his way from the docks.**
**The horse and cart make there way on an old path, one he helped create so long ago, the Dark Kingdom keep off in the distance. The few people he sees on the path stare at him, some perhaps wish to rob him, but think twice, for even the mortals can sence an air of death around him.**
**Taker stops before he comes upon the first gaurd, for he does not wish to be botherd by "halts", and "who goes there". He knows they just do there job, but he is not one to be questioned. He slips off the cart and begins to unload his belongings. He pulls from his pocket a peice of bone, like the one he gave jadessa. Throwing it upon the ground, a black portal opens. He begins to load the creats into the protal then he himself walks trough it. As he does it closes behind him.**
**Taker now stands in his old chambers, deep below the keep. The shelves of the room empty, dust covers his old desk, and he sees his door is still locked from the inside. He takes the time to clean his room and sets it up as it was all those years ago. Once this is done he makes his way through the door and begins to walk up the secret passage to the place it comes out, behind one of the book cases in the main hall. He wonders if the meeting has happend yet or where shyno is. He could try to sence for them, but he feels the surprise is more exciting. At last he reaches the top and slowly and as silent as death, he slips out into the main hall.**
**Nerina's face flamed. Her mind inadvertently drifted back to the image and she thought frantically for a polite way to decline. Had this meeting any real importance for her attendance, she had not much to say. The pensive demeanor and her great distraction was making her somewhat a wreck.
Her sudden panic was swift and terrifying, yet she had the nerve to laugh.. the vague anxiety she felt stemmed from something, but what?
Nerina had an increasingly difficult secret to hide.. She had discovered, a voracious beast living within her. Years of longing, of wanting to erase all images from her mind had created the beast.
How Bloody Grande!
Nerina had spent many years away, and she had changed. She was not the same woman child who had left under a cloud, that much she knew. But in moments of private reflection, she wasn't completely certain she was the new Mystress Nerina, either. It seemed she was second guessing herself constantly, feeling the chaos churning into a storm.
All she could do was sit on the window seat with her face pressed against the thick pane of glass. She witnessed several arriving and even heard distant footsteps somewhere within the Dk Manse.
What a predicament, the irony of it too rich, she had gone from society's little misfit to a woman with the unusual burden of too many men. Frustrations collided with fury.. such a very disastrous notion... she cared not if any understood the furor she was creating , they knew nothing of her life and she would refuse to hear argument.
Unaware, Nerina speaks aloud as she looks out on the shadowed lands of Dark Kingdom ...
"L'Inferno sanguinante, Quando questo incontra per cominciare. dove mai è il Signore? Per me gli affari che devono essere tesi. "
Nerina turns hearing footsteps drawing nearing.. were they yet gathering?
**Quietly Taker moves into the main hall from the secret passage that leads to his lair. He throws his cloak back and looks around. His eyes take in the beauty of the old hall, a place he has not stood for a long time. He takes in the marble pillars that spiral up, the wall tabestrys that depict great battles in Dk's history. His image ingrained in many of them. He looks around and sees no one. Perhaps the meeting allready happend. He ponders this for a moment untill he hears the voice of a woman, one that is not familar to him. Slowly he walks across the hall searching out where the voice came from. As he makes his way towards the other end he sees, in one of the windows, the form of a woman. His eyes study her as he raises an eyebrow at the langauge she speaks for it is rare he hears words that he does not understand. He stands watching her, his face as emotionless as ever and finally speaks..**
"And who might you be m'lady?"
** Nerina's eyes brightened a shade and a wry little smile played about her lips... before her stood a bold handsome warrior, confident and well dressed. She had a sudden unsettling sensation that he seemed familiar or was it the way in which he studied her?.. A well defined brow lifts in surprise.. the man before her was one and the same.. she had studied his image ingrained in the wall tapestry. He had fought in many great battles for the Dark Kingdom.. that much of his history had been revealed without conversing.
It was obvious they had not met before but she couldn't help think she should know him, maybe she simply found him attractive. Her full, beautifully shaped lips turned up into a friendly, yet speculative, smile.
"I saluti, sono Nerina di Catalyst DeMedici, attualmente il familia al DarkKingdom." Her Italian had been spoken with perfection.. the accent carrying an innocent undertone of seduction.. her delicate feminine scent bespoke of wealth, leisure and pleasure.. pleasures that were to be denied.
She could read in his expressionless face, he was not rightly understanding her. She lifted her hand.. outstretched in greeting.. her cloak flared open to reveal a beautiful gown clinging to a shapely figure. The garment was made of scarlett satin and embroidered about the neck and long cuffs with silver threads and onyx beadery.
"Greetings, I am Nerina of Catalyst DeMedici, presently familia to the Dark Kingdom."
Nerina cocked her head having thrown back her hood, revealing glossy ebony hair shaded with hints of auburn.. drawn back in many braids gathered at the ends with onyx casings etched in a circular design. She reguarded him with amicable amusement..
Her voice dropped to a low, intimate purr.. "And you, whom might you be?" Nerina flushed as her words had smoothly rolled off a silver tongue, her blush deepened as she was aware that her voice was laced with seduction.. where had the innocent undertone gone?
**Taker bows to the woman as she says her name.**
"Tis good to meet Nerina of Catalyst DeMedici. I am Nicoli Hollen, but i am know as Taker."
**Taker takes Nerina's hand and kisses it gently, his cold eyes never removed from hers. His skin feels almost like marble to the touch. Taker takes in the change of her voice, her eyes roaming, and comits it to memory, she looks familiar, yet he would remember one with such beauty.**
**Taker walks slowly towards the window to stand beside her, his eyes follow her as he moves. He then turns his glance out the window to the dark land below. He lets out a bit of a sigh as his eyes fall on Tyran.**
"Tis been a long time since my eyes have looked from these windows, and to be honost, I never thought they would again. **He turns to look at her** "Tell me, what do you see when you look out them?"
**As Taker drew ever closer to Nerina, delicious thrills of sensations skittered about her body, settling at last where a new throbbing began. She shivered with the delight of it and leaned lightly into him as he spoke of past and present. She whispered "Must be the chill." .. Twas not why she shivered, she wanted nothing more than to caress his strong arms and warrior's body, to tell him how his nearness aroused her.. but not this night, it was all to new and unexpected. Nerina trembled not with fear, but with anticipation, excited even beyond the expectations that had burst into life the moment she saw him approaching her in the hall. What was is about this beast that had drawn her in like poison...
Nerina looked away from him and to the lands that stretched far and wide, cast in shadows by a towering Kingdom of Darkness. She hesitated before speaking, his question had caught her off guard as her mind had been on more pleasant thoughts. Lightly her brow furrows and a soft sigh escapes her scarlett lips... she would be honest with this beast...
"Quando guardo sulle terre di Tiranno, vedo l'Avidità, Deciet, la Gelosia.. una cosa più brutta. Regna entro la lotta di Potere di quelli che impone l'autorità giù ai servitori umili delle terre. Ho delle ambizioni che entro il Regno Scuro io shant trova il familia che è tainted in tale moda. Non posso chiamare ancora questo cove di casa di Tiranni, comunque spero di trovare una casa piacevole con l'offerta dello Shyno di Signore. "
Silence hung thick in the air. It had not been the best of things to say but she had been honest. After a suffecient time passes she looks to the gent.. a hint of a curious smile plays upon her lips.. "I can't help but to wonder what brings us here this eve.. and when this meeting might get under way." She steps slightly away from the beast placing a respectable amount of space between them.. should any happen upon them and get the wrong idea.
**Taker chuckles to himself as he hears her responce to his question. Very insitefull, he thinks to himself, the way she described the land he has returned to.**
"Your eyes are open young one, tis rare to see now adays. But do not lose heart, you are in a family of history and are surrounded by elders. You will need not look any farther for people of a true nature."
**Taker's eyes follow her as she moves away, being use to having that effect on people he smiles as she askes about the meeting.**
"I know not when this meeting shall start. I have only just arrived and have not had a chance to speak with our lord, though I feel that we must speak as soon as we are able. so it seems we have some time. Tell me, what changes have happend around the old keep...Walk with me and show me the grounds...for it has been a long time since I have seen the gardens."
**Taker watches her as he awaits her responce...so young..but there is something to the air about her...something not so wholesome...but something he likes...he smiles to himself as he thinks to himself one that**
**Much to Nerina's delight Taker's company had been a relief, She had taken an immediate interest in him. She needed this, needed the secret sweetness of it. Honestly she did not care where this growing infatuation took her.. she was, quite simply, living for the beauty of the moment.
For the first time she felt truly at ease. She believed he was someone to whom she might say anything to without fear of retribution, a man who valued friendship as much as she, but privacy, too. He possessed many attributes and all the characteristics of a man she thought she would never know.
Nerina felt physically attracted to him, he made her blood rush hot with his laughter, made her porcelain turn to fire when she had casually leaned into him. She could not remember feeling so physically attracted since recieving the dark kiss from her sire, but this beast, he seemed to seep through her skin and consume her imagination.
Yes, she would indeed accompany him for a stroll in the gardens.. she slipped arm through the loop of his and rests her palm near the base of his wrist, having done this she whisper sweet secrets meant for him alone.
"Sono detto molto esegue l'arte di lussuria entro i giardini. Devo testimoniare ancora tale.. come bello potrebbe essere osservare le mani della bestia sull'angelo di wanton, la sua bocca su lei.. tutto il lei.. vederlo profondo in lei, il trasloco in tempo al ritmo di vita.. la misura perfetta, il devine di tatto."
Nerina gazed up at Taker, with eyes that seemed like endless pools, reflecting his own hot passion back at him. She gazed at him, amazed that his dark eyes seemed, impossibly, even deeper... revealing her full ripe lips that longed to taste of him.
And then there was something.. she slowed her pace, coming to a stand still in the main hall. Taking her eyes from him she took note of the man that stood facing Taker and herself. His expression was somber, which lead her to believe it might be business.
Looking to Taker she simply asks..
"Should I go ahead of thee and await your arrival in the gardens?"
- Shyno rises slowly from his chair, sensing without seeing that the Familia are all about. A smile crosses his face as he makes his way to the stairway leading from his chambers to the main hall. Slowly he walks down he spiral steps, feeling the Dk members pass him on he other side of the wall. Knowing there would be no chance to gather them all up within the next hour with scouts all about, he sends a mind link bouncing about the Keep and surrounding areas. -
~ Message ~
Tis time... The meeting will commence in 10 minutes within the Great Hall.
- Message sent, Shyno stops in the room that leads from the secret passage to the Hall. Quietly he watches, the wall shimmering and turning to water. Through it he watches as the DK begin to file in.. one at a time then more. Sitting in a large seat, he awaits for a few more arrivals before making his appearance, glad the others can't see him. -
**Taker ponders the words of Nerina as a bit of a smile comes across his cold face. He thinks to himself that there is a lot to learn of this young one and looks foward to doing so, just then he looks up, feeling a presence he does know well...**
"Good eve....Mykal...."
**Taker stares at him...after what happend in the tavern he is unsure of how this meeting will go...just then a thought to them all...from there Lord, Taker looks at Nerina, then to warrior**
"I am afraid our walk with have to wait my dear...and as for you...my friend....our talk with have to wait as well.....come Nerina..let us go to the hall and await this meeting."
**As Taker enters the hall, he nods to those who have allready gathered. He escorts Nerina to a chair and pulls it out for her to sit in...he does not sit himself. Not sure of where he should or what the meeting is about, Taker takes to a corner and stands in the shadows as other members enter.**
** Nerina had been prepared to leave the men to their business affairs, and then the order had come from the Lord Shyno. At Taker's request, she would enter the Grande Hall at his side. Her fingers were swift and clever as always, lacing them with Taker's, she gives a polite nod to the Warrior that stood before them and then walks around him.
Bella Nerina, was indeed pleased with her escort. Upon entering she nods in greeting to the familia previously met, offering a warm smile to those she has yet to meet. As Taker pulls out her seat for her, she removes her cloak draping it over the large chair that has been chosen.. her hair spilled in great masses, tumbling over her shoulders and down her back, framing that strong, striking face, her eyes glowing with an unholy fire. She thought to tease the beast once more before business and whispers with soft seduction..
"I'm no Angel."
Amply demonstrated, she sways her backside provocatively over a strategic portion of his anatomy. Yes, Nerina was a wanton one, but an angel none the less, dressed in scarlett satin. A saucy grin plays on her beautiful lips as she slips into her rightful place and steals a peek as he moves into the corner embraced by shadows.