G]alactic [W]restling [F]ederation
Contract Agreement
The Galactic Wrestling Federation, nor the owner are responsible for any gambling, online fighting, or anything of the nature that may take place. If you believe you are victim to any of the following or possibly worse please consult your local ISP to have the situation resolved in a calm manner. Any complaints about the Galactic Wrestling Federation sending out "chain letters" will be ignored. The Galactic Wrestling Federation may and will terminate your membership at any time, without notice. Your right as a member is also the same. You may terminate your membership with the Galactic Wrestling Federation at any time, also without notice. The Galactic Wrestling Federation may decline your membership request for any reason. Please note by sending in your application you are agreeing to all of the following.
Rules and Regulations
Real Wrestler Application
Fantasy Wrestler Application
Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Wrestler Name:
Home town:
Theme Music:
Additional Description: