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[G]alactic [W]restling [F]ederation

Please visit us online at:  
GWF Online (

Opening Information

Thank you for your interest in the Galactic Wrestling Federation.  This is a Free Online Wrestling Federation, which consists of E-Mail Role-playing and also Simulation, which is used to determine the winners of our cards, and special events
(ex. PPV Events).

Contract Agreement

The Galactic Wrestling Federation, nor the owner are responsible for any gambling, online fighting, or anything of the nature that may take place.  If you believe you are victim to any of the following or possibly worse please consult your local ISP to have the situation resolved in a calm manner.  Any complaints about the Galactic Wrestling Federation sending out "chain letters" will be ignored.  The Galactic Wrestling Federation may and will terminate your membership at any time, without notice.  Your right as a member is also the same. You may terminate your membership with the Galactic Wrestling Federation at any time, also without notice.  The Galactic Wrestling Federation may decline your membership request for any reason.  Please note by sending in your application you are agreeing to all of the following.

Rules and Regulations

- Every membership includes your choice of 3 wrestlers.  These wrestlers can be real, or fantasy.  If you decide to use more than 1 fantasy wrestler, you will need to fill out and send in individual applications for each.
- E-Mail Role-plays must be at minimum 80 lines in length and 1 will be submitted before each card and special event. No E-Mail Role-plays... No matches for your character... 
- Additional E-Mail Role-playing, based on value of quality and length, can and will give your character a better chance at winning in his/her match
- You may include other characters that you do not own in your E-Mail Role-play to increase entertainment within the federation, however, you are not allowed to cause injury to that character or have that character use any dialogue.
- Chat room RPG fights, and dice fights upon members will not increase your Statistics within the Federation, as they are unauthorized!  I find these types of matches a waste of my time, and yours.


Please cut and paste the following applications which apply to you in a new email and then fill out.


Real Wrestler Application
(You must
submit a sample E-Mail Roleplay no less than 50 lines with your application.  Your application will not be considered if this is not done.)

Your Name:

Your Email Address:

Real wrestler(s) requested:

*Thank you for taking the time to fill out our membership application.  Your request may now be submitted to: and XIVertabreaker@aol.comYou will be contacted upon approval


Fantasy Wrestler Application
(You must submit a sample E-Mail Roleplay no less than 50 lines with your application.  Your application will not be considered if this is not done.)

Your Name:

Your Email Address:

Wrestler Name:



Home town:




Theme Music:

Additional Description: 
(example:  My wrestler is masked, etc...)

Wrestling Style: 
(Choose all applicable from the following, Max. you can pick: 3,  Technician, Powerhouse, Old Style, Brawler, Wrestler, Martial Artist, High Flyer, Heel, and Shooter.)

Choose 10 real life moves you would like to make sure your wrestler uses: 
(This is Not Required)

Finisher Name:

Finisher Similar to which real life move:

Finisher can be blocked by which real life move: 
(At least one must be chosen, or it will be chosen for you)

Foreign Object:

Managers' Name:

Managers' Sex:

Managers' Foreign Object:

*Thank you for taking the time to fill out our membership application.  Your request may now be submitted to: and XIVertabreaker@aol.comYou will be contacted upon approval