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~Cruising down the road we see the old pale yellow station wagon. Blue smoke is pouring out the tailpipe. A piece of plastic covers the the whole where the window was bashed out on his birthday. The car rattles down the road on the way to the airport. Shooter passes a Waffle house just this side of Lambert Airport just out St. Louis Mo.

Seth looks at his watch and points at the Waffle House, Shooter turns and they pull in the parking lot. He stops in a handicap spot and shuts the car off. Seth gets out and lets some of the other guys out the back. Shooter pounds on the driver's side door and catches himself right before he falls out. The five of them walk to the door and Shooter opens it as Seth and boys walk in and find a booth in the back . The waitress who has about 3 years on dirt and no teeth ask if the kids need booster chairs and would like to look at the kiddie menu. Vito stands up and grabs himself tell her he has he kiddie menu hanging. Shooter reaches down the bench seat and grabs Vito by the back of the neck and jerks him to the seat. Shooter asks the waitress for a menu and then shoots a look of disbelief towards his gang of verticaly challenged friends. Shooter held up the menu and the waitress comes back over and takes the orders. Seth whispers to the other guys as Shooter stares off into space.

The waitress brought the food and they all ate and when they finished the guys looked at Shooter who was finishing his water. Shooter stops drinking and looks over the top off his glass. Seth and the boys have this look on thier faces a look Shooter knows all to well. Shooter glares back at them as if to tell them NO WAY, they just look at him and smile. Marco gives the signal and they push over Shooter and start to dash towards the door. Shooter right behind him shaking his head. Shooter takes a step and trips over his own foot sending him flying into the gang of 40 year old juvenile delinquints. They crash into the juke box, They start to get up and see the waitress and a guy who makes Mr. Flabulas look a bit smelt. Shooter tries to explain but they don't buy it. Shooter says he can pay since he got a bonus at work. They just smile and the big cook picks Shooter up and takes him to the back as Seth and the boys make thier way outside to the station wagon.

Back inside Shooter is wearing a apron and is washing dishes. The stack of dishes tower over him , you can hear him muttering to himself cussing the boys under his breath. He vows to pay them back and starts going over plans to get them. The one likes to the best has to do with bed pans , jello and pink dye. He starts to think more about it and he smiles really big.

Meanwhile back in the station wagon we see Seth passing around a bottle of MD 20/20 that he had Mickey steal from the 905 liquor store next to the Waffle House. They are laughing at the way they get Shooter in trouble all the time. Seth says something about Shooter is dumber than a box of hammers and without him Shooter would be nothing but some college flunkie hanging out at bars and going no where. He talks about how Shooter has no talent in or out of the ring. Seth turns and sees Shooter walking out of the Waffle House. Seth opens the door to let Shooter in.

They make thier way to the air port which is only 5 miles from the Waffle House but it seems like seems like forever from the silence. Shooter gets out and opens the tailgate and gets out his duffle bag and walks to the terminal. Seth and the boys go to get thier stuff but the back of the car is locked and Shooter turns and holds up thier tickets. Shooter looks them and then tears on into peieces. Seth runs up to him and tries to talk to him.~

Seth: Boss what the hell are you doing? I thought we were all going to the show.

Shooter: Seth I am going to the show I don't know what the hell the rest of you are doing. I know that it seems lately that you are just trying to hurt me and get in trouble. I take care of all of you , I buy food and clothes and give you a place you a place to live and this is how you repay me. I could have left you there with the fat man but I didn't I brought you back here and gave you a good life, but if this is how you repay me I say piss on it I don't need you or them. You know I have done this gig before I ever ran across you guys and I will be doing it long after you have left on your own. So I say lets end all the BS and just go our own seprate ways now. When I get back from this little tour be packed and out.

Here I am not a true prick, here is the bonus I got from some sound byte thing at work. Just be gone as soon as I get back .

Seth: Come on boss.. Boss ... Shooter.... James.....

~Shooter turns and walks off as he does he doesn't notice the curb and trips falling to the ground scatting everything in his bag. Seth thinking this is his chance to get back in starts to run waddle over to Shooter, who shoots a get f*cked look at him . Seth hangs his head and walks back towards the other guys. Shooter get his stuff together and walks in. Seth turns to the other guys and we see a evil look come over his face.~

Seth: Vito call the other boys tell them to come get us. Then call Mr.Big and tell him that it is time..

Shooter wants to play it like this that is fine we can do that. I guess he doesn't know what he has gotten himself into. He will find out when you cross us you seal your fate. Till then my friend..

~I wonder what is instore for our hero JB Shooter. Will he make it to his plane. Can he make it to Egypt with out knocking himself out. What about Seth and the boys and who is this Mr. Big? Only time will tell. Stay tuned friends smae Shooter time same Shooter channel..~