Hardy Boyz Extreme Magazine Lita
Amy Dumas:
On Jeff
Jeff has an aura that demands recognition. Just watching him on television, you can see that. He has a special, intangible quality that makes you want to be around him. Yet, Jeff does this own thing. He's different yet inviting at the same time. I feel very fortunate to know Jeff on the level that I do because while he's quiet, he's not shy. He is completely unihibited, and in turn, silently provokes you to do the same. Take him or leave him, because Jeff Hardy will not change for anyone.
Jeff has encouraged me to think about things that normally would never have crossed my mind. He definately has his own opinions, but delights in hearing yours. Jeff has been very motivational to me in a completely different way than Matt. I can brainstorm about ideas, and Jeff will be the first to tell me to go out and try them. If something doesn't work, he'll try to work with me to fix it, saying, "there has got to be a way we can make this work."
If Jeff wants something to work, look out, because he will make it work--somehow. He is able to get so focused that talking with him is pointless because his every thought is on figuring out what he is doing.
Watching Jeff at home is completely admirable. If he has 12 hours, he will use 11 1/2 hours just preparing the trail, and it is totally worth it to him. Watching Jeff's drive is admirable and also exhausting. He never quits. If something looks like a lost cause, Jeff will keep at it until he is 100 percent satisfied that he gave it his all.
Working with Jeff has helped me to go out to the ring and have fun. Hopefully, from this, the audience has fun as well. Before a match he appears so calm, holding it all in until the music hits. I feed off my surroundings before a match, and Jeff's presence helps me to go out and just be myself. It has definately worked for him.
On Matt
Matt has definately been the most influential person in my career. His passion and work ethic are completely inspiring. Our upbringings were about as opposite as two people could have been, yet I have never had so much in common with someone. Matt knew he wanted to wrestle from a very young age and was determined to beat the odds and make it. A goal in life may look overwhelming if you only look at the end. I want to lose 100 pounds, travel the world, be a doctor, be a wrestler. Matt is great at being able to break things down and start at the beginning. He is patient and doesn't expect miracles to happen overnight. He is extremely realistic, yet sets high goals.
Matt has a unique spectrum of qualities. Not often do you find someone who is such a dreamer, but very grounded and realistic at the same time. I believe this attitude has helped him face road blocks thoughout his life. I have been fortunate to have him help me though mine as well. For those close to Matt, he will give you every ounce of thought, help and concern when approached for advice. He is able to appreciate everything he has. Many tend to get greedy; the more they get, the more they want. Matt goes out of his way to share his good fortune by spreading his thought-provoking ideas with anyone who may benefit.
The Boyz were both a big part of my life before our extreme team existed, but this past year I have become closer to them than I ever have with anyone. Together, we have a chemistry that just works. Jeff's creativity flows more on a personal level while Matt and I like to think about what we can do differently or creatively on a business level. He has taught me so much that it's difficult to explain. He is very perceptive at how he can capitalize on a person's strengths and weaknesses. He also has an ability to look at something great a make it spectacular by paying attention to detail. Math was definately his strong subject in school as it is very present in his personality. He can put an intricate puzzle together and can then go on to simply explain why the pieces fit together that way.
Barely a day goes by that I am not with Matt on some point. Allowing ourselves the chance to get to know one another has really allowed us to grow as a group, but also individually. I know that whatever happens in the future; for our group businesswise, we will always be in each other's lives.