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I hate Angelfire and NTL:

I'm reall sick of Angelfire and their crummy attempts to host sites.
First they remove the e-mail service without warning and then they screw up again with the advertising.
Their pop-up's caused some browsers to crash so I decided to switch back to the Banner ad untill I find a new host (not hard to find better...)...
I did this so I wouldn't get the 5 or so pop-up's that I used to get...
Guess what... I have the banner ad but I STILL get pop-up's from Angelfire!
On top of all that, I get an error when I try to upload to my account!
Lycos is one of the biggest Internet companies but they can't even get people to run their services properly.

My ISP (NTL: Broadband) is being a pain too as their service is buggy and they put pop-up adverts on their home page even though their users pay to not have that sort of thing.
Their help lines are hopeless and they cut me off before I even recieve a bill...
My argument is that I can't pay them if I don't know what I'm supposed to pay them...
I wouldn't pay them anyway as my connection isn't exactly what it's supposed to be...
Broadband is supposed to be always on but I'm lucky if I get a day without problems.
They have even tried forwarding people from their support line through to the inland revinue service!
Don't believe me? go to NThellworld.com which is in their list of other NTL: sites... (linking to a site dedicated to making you look bad isn't clever... It's NTL:)

Let's just hope that I get a better host that supports PHP and doesn't make you pay for less space than most hosts give away free soon... (Pay for 25Mb... NO WAY!)

Lotsa tools... better site...

I'm in a good mood...
I was out with family this weekend and although I got food poisoning, a lump on my neck and flu I also got a 5 way hub and a DVD drive for free...
Because I now have a hub and new dvd drive I can install all my software including:
PHP (Latest)
mySQL (Latest)
.NET framework
Omnis studio
Mandrake Linux
Kylix 3 OE
And other tools that can be used to build this site...
When I finally get broadband working through my new hub I can update more or even start hosting my stuff on MY server and not on this one which has many limitations...
I may also start doing other stuff that I like, such as hosting and / or web design...


I'm having server problems right now so no downloads from the download site but I will keep updating this site...
I have added some more affiliates and some other stuff...


I have added part one of a tutorial and added some more area's of the site (Demo area and other stuff).
I have added a browser like toolbar to NETcoder which allows you to input an URL and launch your browser to take you to it (Not extremely useful yet but might be later).

hello and welcome to TSM (new version)
I have decided to use tables instead of frames or iframes as they annoy me...
In the time spent writing framesets I can just do a simple table which does almost the same.
When I finally upload the finished site I will be using PHP for some of the stuff that HTML can't handle alone...
I was thinking of using Flatface but they don't let free members use SQL anymore because people abused it...

The top pic was made in Xara Webstyle V2 and most of the rest was done in HTML-Kit...
It will get better when I find my copy of topstyle...

This is what code should look like when done in CODE tags...

All origional content is property of TSM