About Me

Wow, you really wanna know about me? Well, don't even bother sitting down, because you'll just stand right back up again when you read what this creator of a sick/crazy/funny/stupid story has to say. Oh, there's NO turning back now. So just read what I have to say... and tremble...

The two halves that make a hole.

Real name: Ifrit Ibacuni, Duo Kazuki
Nick name: Ifrit, Duo
Name others call me: dumbass, moron, idiot, smart (liars...), wierd, loser, and to a certain few: cool; also, Duo...
Age:20 years old
Weight: 140 lbs
Height: about 5' 7''
Eye color:blue/gray
Hair color:dark brown sadly...
Likes:Kicking ass(fighting), sparing, videogames, my story, peace and quiet, being with my friends, or the company of a good friend, sleeping
Dislike:The stupidity of people in general, popular kids, people calling me stupid names, not sleeping, loud noises
Hobbies:making Gundam Wing models, videogames, sleeping, writing my story, drawing, sparing, soaping, sleeping
food: muffins
drink: Monster Assault
color: blue, black, silver
videogame: Final Fantasy VIII(that's 8 fot those who don't commonly use roman numberals)
Other: Here's a newer new update. I'm in my second semester of my sophomore year. The "muffin" and I are over. Have been for a while now. That's life! Anyway, I'm gonna be moving from CT to Fl once this semester is over. My family has been down there for two years now. So I'm going to be with the family again. Reassess my stupid life. Okay, so here's the older update now.
I'm in college now! I've survived the first semester! With a 3.3 GPA or soemthing. My girlfriend Muffin and I have been together over a year and seven months now, amazingly enough. Also, I've come to the realization that I have two different conscinouses(not that I can spell), one being Duo Earth(or Chi), a very outgoing, hyper, immature, childish, dip who does whatever whenever, and is a little on the feminine side. He's really hard to keep in line. The other is Duo Kazuki(or Kaz), who is shy, very mature, out of the way, quiet, and likes being alone. He's not too big on talking. Aren't I wierd!? The reason I chose Duo as their first names is because there are two of them. Earth is my elemental type and Kazuki can mean either "pleasent peace" or "first of a new generation" which is very fitting for them. So yeah, I may act like a crazy moron sometimes, but, in the end, I'm just a nice, quiet, shy, emotional, loving and caring guy(I told you that you would tremble... wasn't I right?).

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