First Earth Characters

Well, if you really wanna see what the characters from the First Earth look like, then you've come to the right place. I made life simple and did a group drawing. I'll explian the four going left to right. Only, I won't explain Tony because I give you an explaination about him in the SE character decription. So, uh, enjoy the madness!

Full name: Ifrit
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Age: 16
likes: His friends, listening, when things quiet down, getting his way
dislikes: fighting, Sean's idea for earth, complainers
Weapon: Huge 4-point shuriken
Rank: Soldier
Other: Ifrit's been fighting with his friends for a while now and has gotten very tired of it. All he want's is for the First Earth War to be over and for everyone to be happy. He'll do anything to dethrone Sean.
Full name: Bahamut Ishrumazi
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: brown
Age: 16
likes: Hanging out, having fun, fighting, girls
dislikes: Being on his own, Sean and his plans, First Earth Fighters, hand to hand combat
Weapon: standard sword
Rank: Soldier
Other: Bahamut will do whatever orders are barked at him, and he'll do them exactly the way it has to be done. He may slip up on his work if he sees a girl, but he makes up for it by showing off and improving his fighting skills.
Full name: Eden Iruhashi
Hair: dark green and blue
Eyes: green
Age: 16
likes: his pistols, fighting, blood, chillin with his friends
dislikes: First Earth Fighters, the war, wearing pants
Weapon: standard sword and his pistols
Rank: Soldier
Other: Eden is the bravest in the group and runs head first into a fight without thinking. He likes being a show off and brags about the smallest things. But when Eden starts to fight, his mind takes over and he fights until its over, either when die or he does.

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