In The End...

Tony awakens in a hospital bed. He breathes in an looks around, worried. He can tell the air is different. It's an extremely tiny difference, but with heightened senses it's not unnoticeable. He recalls the dream and wonders if it was really only a dream or if it was reality and somehow he had made it out alive. The event seemed so real to him. The feeling of fear sent chills through his body. Losing the other six would be devastating to him. Tony quickly looks at his watch and finds out it's late in the afternoon. He tries to move and finds himself strapped to the bed around his chest, waist, and legs. He tries calming himself down, but it didn't work very well.

Tony: Hey! Is anyone out there!? I need some serious help! I gotta-

Just then a nurse walks in wearing tight clothes that seem to be a little too small on her. To Tony it really doesn't matter at this point. He just wants to figure out what the hell is going on.

Nurse: Yes, Tony, what's the matter? Something wrong? I'm surprised you're awake!

Tony: I have no clue where I am, why I'm here, and I really have to piss!

Nurse: I can't let you out of that bed just yet, three men told me to keep you in the room until they can have a word with you. You've been here for over two days now. They've been waiting for you to finally recover. I'll send them in presently.

Sweat drops down his face as she walks out of the room. He's exceptionally worried now, being that he's been there for over two days and three men have been waiting to see him. The men walk in. They're Ifrit, Eden, and Bahamut; the real ones in their respective bodies. Tony finally becomes aware of where he is. He thought the smell was familiar.

Ifrit: Hey, Tony, finally awake are ya?

Tony: Yeah. Why am I here on the first earth? What's happened?

Eden: It's a REALLY long story. You-

Bahamut: I think Ifrit should tell it.

Eden: Good idea. Thank you, Bahamut. Ifrit, you have the floor.

Ifrit: Thank you both. Ok. Well, toy drove to a space-port, and stole a ship. It took off and you guided it towards the First Earth. The only problem was that you-

Tony and Ifrit: -couldn't land it.

Ifrit: Right. You couldn't slow it down either, apparently... It all started breaking up in the atmosphere. The heat was incredibly intense. The ship hit the earth with such force that some of the ship had vanished like it vaporized or something. Either way the thing exploded with you in it. I'm surprised you don't remember it, and that you're alive! But anyway, somehow you obviously survived the whole thing. At least, I think you're still alive, right? We brought you to the closest hospital; even ran multiple tests, all coming up negative, that you were damaged at all. It's amazing that you aren't hurt at all. Well, aside from a few scratches.

Tony: ..... Wow. So you're saying that I was asleep the entire way here? I wonder what made me come...

Ifrit: Have any bad dreams lately?

Tony: Yeah, how did you k- oh, right...

Ifrit: I'm thinking you came here to finish Sean off now so that you don't have to deal with him later on.

Tony: It's too late now! I said in the dream that he would destroy the Second Earth tomorrow! I have to get back to the others and help them!

Ifrit: Ok, but under one condition.

Tony: Ok, fine. Whatever.

Ifrit: That's all I needed to hear. Guys, let him out.

Bahamut and Eden: Yes, sir!

They undo the buckles and Tony hops out of the bed, a little dizzy at first but them regains balance. Bahamut points in a random direction.

Bahamut: To the space-port!

Tony rushes off to the bathroom, goes, and comes out after flushing the toilet, looking at them a bit puzzled. Bahamut is still pointing.

Bahamut: Now to the space-port!

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