Part 2

A year goes by, a long one too. Card killed more of the bad guys,the guys Chance and Tai join, and they move to Ledady City. John almost destroys the house and gets away with it. They rebuild it. Oh, did I say the house is right next to the train tracks? The house doesn't shake though. After fixing the house they put in two huge computers. Chance and Jan sleep on the third floor (bunk beds) and Tai and Card sleep on the first floor in separate beds. The basement has money and emergency guns. The next year… (while waking)…

Card: *whispering* Jan, you up?

Jan: *whispering* Yeah, why?

Tai waking up: Morning, Card.

Card: Morning Tai. Go make breakfast.

Tai: What do you want?

Card: NOT an English muffin, but French toast.

Tai: Why not an English muffin?

Chance getting up: Because we had an argument about that a while AGOOOO AHH!


Card: No matter what you always find a way to get hurt.

Chance: It hurts falling off the bottom bunk and first story.

Card, Chance, and Tai get to work.

Jan: Coffee's done.

Tai: That's nice.

Chance: Jan, what do you want?

Jan: What Card's having.

Chance: So you want an English muffin?

Jan: UH NO!

Chance: Just having fun.

Chance whispers to Tai: Hey, man, you like skating?

Tai: One- I'm not a man. Two- Yes. Three- What kind?

Chance: Boarding.

Tai: Hell yeah, m-a-n.

Chance: Why did you spell out man?

At the same time…

Card: Look at those two.

Jan: It's like they've been friends forever.

Card: Doesn't it remind you of us when we were younger?

Jan: …

Card: Come on.

Jan: Yes, it does.

Tai: It just sounds cool if you spell it o-u-t.

Chance: Not really, but I bet I can flip pancakes higher than you!

Card: With the bets and me teaching you stuff.

Jan: Yeah.

Tai: Man.

Chance: Look you should try it. Flip it like this.

He flips it and catches it.

Tai: Okay.

He flips it and catches it.

Tai: Oh like that.

Everyone: YEAH!

Card: All right guys, eat time. Come on.

Tai: All right, fine.

Chance: Jan, what did you want?

Jan: French toast from Tai.

Chance: Okay, because I only made enough pancakes for Tai and me.

Tai: Thanks, Chance.

Chance: Your welcome, m-a-n.

Tai: I thought you said it was stupid.

Chance: S-o?

Card: Now it's just stupid and annoying.

Chance: Uncalled for.

Tai: Yeah.

Card: Why are you sticking up for a dumb ass?

Tai: So? Who cares?

Chance: Maybe we're friends?


Chance: Shut up man.

Tai: Chance, lay off.

Card: I'm serious Tai. WHY?

Tai: Because he's nice to me man. You, you just bug me, hurt my feelings, and don't help me. Lately you haven't seen it, but Chance is showing me how to use the guns. Have you taught me anything? NO! Okay, Card, that's why.

Chance: I'm done eating. Let's go Tai.

Jan: Where?

Tai: None of your business.

Chance and Tai leave.

Card: That's odd. When is Chance teaching Tai how to shoot?

Jan: Isn't that what Tai said?

Card: Shit you're right Jan.

Jan: I know I am.

Card: I'm done. I'll be on the computer.

Jan: Fine.

Two hours later Chance comes back with some kid. They go in.

Tai: That was awesome!

????: I know!

Chance: CARD, where are you?

Tai: There is someone we want you to meet.

Card: Who?

Tai: Him.

Card: Who the fuck are you?

????: The name's Tony. Got a problem with that?

Card: Wuh, you talk tough, but you're just a boy.

Tony: I'm aggressive.

Jan: How?

Tony: I'm very fast.

Card: Well, can you block… THIS?

He blocks it. Then Card shoots Tony. He doges it.

Card: So you think you're all that huh?

Tony: Not at all.

Tai: This is my brother, Tony.

Card: Your brother huh? He's just a kid.

Tony: What's the matter Card? Got a problem with that?

Jan: Come on. He's on the team and you know it Card.

Card: Fine.

Chance: Finally I can talk. I'm very happy for you Tony. Finally another kid on the team.

Tony: I'm not a kid. I'm-

Tai: 13 years old. You know, Card, a teen.

Card: Yeah, I know how old a teen is.

Chance: Chance: So you're his little brother.

Tony: What a dumb ass.

Card: You see! He even thinks you are and no one even told him!

Tony: I wouldn't talk if I were you.

Card: I'm not smart now, right?

Chance: Hey you're the kid who works at Joe's with my brother.

Tony: Oh you're smart Chance. Oh, Card, tell me something I don't know yet.

Card: What's her name?

Tony: Jan, 30 years old. Card, 32. Chance, 20. Oh and you want last names too. Xing. Logan. Ioldy.

Chance: You better know my last name.

Card: How?

Tony: How what?

Card: How did you know?

Tony: CPU. I know about your little group thing. The Eternal Virus.

Card: How do we stop it?

Tony: I don't even know.

Card: SHIT!

Tony: Don't get pissed. I can figure it out. It may take a little time, but I can and will.

Chance: Jan, I think you have competition.

Tony: Who me? I don't do that stuff.

Card: Then you're replacing her huh?

Tony: Why?

Jan: Because I'm a communications expert.

Tony: So am I.

Jan: Maybe I can show you the ropes.

Tony: I know a lot of ropes. Maybe we can work together.

Jan: Maybe. Just maybe.

They start working together (NOT the kind you think guys). They tell each other stuff they didn't know.

Jan: Oh. And that's what you do in there.

Tony: Yeah. I remember now. And you can hack that up to there.

Jan: Cool…

And they go on and on. Mean time…

Card: God, they're just going on and on!

Tai: Are they ever going to stop?

Chance: No.

Card: Where did you two, three go?

Chance: First we went to Tai's other house because Tai got a letter from Tony saying that he was fired.

Tai: He didn't know what to do so he went home. To my other home.

Chance: After that we went to a shooting range to clear our heads. After that we went to a paint ball arena to have a little fun. AFTER THAT we went to Joe's to each buy a gun. AFTER THAT we went to a place called HOME.

Card: Wow.

Tai: We wanted to clear Tony's head of getting fired.

Chance: You think he did?

Card: I know so.

Tai: That's good because I worry about my brother too much.

Chance: Don't worry. Be-

Tai: Shut up.

Chance: Fine.

Card: No more jokes.

Chance: Fine.

Tai: Yeah. You have to stop that shit.

Chance: FINE!

Card: Good.

Chance: Does that mean none at all?

Card: Duh.

Tony: What's the matter Chance?

Card: He can't say any more jokes.

Everyone but Card: WOW!

Chance: Shit.

Tony: That must be a huge change for Chance.

Jan: He won't survive.

Tai: I bet you can't survive a week.

Card: I'll give him two days.

Jan: I give him two minutes.

Tony: I'll give him two seconds!

Everyone: *laughs*

Chance: Two seconds are up.

Tony: I was just kidding around.

Chance: So you're joking too now huh?

Tony: I don't do it as bad as you do.

Everyone but Chance: Owww!!!

Chance: Ah, shut up Tony.

Tai: Lay off my brother Change.

Chance: What did you call me?

Tai: Chance.

Chance: That's not what I heard.

Jan: SO?

Chance: What do you mean SO?

Jan: Nothing.

Chance: I'm serious!

Jan: Nope. I'm not telling you.

Chance: COME ON!

Tai: I'm not telling either.

Tony: Me either.

Card: Neither am I.

Chance even louder: COME ONNNNN!!!!

Everyone but Chance: NO!

Chance: Fine then.

Tony: YES! Finally.

The day turns to night and they get some sleep. Tony has a dream…

Tony's in his sister's, Kari, class passing back papers. But, Tony is in his homeroom. But Kari's there. He walks by and neither of them say anything. He goes around a few desks after giving someone their paper. He goes around the front and around that desk. After giving a boy his paper he says, "You know, you could have flown." Tony doesn't get it but keeps going. There are two rows of desks sideways. He crosses through one set. He sees Chance. Chance says, "You know, you could have flown." Even more confused Tony doesn't bother with it. He gives a girl her papers. She says the same thing. Then… he wakes up. He can't sleep for the rest of the night. He keeps thinking about that dream he had. So he gets up and goes up stairs. Once there he goes to the refrigerator but doesn't find anything. He goes down stairs. Once there he goes back to sleep. Then wakes up in the morning to Card…

Card: Tony everyone's up. Come on. WE'RE SURROUNDED!

Tony: BY WHAT?

Card: Swipe's men.

Tony: SHIT! We have to leave.

Card: Get dressed.

Tony: Fine.

So he does. They fly out the door (not really). Jan and Chance take care of the hostages. Their house was taken over by someone, and they have… KARI!

Tai: Oh my…


A man was stuck on the track and got hit. Usually, it wouldn't happen, but it did. Card and Tai were in the bank and parts of the mountain were falling on the tracks a bit farther than the BANK! And the TRAIN WAS COMING! So Tony runs into the bank and says…



Tony: COME ON!

The train crashes into the rocks. The 2 back pieces go flying through the air. The 2nd back piece goes into the bank. The other one stands up to hold it there! Then the bank falls. The bank is totally destroyed. The members regroup. They can't find Tony, but they hear…

Tony: AHHH! Shit! I'm stuck! HELP ME!!!!!

But no one can. Some of the building fell on his legs. Then something happens… Tony lets out a loud yell, and the piece of building moves.


Tai: Oh my God, Tony!

Jan: Wow!

Chance: …

Tai: Huh, he has telepathic powers!

Card: I've heard about it. You can move things and read minds and-

Tai: EVEN FLY! I had this weird-ass dream last night and he was passing out papers. I didn't get it. Now I do.

Tony: I had the same dream.

Tai: You think we both have-

Tony: Telepathic powers. Maybe. After we get Kari I am going to practice. Maybe you can too.

Tai: But how did…

Tony: It just happened.

(in a deep voice) Chance: TO THE HOUSE!

They shoot down 4 men before going in. Then… they go in.

There are 4 men on the first floor. Tony, Card, and Tai start shooting. Card pulls out his pistol. One shot to the body and one to the head kills a man. Tony shot down 2 with his shotgun and Tai got the other with his. Then they go upstairs. Two men and one weird-ass thing are up there. So is Kari! Card shoots and kills one man and knocks the other down. He then shoots at Card, but Tony shoves him out of the way so neither got hit. Tai shoots down (kills) that man. Card takes out his hand laser and knocks out the alien dude. Tai takes him to Jan and Chance to watch over him a while. Tony takes Kari.

Tony: Sis, come on. We have to go.

They go out and meet up with the others.

Tai: We have to get Kari home.

Tony: I'll take her.

Kari: I can walk you know.

Tai and Tony: NO!

Tony: I'm taking you.

Kari: I'm 18 years old, I'm the oldest, I'm walking home damn it!

She goes. The next day Tony wakes up first and the phone rings…

Tony: Who could possibly be calling at 6 in the morning?

He answers the phone.

Tony: Hello?

Man: Tony, that you?

Tony: Storm?

Storm: DUDE!

Tony: Why and how did you call me?

Storm: Kari.

Tony: Oh. When?

Storm: I'm coming over. I'll be there in an hour.

Tony: Bye.

Storm: Bye.

An hour goes by. Storm comes.

Tony: Hey!

Storm: Hi Tony.

Tony: Everyone is still asleep.

Storm: Still?

Tony: Maybe Jan, but that's all.

Strom (happily): Oh!

Tony: Oh?

Jan's inside watching…

Jan: Hmmm… I wonder. I'll have Card ask.

Outside still.

Tony: Do you have any virus types on you?

Storm: Do I have any what?

Tony: Virus, Eternal Virus.

Storm: No.

Tony: Can I check then?

Storm: Don't worry about it Tony.

Tony: Fine. Let's go inside.

Storm (happier): Yes, please!

They go in.

Storm: Who are they sleeping?

Tony: My brother Tai and my friend Card.

Storm: Cool. Where's-

Jan: Coffees done. WAKE UP!

Chance: AHHHHH!!!


Storm: Who was that?

Tony: Chance, the klutz in the group.

Storm: Oh.


Tai: Ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Storm: SHUT UP! NOW!

Tony (very loud): HEY GUYS! This is Storm.

Storm: I want to join.


Tony: He was my friend since preschool.

Storm: Yup.

All but Storm and Tony: Damn.

Tony: I know.

He joins. Three hours later…

Tony: Hey Storm.

Storm: Yeah?

Tony: You never told me when Kari told you about us.

Storm: So?

Tony: Tell me.

Chance walks by.

Chance: Yeah. Tell him.

Storm: Fine.

Tony: Then when?

Storm: Last night.

Tony: Hey, Tai. Storm was told by Kari about us LAST NIGHT!

Tai: WHAT?

Storm (nervously): So? What about it?

Tony: You had sex didn't you?

Storm (more nervously): NO!

Tai: LIAR!

Chance walks by.

Chance: LIAR!

Jan butts in.

Jan: Hey guys. What's going on?

Tony: Storm made out with Kari last night.

Jan: Shit, guys.

Card: Who are you working for?

Storm (VERY fast): John Swipe!

Everyone: WHAT?

Card: Anyone in this house who works for him must die. Tony, Tai, take him out.

Storm runs. Tony and Tai chase him back to the house where Kari is.

Kari is inside watching and thinking: Hum, why are… OH!


The guys go in the bar (the first floor). Tony throws Storm into the table. He yells AHHH! Tai takes him upstairs. Tony shoves him and both brake through the 10ft window and fall one story. They both land with a loud thud.

Tai: TONY!

Tony (low voice): God that hurt. (Talks normally) STORM, TELL ME WHERE HE IS!

Storm: At your house!

Tai pulls out his .45 from his backpack and shoots Storm. He dies.

Tai: We have to get home.

Back at the house…


The roof caves in. Then the explosions stop. Tony uses his powers (I think he's got the hang of it) and throws Swipe onto the tracks, then makes some rocks crush him. He dies.

Tony to Tai: Lets get back to the house and see if everyone's okay.

Tai: Right.

They do. A week goes by and the roof gets fixed.

Tai: Is it over? IS IT?

Card: I don't think so. Maybe. Just maybe.

Jan: We have Tony to thank for what happened the other day.

Chance: After looking for Swipe's body the other day I found this.

He pulls out a crystal.

Tai: It has Tony's name on it!

Chance gives it to Tony.


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