Part 3 countinued

Tony was sleeping and having a dream.

Tony: Hey, Tai, lets go check upon Sis.

Tai: Ok!

They go. At the house…

Kari: Hi Tony and Tai. What's up?

Tony: Not much. Just want to see how you're doing!

Kari: Come in!

She goes over to the bar to get a drink.

Tony: Is Storm here?

Kari: Why?

Tai: He is, isn't he?

Kari: NO!

Tony: Then what's that ti…

He sees an explosion go off in his head.

Tony: Guys, outside now!

Tai and Kari rush out, Tony 50 feet behind. Tony's at the door and BOOM! Tony wakes and jumps and goes flying. Then Tony and Tai both get up at the same time, but Tony hits his head and both fall back to asleep.

Chris: I found him! Yeah! Hope he's alive!

Mike: I found… Card's truck. Man!

Jon: I found uh, never mind. Some dead guy.

Chance: Guess we're not going to be able to fix it this time huh?

Jon: Yo guys, there still a little fire over he… RUN!

Chris: There's still stuff on Tony.

Jon: Hurry up!

Chris moves a couple of bricks out of the way.

Chris: Then help me!

Tai gets up but Tony doesn't. Kari comes in her car.

Tai: I'd never forget her car. Kari? Is that you?

Kari: Tai? Where are you?

Tai: On the other side of this crap!

Kari: After what happened to me yesterday and then I hear this. I'm coming to get you and Tony.

Jon: Just a few more!

Kari sees Tony and uses her powers to pick him up. She puts him near Tai.

Chris: Kari, right? How are we supposed to get through? And why are you wearing a cowboy hat?

She clears a path and they go through.

Tai: You can't take us. They take care of us. And what happened yesterday and why are you…

Kari: Because I feel like it. Yesterday my house blew up and it looks like so did…

Jan: That's a bank. Was a bank. Whatever.

The bank lights on fire.

Kari carelessly: It's gonna explode.

It does…

A week later Tony still isn't awake, and it's July 1st. The building was cleared up and thrown away. No more bank. Afternoon time…

Tai: We have to find that last crystal for Tony. We only have five days left!

Tifa is standing next to Tony, who is lying in bed.

Tifa: Tony, how could this happen to you? Are you going to stay this way forever? I remember that night at the bar. You were drunk and I took you away with me to my home thinking you could stay here and we could get married. Then your little brother came… very bossy, little fellow. I said, "I want to come too!" So I did. I feel asleep in the car and woke up at some house, forgetting where I was. I feel back to sleep. The next morning I was at your house and didn't know anything. You reminded me. Now we're here… like this…

Tai: Tifa, you coming?

Tifa: Now this, helping you out, hoping to awake you. Yeah, I guess.

Chris: Tai, come here.

Tai: Agh… what Chris? Tifa sorry. I can't help you right now.

Chris: Check this out. I found a way to fix it so that the recording on that camera outside is put on the computer.

Tai: SO?

Chris: SO? I can change camera angels. Like from inside Card's car!

Tai: Awesome!

Back with Tifa…

Tifa: Card, will you come with me?

Card: Sure Tifa. Where do ya think we should look?

Tifa: Near where the bank was.

Card: Got it.

So, they go outside and look at what's left of the bank. Once there…

Card: If you find anything just tell me.

Tifa: Only thing here is a whole lot of nothing, but weeds and some flowers. That's it… hey! A black pistol!

Card: Finally, someone found it.

Tifa: Huh?

Card: In the car crash all my spare guns fell out.

Tifa: How can I be sure it's yours?

Card: Look for a CL logo on the magazines bottom.

Tifa checks it, and there it is in plain sight.

Tifa: Ah… okay, fine.

Tifa hands it over to Card.

Card: Well, guess it isn't here, huh.

Tifa: Let's check the mountains over there.

Card: All right.

They look behind the mountains by climbing up to the top and looking behind.

Tifa: Nothing here… wait… there's one of your pistols!

Card: Then get it!

Tifa takes it. Card goes over to the last part.

Card: It's not here either, but there is a passageway. Tifa, can you…

Tifa: Fine.

Back at the house…

Chris: I don't think that was an accident.

Tai: I can see that.

Chris changes views. Goes back a minute before Card left.

Tai: Put it above our house and the restaurant.

Chris: Right.

He does…

Tai: Look. The camera crew was already there waiting!

They see the two people get out and walk around the back and get into the van. Then Card gets in the truck and you know the rest.

At the same time Tony's having another dream. They were at the house...

Tony: Tai, want to go to Otto's?

Tai: Fine. I need to fix my truck.

They go to Otto's Repair. Tai does the honk; they go in and get out.

Tony: Hey Storm! Fix my truck!

Storm: Screw you.

Tai: Fine. JON!

Storm: Wait, I was just kidding…

Tony: Hey man, business is a …

Storm: … little slow.

Tony: I can tell.

Man: Storm, back to work.

Storm: No work sir.

Man: Who the hell are you?

Tony: Tai. My brother is getting his car fixed.

Man: Whatever. Name's Jamie. That'll be 200 bucks for that free repair. Tony: It's not my truck. It's Tai's.

Tai: Tony, what is that noise?

The room got silent. The LARGE OPEN room got silent. The faint ticking of a nitro bomb could be heard throughout the whole building.


Jamie: But the place! It'll explode!

Tony: Teleportation.

They were all (and Tai's car) taken back to the house, but Tony.

Storm: Where's Tony?

Tai: He teleported us but not himself. NOOOO!!!!

Tony wakes up.

Tony: Wh-where am I? And why do I keep hearing 307?

Chris: Oh my God he's up!

Now Chris, Chance, Tai, and Jan were watching. All of a sudden he was picked up by the neck from a shadow.



Tony falls to the ground. The four of them go over to see if the shadow is still there. It's gone. They now believe Tony is dead.

Chris: Oh shit! It's 12:30! I'm late for work! Bye!

Chris leaves and Tifa and Card come in.

Tifa: What happened to Tony?

Jan: He's dead.

Tifa: NO!

Tifa falls to her knees and begins to cry.

Card: He may not be dead just yet.

He takes out the crystal he found in the cave.

Card: It says…

Now all three crystals alined,
their powers will be combined.
Into thy hands of the dead one,
who shall be risen on the day.

He still has a chance.

They do as the prophecy tells.

The next day is Saturday, and everyone is home. Tony's in his bed with the crystals glowing bright, Chris and Tai are on the CPU on the 2nd floor and Jan is on the 3rd floor. Chance is in bed watching Jet Moto races, and Mike, Jon, and Storm are playing poker and Tifa and Card are watching over Tony.

Chris: I'm serious man. I heard him saying 307.

Tai: Could that be one of the numbers?

Chris: It can't be.

They go to a website about that old prison they were at. They scroll all the way to the 300's.

Chris: 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306… 307!

Tai: I don't know this guy. I can't even say his name!

Chris: What the hell? sdrawkcab 307? OH! 307 backwards!

Tai: 703? Check it.

Chris: Okay.

He scrolls all the way to the bottom to find the last number is 703.

Chris: Sean? Sean… That ass is still alive.

Tai: Who's that Chris? Chris?

Chris: He's the man who took over Earth1 in 2025.

Tai: 6 years ago? You're awfully well informed, Chris.

Chris: Yeah. I was 10.

Tai: I was 7.

Chris: Remember a ship taking you to another world?

Tai: No! One night Tony woke me up and he was taking me somewhere and to go back to sleep. When I woke up, it was morning.

Chris: Oh yeah. I forgot it was night.

On July 6th, in the morning, everyone stayed home that week. The crystals were glowing brighter than ever before. At 6 PM everyone was around Tony. Day turned into night and clouds formed all over the sky. Thunder started.

Card: How the hell is that possible?

Jan: It’s not possible. Last time I checked it wasn’t.

Chance: Just like that day when we blew up the…

Card: Yeah!

Tifa: 6 after.

6 seconds later a lightning bolt struck the house, kicking the power. Tai goes over to the window. He sees a Ragnorak going by, a lightning bolt hits it and it bursts into flames. Chance RUNS halfway around the room and hits the door. The Ragnorak hit Earth II and blew up. Chance made the door fling open and as it did there was a clap of thunder followed by a lightning bolt. A man was at the door.

Man: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Chris: You bastard! You’re still alive?

Tai: Sean?

Sean: Yep. You’d be surprised with technology these days. The people who live on Earth I worship me. Now you must DIE!

Chris: I thought I blew your arm off!

Sean: You did. It looks real but it’s robotic.

Everyone but Tony (sleeping) got their weapons. Everyone went at him at once. Tai was cutting him with his knives, Tifa was punching his back, Mike was shooting at him with his .45’s, Chris was hitting his head with poles… you get the point. After 10 minutes Sean cast fire magic and almost KILLED everyone. No one died. Yet Sean then took out his M-250 and KOed everyone but Chris.

Chris: Why didn’t you KO me too?

Sean: One on one. Lets go.

Sean was out of bullets so he ran at Chris and hit him with the gun. After a barrage of hits, Chris came at him with his M-16. After 20 magazines were used he got rid of the gun. Sean and Chris ran at each other, punching the crap out of each other. Chris and Sean fell to the ground. Sean, Chris and everyone got up (not Tony). Sean laughed and left. It was over. They lost. Tony woke up and went outside with a pistol in his hand. He started firing at the nice of them like crazy.

Tifa: What are you doing?!

Storm: RUN!

Tai: No! Tony, this is your brother, Tai! Don’t you realize?

Tony: I realize who you are. You’re Tony’s brother Tai.

Tony stops shooting.

Tifa: Tony, it’s me! Tifa, your-

Tony: Girlfriend. But I don’t know you.

Tony took out a shotgun and points it at Tifa. Quickly he spins around and shoots Mike and Storm in the stomach and they jumped back and fell to the ground dead.

Tony: Ahahahahaha! I shall take over Earth 2 as well! Later! I hope to GOD your friends live!

A giant blade comes out of nowhere and strikes Tony in the heart. He falls to the ground dead.


Tifa: NOOOOOOOOoooooooo! Tony!

Card: Come one. Let’s go.

They walk away leaving Tony, Storm, and Mike there. The 3 of them begin to glow. The others don’t see it. They all go inside and sleep. The next morning as they wake up…

Tai: Morni-…Tony?

Tony: Aghh. Ta-Tai?

Tifa: Ha ha! I knew you’d be alive! Tony?

Tony: Why do you keep calling me Tony?

Tai: Wha?

Tifa: What’s going on Tony?

Tony: I know what happened last night but I’m not Tony. Names Ifrit.

Tai: Ifrit?

Tifa: I don’t care what your name is! I’m still calling you Tony!

Ifrit: Fine.

Chris: But you…last night...Sean…

Ifrit: Tony’s dead and I came in to take over for him, sort of to get revenge on Sean.

Card: And Mike and Storm?

Ifrit: Eden and Bahamut.

Eden: Ifrit, my stomach still KILLS!

Bahamut: Mine too.

Jan: And Mike’s back WHY?

Eden: Shut up.

Tifa: Tony, can you go evil again and kill Eden?

Ifrit: Uh, no!

Tifa: Oh!

Tifa goes over to Eden. She punches him in the stomach, then the head, then the stomach, then the head, until he falls to the floor. He gets back up.

Jan: The fuck?

Chris: Aren’t you late for work?

Ifrit: Hum… maybe going back to school is a good IDEA.

Tai: Really? We can?

Ifrit: I didn’t say-

Tai: Yeah!

Ifrit: AN IDEA!

Eden: Yes I AM. BYE!

Ifrit: Bahamut, Jon. Why aren’t you two at work?

Jon: While you were sleeping Otto’s blew up.

Ifrit: Damn it!

Tai: We’re going to school!

Ifrit: I can’t stand this. I’m going outside.

Ifrit goes outside. Tifa follows him.

Tifa: Can we?

Ifrit: Wha?

Tifa: Go to school?

Ifrit: I don’t know. I need to be taught, it is a good idea-

Tifa: Thanks a bunch!

Tifa hugs him and goes back inside.

Ifrit: Mm, now what? All I said was it’s a good idea and then they’re one my back. I can’t stand it.


Tifa: All teens report to me!

Chris: Make it fast. I gotta leave.

Tifa: Fine. You’re all going back to school.

Jon: How the fuck you suppose I do that?

Chris: I can’t go with my job! I’ll get fired!

Bahamut: Yo! Come on!

Tai: Do I have to? I won’t know anyone.

Card: I got an idea.

Card whispers to Jan and Tifa.

Jan: Yeah!

Tifa: Yeah, it’s perfect!

Chris: Bye!

Back outside.

Ifrit: Man I wanna go in, but I don’t at the same time… I’m going in.

He goes in and bumps into Chris, whose leaving.

Ifrit: Where ya going?

Chris: I gotta get to work.

Ifrit: It’s across the road.

Chris: It’s a busy road.

Ifrit: Oh yeah. Busy with tar.

Chris: Bye!

Ifrit: See ya!

Ifrit walks over to Tifa.

Ifrit: What’s going on?

Jon: Why do you want us to go to school?

Ifrit: TIFA! (lowering his voice) I said it was a good idea. I don’t intend to go. You guys have to listen to me when I talk to you. Geez.

Tifa: I’m sorry. Next time I’ll zone in.

Jon: Sorry man.

Bahamut: Geez, I’m sorry.

Tai: It’s all right I get cut off t-

Ifrit: Ok. So… how about going to school now!

Bahamut: What?

Ifrit: I’m kidding.

Jon: Jokes over.

Ifrit: Fine.

Tifa: You start in fall.

Ifrit: Come on!

Jan: Seriously.

Card: You have to. It’s hard to get rid of you.

Ifrit: Bye.

Tifa: Tony! Where’re you going?

Ifrit: Across the “busy” road.

At “The Um Restaurant”…

Eden: Chris, where the hell you been?!

Chris: I don’t start until 12, remember?!

Eden: Come in the back!

They go in the quiet back.

Chris: What’s going on?

Eden: The boss left this note.

The place is going to be crowded.

Chris, you’re in charge.

5 minutes after you read

this someone will be coming

in to help you 2 out… ME!

Chris: I hope someone comes. I’d like to meet the boss.

Eden: Why am I, ME, not in charge?

5 minutes later a man dressed in a black, plain shirt and black pants walks in. Chris and Eden can’t tell who it is because the sun is in their eyes. The figure silently takes out a pistol and points it at a man.

Chris whispers to Eden: Must be the boss.

The black dressed man shoots the man and he falls to the floor dead. The people in the restaurant flee and money and food is all over the place. The man walks into plain sight. It’s Ifrit.

Chris: Ifrit? You’re the boss? But how?

Ifrit: How do you think I can afford things? Why do you think you two aren’t fired yet?

Eden: Sweet!

Ifrit: You’re fired.

Eden: DAMN!

Ifrit: I’m kidding.

Eden: Fwew.

Ifrit: Man… no ones here. We need a customer in here. Oh! Where’s Tifa?

Chris: Waiting across the road.

Ifrit: Tifa, whatcha doing? Come here!

Tifa runs across the road.

Tifa: What is it, Tony?

Ifrit: Want lunch?

Tifa: Sure!

Ifrit: Then buy some lunch!

Tifa: I don’t want to have to pay!

Ifrit: Fine, just leave a tip.

Tifa: Whatever.

Ifrit: Eden, get to work!

Eden sits Tifa and asks her for her order.

Eden: Your wish is my command.

Tifa: Shut up. I’ll just have a burger with fries.

Eden: Whatever.

He goes in the back.

Ifrit: Hey Eden.

Eden (in the back): WHA?…AGGHHHH! THAT’S HOT!

He runs across the room to the sink. He turns the sink on, fills it up with water, turns the sink off, and puts his hands in it.


Ifrit: Mike you’re an ass.

Tifa: It’s not “Mike you’re an ass.”

Eden: Thank you, Tifa.

Tifa: It’s “Eden, you’re a shit head.”

Eden: I quit!

Ifrit: No other asshole is gonna except you! Geez! You’ll work for kicks in the balls! I love it!

Eden: Shut up.

Chris: Will you all shut up!

Ifrit: Whatever.

Tifa: Fine.

Ifrit: Eden, just make me grilled bread with cheese on it, and grill a second piece of bread to put on top.

Eden: Oh. That’s different from grilled cheese, right?

Ifrit: Just make our orders.

Eden: I be back (did it on purpose)

So 10 minutes later they get their food, eat, and leave. That night, a few minutes before bed…

Tai: Man, I’m bored. (laying in bed)

Ifrit: Same here. (3rd floor, watching TV)

Tifa: Hey, Tony? (2nd floor computer)

Ifrit: Yeah? What up?

Tifa: I can’t check my emails.

Card: Hey! What did I say? I’m expecting a call tonight! Get off! (3rd floor, watching TV)

Tifa: At 10:15 at night?

Card: Yeah.

Ifrit: Lemme just help her. Then she’ll get off.

Card: Fine. Make it fast.

Ifrit: Fine.

Ifrit gets up, goes next to the TV, looks over the edge, and jumps. He lands left foot first, turns around and walks to Tifa.

Ifrit: What’s wrong with it?

Tifa: My sign-in name is fine, but my password doesn’t work.

Ifrit: Man, my eyes! Okay, so what’s the password?

Tifa: I can’t tell you! That’s the point of a password! So you, and only you, can get in!

Ifrit: Okay, fine. I’m going to bed. Turn off the CPU ‘cause Card’s waiting for a call. Good night.

Tifa: But-

Everyone else: Good night!

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