Part 4

Two months and a few weeks later (oh, by the way, Tifa got her e-mails and found one saying Tai, Ifrit, Chris, Eden, Bahamut, and Jon were accepted into The Ledady(a school for boys, Tifa insisted they go), the day before school and they were all just starting to wake up...

Ifrit: Man, I’ve been up for hours now. I can’t believe school starts tomorrow. I better be able to sleep tonight. I wonder if anyone else is secretly up right now. I don’t know. I’ll try to go back to sleep-

Tai suddenly jumps out of his bed screaming.

Tai: Holy Shit!

Ifrit(yelling): Tai! What the hell is your problem? Do you want to wake up the whole house?!?

Tai gets up and walks over to Ifrit’s bed. He bends over Ifrit and whispers into his ear.

Tai(whispering): Ifrit, I saw our school. No girls. Eight hour days. No bathroom brakes! Cameras everywhere. No private time to talk or anything! No you!

Ifrit(whispering): Wait a minute. Half of that stuff was in our letters! And besides, school doesn’t start until tomorrow.

Tai: No! Another day of torment because school doesn’t start until tomorrow!

Ifrit(whispering): We got away with it once, it’s not gonna work again! Cut the shit! Just listen. You may be three years younger than I, but we’re still gonna be in the same grade.

Tai(whispering): I know. But listen. Our friends aren’t gonna be in our classes. Only you and I!

Ifrit(whispering): Damn, that sucks... And Tai?

Tai(whispering): Yeah Ifrit?

Ifrit: Go back to bed!

Tai walks back to his bed. He gets in and covers up. Card whispers to Ifrit...

Card(w): That wasn’t very nice Ifrit. Say you’re sorry.

Ifrit: Do you think you’re my mother? No!

Tifa(w): Say it Tony.

Ifrit: Sorry Tai. Hey! He should say he’s sorry!

Jon: Why? You yelled at him!

Ifrit: Because he woke you up! Now you have to make pancakes for me!

Eden: Well I’m not makin’ um! So you count me out!

Everyone starts getting up now. Chance rolls out of bed... again! He falls to the second floor table.

Chance: Not agaINN!!! AGH! THUD! OW!

The End!. . . Just kidding! (Heh heh!)

Tai: Chance. It’s getting kinda old.

Tifa yawns. Jan’s in her bed(the top bunk of the bunk bed), she wakes up suddenly and hits her head on the ceiling. She falls back into her bed, sleeping.

Ifrit: Now that’s something new! HA hahahahahaha!

Tifa: Mornin. Got things to do today!

Ifrit: Don’t remind me...

Bahamut(also jumping out of bed): Holy shit! School starts tomorrow!

Ifrit: I JUST went over this!

Chris(same as Bahamut): AGH! The twinkie came out of Mike’s ass again! Um... I’m up? I’m going back to bed. School starts tomorrow, ya know?

Ifrit gets even more pissed off now.

Ifrit: Shaaaddupp!!! I’m tired of this! I don’t even wanna go! I just said it was a good IDEA...

Tifa: Here he goes again.

Eden: Wanna go get some food?

Tai: I’m in.

Tifa: All right.

Chance: Why not?

The four of them go to leave as Ifrit is talking.

Ifrit:... and then all of a sudden you get the idea that we Should go back. And- hey, where are you four going to?

The four run out the door.

Ifrit: Probably getting school supplies. I got all I need right here.

He sips a cup of Root Beer through a straw.

Ifrit: Ahhhhh. This is go-

Chris: No soda before lunch! Remember!?

Chris points to a sign on the wall that reads “Soda not allowed before lunch!”

Ifrit: Damn. Ya got me. Fine.

Ifrit throws the cup out the window. It smashes all over the ground outside. Chris stares at Ifrit for a few seconds.


Ifrit: Sorry. No action. So damn bored. Nuttin ta do.

Chris: Action. Action... Fire drill?

Ifrit: Boring.

Chris: Wanna check out what the school looks like?

Ifrit: I don’t want to know.

Chris: Wanna do something fun?

Ifrit: Explain.

Chris: Three floppy discs. All filled to capacity.

Ifrit: And?

Chris: You have thirty seconds to find the right file after sneaking in and back out. Anyone sees you, you have to start over.

Ifrit: Fine. Where are the discs gonna be?

Chris: I’ll explain. You come in, find them, then have thirty seconds to find the file and leave. Now go outside so I can hide them. I’ll come out, wait thirty seconds, if you don’t make it, I’ll come in and yell.

Ifrit: All right then.

He walks outside. First, Chris puts one in the basement, one in Tifa’s bed, and one taped under the table on the second floor. He climbs down the latter, and goes to the door. Before leaving he yells out.

Chris: Hey everyone!

Jon, Card, Jan, and Bahamut: What?

Chris: Pay no attention to Ifrit at all.

He walks outside.

Ifrit: How will you know when I have all three?

Chris: Don’t worry about it, I’ll know.

Ifrit: Damn, Chris, you piss me off.

Chris laughs while Ifrit walks in.

Ifrit: Damn Chris. Where is it? Where are they? Where would he least expect me to look? Hmm...
The bathroom!

Ifrit crouches down and stealth’s his way over to the bathroom. He gets back up and walks in. He looks around for a moment.

Ifrit: Damn, not in here. Then where? The basement. But that damn hatch is creaky. Well I guess I gotta. Where is everyone? I know four left, me, Chris’ outside and the others must be upstairs.

Suddenly he hears the shower water running. He runs to the hatch and flings it open with one arm and catches it before it hits the floor hard. He jumps down.

Ifrit: Shit. I can’t see crap down here. And Ow! What was that?

He bends over and picks up the object. It’s the first disc!

Ifrit: Yes! Now where’s the next one? I’ll check the beds.

He climbs out and shuts the hatch. He starts checking the eight beds on the first floor. Jon’s, Chris’, his, Tai’s, Bahamut’s, Eden’s, Tifa’s...

Ifrit: Ha! He didn’t expect me to check her bed! Hey, what’s this?

He feels under her pillow and finds a picture of Tony Ibacuni. He shoves it back under the pillow and takes the disc from the sheets.

Ifrit: Man, she must miss Tony. Tifa, the time will come... Now... about that disc.

He gets up and looks around.

Ifrit: Where is it?

Back outside...

Chris: What’s taking him so long? Maybe I shouldn’t have hidden the last one so well. What am I gonna do? I know. I’ll look in the back window.

Chris goes over to the window and looks in.

Chris: He has the one from the basement and bed! Damn! Wait. He’s moving.

Back inside on the third floor...

Jon: Watch ‘em eat it!... Ha ha ha!

Bahamut: Where’s Jan?

Card: Shower, why?

Bahamut: No reason...

Jon: Perv! You wanna see her naked!

He makes a hand gesture near the mid-section of his body.

Bahamut: Dude. No. You’re gay. Cut the shit.

Back to Ifrit. He looks up to the second floor. Then the third, then back to the first.

He runs to the latter and shoots up it and looks around.

Ifrit: It has to be here somew-

He notices the tape sticking out from the side of the table.

Chris from the window: Damn, he saw the tape!

Ifrit slides under the table.

Ifrit: And bingo was his name-oh!

He quickly tears it off and runs to the p.c. It’s already on. He puts in the first disc.

Ifrit: Time out. Chris! What file!?

Chris: The Eternal Virus Stop file... Time in!

Ifrit quickly goes back to work. He checks in the three and a half inch floppy and doesn’t find it. Takes it out.

Chris: 20 seconds left Ifrit, hurry your ass up!

16.Ifrit quickly slams the third one in and looks around fast.15.

Ifrit(10): I should have put the second one in in the first place! (8)

The third disc comes flying out while the second is jammed in. He skims the files... finds it. Clicks it, goes in the file, it says “congrats!”5.

Ifrit: Found it! Shit! I still gotta-

2.He jumps down in front of the door, opens it, and goes over to Chris.

Ifrit: It’s this one.

He puts the disc up to Chris’ eye level.

Chris: Yes. I’ll take them.

Ifrit: Here, I’m bored now.

Chris: Shut up.

Ifrit: I don’t wanna talk to the guys up in there.

Chris: Fine, we can go school shopping. Ifrit: Forget it, I’m not going.

Ifrit turns around and runs inside. Off to Tifa, Eden, Tai, and Chance, who are at the city’s center mall, just walking.

Tifa: Chance, I still don’t see why you had to come with us.

Chance: I may wanna buy something.

Tai: Like what?

Chance: I have no idea.

Tifa: Then why come?

Eden: It’s not like you’re going to school or anything.

Chance: ..................

Tai: You actually think you are?

Chance: E.B!

Eden: You wanna buy E.B...

Chance walks in and looks around for a minute and then picks up a game and walks to the cash register and waits in line to pay. Tai and Eden walk over to him and looks at the game he’s getting.

Tai: Chance, that’s stupid.

Eden: It truly is.

The line moves up two more people.

Tai: Chance, don’t buy it.

Eden: I know games. It’s a piece of shit.

The line moves up three more people. Chance is about to pay for the game and the two men behind the counter are laughing hysterically at Chance the whole time the game is being paid for. Chance’s right arm clenches and unclenches at his side. Tai and Eden go outside. Tai bends over while taking off his backpack. He unzips it and starts looking at a .45. Eden’s talking to Tifa outside the store wall. They both look down at Tai, who’s working double time to assemble the .45.

Eden: That had better not be mine.

Tai: Oh trust me, it isn’t. Chance is gonna need this. I knew he was gonna get pissed off at someone for something so I brought this stuff along.

Tifa and Eden look in the bag to find C-4, a dagger, the .45 Tai put together, and other things that kill people. At the same time Chance comes out with the game Snow Black and the Six Muffins. Chance goes over to Tai.

Chance: Do you have it?

Tai: Yeah, right here.

Chance: Does it have a silencer?

Tai: There’s one in the side pocket.

Chance snatches the gun pack from the two and goes through it, taking out his .45 silenced.

Tifa: I’m surprised you even got in here with those.

Chance walks back in the store, gun in hand, across the room puts his gun at eye level pointing straight at a clerk. By now all the people in the store clear out screaming. Chance fires three shots and walks out. The three workers lie lifeless on the ground, in one big pool of blood, with a mark in each of their heads. Chance goes up to Tai’s back pack, which is on his back, and quickly takes apart the weapon of destruction, putting the parts in the correct spot, finally zipping up the pack.

Eden: I think we should leave screaming like the rest of the mall shoppers.

Tifa: Good idea.

They run outside screaming with the rest of the mob. Once outside they patiently(yeah right) wait to be able to go back in again. The police, fire engine, and ambulance sirens can be heard from a ways away.

Tai: Shit, we could be arrested.

Tifa: Lets hope not.

Ten cops cna be seen looking through the peoples items, getting ever closer to the little group of Four. Chance, Eden and Tai desperately toss the backpack to each other.

Chance: Don’t give it to me!

Tai: I don’t want it!

Eden: AGH! Take it!

After ten seconds of tossing the bag it falls to the pavement. A cop spots it and runs up to it. He quickly opens it and looks through it. Tifa goes over to Eden, her mouth almost touching his ear.

Tifa: Nice going dip! We’re screwed now!

The cop looks up at the four some, walks slowly over, bag in hand, eyeing each of them. He stares at Tai.

Cop: These items yours?

Tai: N-Noo! Honestly!

Tifa: Leave the boy alone. He’s only 13.

Cop: You responsible for this? Oh I get it. You’re the mother!

Tifa blushes and her face turns beet red.

Tifa: No! I’m only 20!

Cop: These yours? (Eyeing Chance)

Chance: No! Never!

Cop: Oh, so then you’re responsible! (Looking at Eden)

Eden: Hell no!

The cop grabs his mike thing and files a report.

Cop: You four are under arrest!

A few more cops come carrying night sticks and beat the four to the ground leaving them helpless.

Tai wakes up for only a moment and looks around. His surroundings have completely changed. He’s in a cop car, fields blazing by, only Tifa with him. She has a bad bruise on her forehead, sleeping with her head down. The siren cuts out Tai’s sound leaving him helpless with his hands cuffed behind his back. He doesn’t know where he is or where he’s going. Then, for some reason, he falls back asleep. In the car behind them, Eden notices the two cops in the front seats, he also can hear no sound save for the deafening sirens. Eden also notices the fields but also looks out the left side window over the knocked out Chance and sees an ocean. Chance suddenly flings his left arm Eden’s way. He gets slammed in the face, head falling into the right hand side window. The window shatters and flies away only to meet the tar. Eden is instantly knocked out cold, the cops never hearing a thing. The next time the four awaken is in the station. The four are pulled from the car and immediately shoved into two cells. Tai is with Tifa and Eden with Chance. The cuffs are taken off and the guards walk away.

Tai: I have no idea where we are.

Tifa: I was awake the whole time. We’re at Gradgly’s Coastal Police Station. The guard will come back in a minute so we can make a phone call each. We have to call the guys. They can get us out.

Eden: You’re awfully well informed. Tifa.

Chance: You been here before?

Tifa: I’ve been here once or twice before. I knew they were Gradgly’s cops after I saw their suits.

Tai: How do you know? You were sleeping in the car! I saw you!

Tifa: Please, you were awake a mere moment.

Tai: Oh come on.

Tifa: And Eden, I saw you get hit by Chance and shatter the window to bits.

Chance: I hit you, Eden? Sorry man.

Eden looks over to Tifa and spots the lunp on her forehead.

Eden: I wouldn’t talk.

Tifa: Check your shoulder and back lately?

Guard: Just to let you know, I need to see... Tai? For a moment. Make your one fast call. And make it fast.

Tai: Fine.

The guard opens the cell door. Tai looks at Tifa raising and lowering his eyebrows. Tifa shakes her head and Tai follows the guard. The walk three hundred feet and Tai calls his older bro. The phone rings twice and Jan picks up.

Jan: Hello?

Tai: Hey Jan. Is Tony- I mean Ifrit there? It’s an emergancy.

Jan: Ok. Hold on a minute.

Tai: Fine.

He waits Half a minute and then Ifrit answers.

Ifrit: Yo, Tai, What’s up?

Tai: Listen Bro, I was arrested and brought to Gradgly’s Coastal Police Station. You have to-

Ifrit: Gradgly’s? Where were you?

Tai: At the mall in Ledady! You have to come get me out. Tifa’ll fill you in on the rest, all right? Listen, Tifa, Chance, and Eden are with me.

Ifrit: What about school tomorrow?

Tai: What time is it? I dunno about school.

Ifrit: It’s 5:30.

Tai: Gotta go! Later-bye!

Tai hangs up on Ifrit and walks back to his cell.

Guard: Chance? You’re up.

Chance leaves his cell and walks down the hall.

Tai: Why not? I had the best damn shot at it!

Tifa: We’ll all be dead if one of them dies.

Eden: How do you suppose we get out?

Tifa: We wait... we wait and see if they come. You guys can’t go to school. No one in the house is going.

Eden: Ifrit will be happy.

Tai: Yeah, but what about us?

Chance comes back, straight faced and walks to Eden. He whispers in Eden’s ear “Wrong number.” Eden jumps up and runs to the other side of the cell.

Guard: Tifa? Lets go. I don’t have all day you know.

Tifa: I’m coming, I’m coming.

She gets up and walks down the hall to the phone. Tifa picks it up and dials a number. Ifrit answers.

Ifrit: Hello?

Tifa: It’s me.

Ifrit: What did you do to get into Gradgly’s prison?

Tifa: I’ll explain later. How long will it take you to get here and get us out?

Ifrit: At least an hour. How much to bail the four of you?

Tifa: About fifty thou at the least.

Ifrit: What!?

Tifa: we’re talking about three dead men and a shit load of weapons in your brothers backpack.

Ifrit: What the hell was Tai doing with that?

Tifa: Becoming more like Chance. Did he call?

Ifrit: No, why?

Tifa: Shit! A wasted phone call. Eden’s next.

Guard: Hurry it up!

Tifa: Hold on! Ifrit.

Ifrit: Hm?

Tifa: Get down here. Bye.

Ifrit: Will do. Bye.

They hang up.

Tifa: Happy now!?

She goes over to her cell, walks in and calls over to Eden.

Tifa: Listen, don’t mess up the number. Tell Chris to help Tony bail us out. Easy enough?

Eden: all right.

Guard: Last call, make it fast.

Tifa: Make it fast... Eden! Also tell Chris, no weapons, just money.

Eden: You got it.

Eden gets out and walks down the same three hundred foot hall to call the same house. He dials and Ifrit picks up.

Ifrit: Eden?

Eden: I need to talk to Chris.

Ifrit: Hold on.

Chris: What now?

Eden: Tifa wants you to help Ifrit bail us out.

Chris: Bail you out? From where?

Eden: Ifrit will fill you in on that. And one more thing.

Chris: What’s that?

Eden: Tifa said, no weapons, just money.

Now over to Ledady.

Chris: Fine. Bye,

Chris hangs up the phone and walks over to Ifrit, who’s frantically loading his gunblade and shotgun.

Chris: Tifa said “no weapons, just money.”

Ifrit stops suddenly and just looks blackly into Chris’ eyes saying he’s not lying. Then he just explodes.


Chris: We’ll think of something.

Ifrit cools down.

Ifrit: Do you have a way of digging up fifty thousand for them?

Chris: No. You know what, no. As a matter of fact, I just have thirty thousand dollars under my name in the bank.

Ifrit: I should have at least twenty thou under my name. But what if I need it?

Chris: Then lets go save our friends!

Ifrit: Does no one hear me out anymore?

Chris: You’re not gonna?

Ifrit: I dunno how to get there.

Chris: easy, we get a map off the computer.

Ifrit: You and your computers. Hurry up, and what time is it?

Chris: Get a watch, you’re gonna need it.

Ifrit grabs his watch from the shelf under his bed. It reads 6:02 P.M. He puts it on then goes up to the second floor to find Chris completely puzzled.

Chris: You never told me where!

Ifrit: Sorry about that. Gradgly’s Coastal Police Station.

Chris: Hold on.

He types in the stuff and slides the chair, with him on it, half way across the room.

Ifrit: What?

Chris: There’s three of them?!!

Ifrit: How can we hit all three before dark?

Chris: We can, I just know it.

Ifrit: But what if-

Chris: You and your what ifs. Shut the fuck up. Lets go.

Chris grabs the map and climbs down. Ifrit jumps and goes outside. Chris is twenty feet behind.

They hop in Tony’s car and leave. An hour later they get to the first police station and stop the car. In the car-

Ifrit: What if it’s a setup? Like the discs?

Chris: Now you’re thinking. Get to the third one then!

Ifrit revs the engine in park and slams it in first, flying down the road. They get to the third one, money in their packs and walk in. They go up to the man behind the window.

Man: Visiting?

Ifrit: Yes, Tifa Lockhart?

Man: Right this way.

While walking down the corridors Chris and Ifrit start talking.

Chris: Why Tifa?

Ifrit: She’s the oldest and smartest in that group.

Chris: Right, go on.

Ifrit: She’s had past experience here. She knows what she’s doing.

Chris: You think we’re going to school tomorrow?

Ifrit: Knowing Tifa, no. Besides that we’re gonna see all four of them. The two cells are right next to each other.

Chris: Whatever, stop talking.

Ifrit: Fine.

They get to the cells.

Man: You have five minutes. I’ll be back to direct you to the exit.

He walks away.

Tifa: What are you two doing?

Ifrit: I’ve never had to bail someone out before, what do I do?

Tifa: Try running away and hiding.

Chris: You wanna get out or not! I can leave!

Ifrit: Me too!

Tifa: Listen, I’m only gonna say this once. Sometimes things won’t make sense.

Ifrit: But other times they will.

Tifa: Right; now and always, we’ll be there for you.

Both: You can count on that.

Tifa: That’s what friends are for.

Ifrit: I remember that from somewhere.

Tifa: I know. I said that to you when you were six.

Ifrit: But how?

Tifa pulls up her left sleeve and it shows a triangular entrapment sign with the number 315 underneath.

Ifrit: All this time and you didn’t tell me?

Tifa: I’m sorry. You weren’t ready.

Chris: All right, do you four wanna get out or not?

Eden, Chance and Tai: Yeah!

Tifa and Ifrit are still looking at each other.

Ifrit: But... why? Why hold back?

Tifa: If only you knew.

Ifrit’s pack is pulled off him by Chris, who is now down the hall ready to bail them out.

Ifrit: Hold on Tifa.

Ifrit blasts down the hall to catch up to Chris.

Tifa: What happened to Ifa?

Tai: Don’t ask me! I was only three at the time!

Tifa: Be quiet you.

Chance: They can’t get us out can they?

Eden: Hey! Ifrit can do it... That was cheesy; speaking of cheese, I can use some.

Tai: No, no cheese. No food. No nothing.

Tifa: ... Ifrit’s coming!

Tifa hears the loud, fast pattering of feet slamming closer and closer. The four look down the other end of the hall to see Ifrit and Chris running toward them.

Ifrit: I’ve got the keys!

Tifa: You didn’t have to kill anyone for them, did you?

Chris: Don’t worry, no harm done!

Ifrit and Chris get nearer and nearer and finally slide to a stop in front of Tifa and Eden’s cells. They unlock the doors and Tifa, Tai, Chance, and Eden are free! Yay! Okay. Now. Tifa runs over to Ifrit and tightly hugs him.

Tifa: My knight in shining armor.

Ifrit: I don’t think shine is the word.

Tai: Lets go.

Ifrit: Who wants to go in the trunk?

Chance and Eden: WHA?

Chris: Six are not gonna fit in the car.

Tifa: Drop the four of us off at the mall. My car is there.

Chris: Let’s move.

The six of them run down the hall to the entrance room. They go to open the door, only to find that it’s locked.

Guard: It’s funny, really. You think I would allow you to just leave with them?

Ifrit: What!?

Guard: One test. If you lose, you’ll die.

Eden: And if we win?

Guard: This way.

The guard walks over to a tall vault and pushes a big red button. A little keypad slot comes out of the wall and the guard hits four numbers, opening the door. The guard, along with Tifa, Ifrit, Chance, Eden, Chris and Tai walk through. The door slams shut behind them. They follow the guard down several long halls, passing by many doors. At the end of each hall, they turn left, right, left, left and then right. They walk down the hall and through one of the doors on the right hand side. In the room is two benches, a t.v. set, and six lockers.

Guard: All of you have the combination to your lockers already except Chance. Just use 319.

They all go up to their lockers and spin the dial the correct number of times. They open them to find their own personal weapons in the locker along with specified items to help with upgrades, although they aren’t all there.

Ifrit: How did you know?

Guard: Ifrit Ibacuni, 16, some of the items you will have to win.

Tifa: You don’t mean-

Guard; You’ll go up against other prisoners and defeat them. Ifrit will have an easy time cleaning the floor. Tifa lockhart, don’t worry about a thing. You’ll be fine.

Tai: But my daggers are too small, back at home they’re bigger.

Guard: You’ll have to upgrade them.

Chris: How can we trust you!?

Eden: Hey, yeah, I can’t trust you!

Guard: Channel 4. When going into the arena, use the door on the side of the room. Well then, bye!

The guard leaves the room though the door that the group previously came through. After they think the guard is far away enough, they start talking again.

Tifa: Eden, that was mean.

Tai: He said 4 right?

Ifrit: I think so, why?

Tai: I want to see what the hell’s goin on.

Tai walks over to the t.v. in the wall and turns it on. It’s on channel 3 so he puts it on 4. Two guys are fighting, both with swords. The first guy slashes up from the bottom left side. He barely misses the second guy, who swings down from the top. The first guy puts his sword out and both swords clash together.

Tifa: Turn it off. I don’t want to watch that now.

Tai moans and slowly turns it off.

Ifrit: I guess we better be ready for this.

Chance: Should we gear up?

Announcer: Will the blue team please report to the arena. I Repeat, will the blue team please report to the arena.

Chris: What team are we anyway?

Tifa: Judging from the walls, white.

Eden: Dude, all the walls are white! Ya know what I mean?!?

Ifrit: Tifa, I trust you, unlike Eden.

Tai: Hey, yeah, she has had past experience here, ya know.

Tifa: Thank you Ifrit, Tai. We better be ready. And careful. Don’t hold anything back. Chance: Hell, I can take ‘em.

Eden: Don’t worry about me.

Tifa: Oh I won’t, really.

Chris: You sure we shouldn’t watch? We could learn something.

Ifrit: Yeah, like not you shoot three store clerks in a mall.

Tifa: Let’s just get ready, already!

They take what they have to out of their lockers. Then the group sits and waits to be called. Tai and Ifrit watch television with Chris while Tifa, Eden and Chance do nothing but wait. Eden gets up and walks over to the bathrooms. He goes in and comes back out a minute later and paces back and forth down the aisle; passing by Tifa, Ifrit, Tai, Chance, And Chris, over and over again. All just want to be called. The others saw this, and started getting pissed off. So, to let their anger out...

Tifa: Would you please sit the fuck down!

Ifrit: I can’t watch this with you in my way.

Tai: Go shower or something.

Tifa: You know what...

She gets up and slams his stomach with her left fist. Eden drops to his knees. She kicks him in the same spot. He struggles to get back up. He grabs on to the bench and sits. Tifa sits next to him. Tifa sits next to him.

Tifa: If you get up again without my saying so, it’ll hurt much worse.

Eden: Fine!

They’re finally called, so they go down to the arena. Once there the female announcer in the middle of the arena calls the match to order.

Announcer: A first slot match in this tournament, Team Black vs. Team White!

The crowd jumps to their feet, all shouting a million things at once. On team white’s side...

Ifrit: Finally, a chance to become famous.

Chris: Don’t get your hopes up.

Tifa: And don’t die trying.

Announcer: To start things off, Team Black’s Drack vs. Team White’s Mike!

Eden: Uh, hey bitch, it’s Eden!

Announcer: Come again?

Eden: Name’s uh, Eden.

Drack from the other side of the floor: Hey, how ‘bout tellin me what’s goin on here, huh?

The stands surround the arena, start 20 feet off the ground, just in case. The arena is 10 feet off the ground. It’s 300 by 300 feet. So basically 2 football fields side by side. The block is grass and earth, being held up by stone walls. Back to Eden and Drack, who are now standing between the announcer.

Announcer: Fight!?!

Eden immediately takes out both his .45's.

Ifrit: Big mistake. I wonder how many magazines he has?

Drack runs to Eden’s left, far down the field. Eden lets few shots go from his guns. All four shots miss. Drack Takes out his weapon, the chainsickle (a giant hook on the end of a long chain). Drack Throws it at Eden, Eden dodges it, and it keeps going down the field.

Eden: How do you expect to win with that?

Drack: You’ll see.

Tifa: Eden, watch out!

Tai: He has a trick up his sleeve.

The hook comes back and Eden doesn’t see it, he’s still focusing on Drack. Eden spots a shine in the corner of his right eye.

Ifrit: Eden, look out!

Eden jumps in the air and sees the chainsickle fly back to Drack, it passes by his feet and he lands. Drack catches it. Eden shoots at Drack a few more times, but they all miss again. Drack throws the giant hook again, Eden stands to the side and it misses him. He shoots at Drack and misses. Eden jumps over the chain and keeps running to his left. As soon as he notices the sickle is close enough, he shoots Drack again. With nowhere to go, he takes the shots in his left shoulder. Drack, luckily enough, catches it and holds onto it. Eden shoots Drack some more, Drack holds out his sickle and the bullets bounce back at Eden and he falls to his stomach.

Chris: Eden!

Eden gets back up to find out that the sickle is already on the other side of the field. He turns around and sees it flying back at him. He jumps, doing a 180 in the air and shoots at Drack again. The bullets slam Drack’s right leg and left arm. Drack catches the hook and falls to his knees. Eden shoots as he’s running forward, pelting Drack with more bullets/ Drack finally falls forward, becoming a heap in the grass.

Ifrit: Yeah! Only Three more!

Announcer:... Since Drack is well... Eden wins!

Flare(a girl incase your wondering): Hey bitch, Lets go!

Tifa: I wouldn’t talk.

Ifrit to Eden: Flare and Tifa both have metal gloves!

Eden: Should be a hell of a match!

Tifa: Bring it on, bitch!

Flare: Lets go!

They run at reach other and lock.

Announcer: Even though it already started, Fight!

They stay locked trying to move for half a minute. Tifa finally realizes what can be done, then she swings her left leg so fast, so swift it hits Flare’s right leg into her left, knocking her to the ground.

Tifa: Give up?

Flare: You wish.

Flare gets up and Tifa suddenly sees a fistfly out of nowhere at her. Tifa throws out her fist to stop Flare’s. They slam and yet another deadlock. Tifa uses her free arm to gut Flare right in the stomach. Flare quickly draws back in pain and for fear of getting hurt again. Then she runs in an extremely huge half circle around the field to get away from Tifa. Tifa stands in place and watches Flare. Her left arm can be seen, but not her right.

Tifa: What is she doing? What’s she planning?

Flare is attaching the claws to her right glove. Tifa will be completely unexpecting.

Ifrit: what are you planing on doing to my girl, huh?

Flare: Oh, you’ll see.

The claws are attached now and Flare jumps and soars through the air, right arm raised passed her head so Tifa can’t see it.

Tifa: What does she have? What do I do? I know!

Flare comes down at Tifa, swinging her arm forward, Tifa quickly jumps back, getting out of the way just in time. As Flare lands, she draws out a left jab straight at Tifa’s face, sending her falling to the ground.

Ifrit: Tifa!

Tifa: OW! You bitch. (She gets up) Now I’ll kill you off and claim your claws.

Flare: You’ll kill me off just for that. After what you did to me. You should be the one to die.

Tifa: Bring it!

Tifa and Flare run at each other, Flare quickly jumps up. Tifa, seeing this, slides out of the way facing Flare’s back. Tifa runs up to her ready to attack. Flare lands and feels a sharp pain her back that sends her flying forward. Tifa still stands there, both arms outstretched at full distance as if Flare was still right in front of her. Flare smacks the ground with her whole body, breaking a few ribs along with her left shoulder. Tifa runs over to her along with the young announcer. Tifa yanks Flare up by the back of her shirt, lifting her to her feet.

Tifa: Stand! Now!

Announcer: Seeing that Flare can’t get up, Tifa-

Flare: It’s just a few broken ribs. (Stands up straight) Ugmm! And my shoulder.

From over on the black team’s side...

Slash: Flare! Just throw in the towel! We’ll win the other two fights and get out!

Blade: Yeah, don’t worry! It’s only two matches! And besides. I don’t want to lose another member of the team.

Flare: Fine then. Announcer...

Announcer: Hmm? Oh! Right! Um because of... I wasn’t listening but Tifa wins anyway! White are Two and Zero! Just Two more to go! Black Team still needs four.

Chance: I want a go. Come on. I haven’t killed in a while. Come on!

Tai: You gonna get yourself killed?

Chance: No.

Eden: I’m not dead.

Tifa: No one cares about you.

Ifrit: Let him go. And where’s your gun?

Chance: Right here.

The strap over Chance’s shoulder is taken off to reveal his M-16. It looks a little modified from its original version, but’s pretty much the same.

Chris: All right then! No one’s stopping you!

Chance gets up to the stage to find Slash already there.

Chance: You’re the ass I’m up against? Ha!

Slash: We’ll see about that.

Announcer: The third match, between Chance and Slash, is about to begin! Ready? Fight!

Slash instantly takes out his bow and arrow. Chance looks at him and almost pities him. Slash lets go. The arrow is sent flaying and Chance steps to the left and the arrow goes by his right shoulder. Slash has already sent another whizzing through the air. Chance steps right, then quickly ducks another. He then sees five coming at him. He drops to the grass and rolls left. They all miss. Chance gets up and is stung in the left leg.

Chance: Guah! My fucking leg! Chance, don’t worry about it, it’s only a little stab.

Slash: That’s not gonna be the only cut you’ll have.

Chance whips out his M-16 and fires off an entire clip of thirty bullets. Slash is to be found on his hands and knees. Even though thirty bullets were shot at him, he only had a few shots and broken bones. Chance reloads. Slash puts two arrows in and fires them. Chance moves out of the way and Slash fires ten more. Slash puts a gash in Chance’s right arm.

Chance: My shooting arm! Come and get it!

Slash: Try and beat me.

Chance: You’ll be sorry you said that, cause now its gonna happen!

Chance fires twenty more along with a whole other clip.

Ifrit: He’s finished.

Chance: Hmph. It’s over.

To their surprise, Slash gets up in a bloody mess. He launches ten arrows Chance’s way. Chance dodges nine but doesn’t see the other one and is struck in the right leg, same spot. Chance attaches another clip to his gun and shoots the bullets right at Slash to pin him. All thirty gone and Slash is on the ground knocked out.

Chance: Finally.

Announcer: Wow. White Team’s Chance wins! Only one more victory and they’re out of here!

Ifrit: Blade’s mine.

Blade gets Slash and takes him off the stage. He equips his weapon and walks back up the stairs to find Ifrit already there. Ifrit draws his gunblade and Blade takes out his sword.

Ifrit: Hmph. I’ve fought someone with a sword before.

Blade: I don’t know what the fuck ya call that, but we’ll see who wields the better blade.

Ifrit: It’s called a gunblade. It’s a pistol with a long, or in my case short, grip connected to a sword blade or two.

Announcer: For Whites final bout, Ifrit vs. Team Black’s Blade! Fight!

Ifrit takes to it right away, charging at Blade, the gunblade and sword clank together for a moment. Ifrit backs off, only for a second, and goes at Blade again, this time from the bottom left. Blade sees it and stops Ifrit from going any further. Ifrit withdraws and Blade swings in from the ride side. Ifrit sees it out of the corner of his eye and jumps back. Blade runs at Ifrit, both hands held up high, Ifrit just stands there waiting for Blade’s blade to come down at him. Blade swings and Ifrit stops him dead in his tracks.

Ifrit: Come on! I KNOW you’re better than that!

Blade: Fine. I won’t take you so lightly anymore.

Blade and Ifrit go at each other. Both the sword and gunblade clash together at mid-section between the guys. They withdraw and Blade slashes down hard on Ifrit, and Ifrit catches the blow right above his head. Ifrit withdraws and copies Blade, by bringing his gunblade down on Blade, who gets out of the way just in time.

Blade: Geez!

Ifrit: Hmm Hm Hm hm hm hm hm. Let’s get going.

Blade: Right!

Blade runs back, Ifrit just stands there. Blade stops, turns around, and comes charging back, sword above his head, yelling. Ifrit ready’s himself for a stupid attack. Blade, just fifty feet away, drops the sword behind his back, grabs it with both hands and quickly swings with his right hand to confuse Ifrit. To Ifrit, it was, Blade drops his sword, grabs it with both hands and doesn’t know which side it’s coming from. But he was ready though. Ifrit stops the oncoming attack, only to be surprised by the next one. Blade does a fast 360 clockwise spin. Ifrit doesn’t even see it coming and gets a nice big slit in his stomach. He drops to his knees.

Blade: It’s over.

Ifrit: I...Lost...

Tifa: TONY!

Ifrit drops onto his back and is knocked out.

Tai: Not a third time!

* * *

Ifrit wakes up to find out he’s in a hospital and in bandages from his waist to his chest. The nurse has just walked out of the room.

Ifrit: Where am I? What happened?

Ifrit thinks back for a moment’s time.

Ifrit: Blade. Why didn’t he finish me off? How badly am I cut? How did we get out of prison? What happened? What’s going on? What day is it?

Tifa walks in and sees “Tony” awake. She runs up to him.

Ifrit: Try not to hug me right now.

Tifa: I’m just so happy you’re still alive!

Ifrit: What happened?

Tifa: You got cut, fainted, Tai and I brought you here and Chris fought and beat Blade. We’re in Gradgly’s Hospital.

Ifrit: How much time has passed?

Tifa: A few days.

Ifrit: What?

Tifa: Yeah. Be lucky the hospital wasn’t far.

Ifrit: Did Chris kill Blade? Tifa: No. Just knocked him out.

Ifrit: I have to get him back for what he did. And if we are to meet again, he won’t be lucky enough to walk away at all. He only cared about Flare.

Tifa; Listen, as soon as you’re well enough to walk, we’re leaving Ledady.

Ifrit: But we aren’t in Ledady.

Tifa: I mean we’re moving. We’ll take a train to Smallton. Chris thinks we may find what we’re looking for there.

Ifrit: Sean. How does Chris know?

Tifa: Call it a hunch.

Ifrit: Hmph.

Tifa: Rest up. You’ll need it.

Ifrit nods his head then looks over at his left arm. His upper arm is also in bandages.

Ifrit: Is that-?

Tifa: No, it’s just to cover your number up.

Ifrit: Oh. Same with you?

Tifa: Yeah. The doctor told me to wrap it because “the people here think it as evil.” Now go to sleep.

Ifrit closes his eyes and hears Tifa walk out. He slowly drifts off to sleep. Then he dreams that he’s in the Um Restaurant (being the owner, duh) and notices business is a slow. He goes over to Chris and asks for a drink. He swallows it down, then goes over into the kitchen area and sees Eden sitting down on a stool, eating a taco.

Eden: Hey boss?

Ifrit: Yeah?

Eden: I’m gonna leave in a few, ok?

Ifrit: Why you gonna do that?

Eden gets up and walks over to Ifrit. He stands right in front of him.

Eden: There’s a time bomb in here. I don’t know how to stop it. We only have about five minutes left to clear out.

Ifrit: What do we do?

Eden: Well, we can’t move it.

Ifrit: It’ll go off... Let me see it.

Eden: It’s right over here.

Ifrit is shown the bomb. Eden stands and waits. Ifrit bends over and looks at it, it reads 4:23. Ifrit puts his hand behind his back, palm facing up. Eden looks down at it.

Ifrit: Give me some tools, hurry!

Eden runs off and Ifrit looks at some more. He notes all the screws. Eden comes back with some items. Ifrit uses them and notices the time was shortened!

Ifrit: Run!

Eden: AGH!

Ifrit: My restaurant! No!

Chris: What’s going on?

Ifrit and Eden: Run!

They head to the door and then... BOOM! Ifrit suddenly awakens and sits up in bed, feels a sharp pain in his stomach and lies back down. He opens his eyes and looks around. Chris, Eden, Bahamut, and Jon are standing around his bed.

Ifrit: Chris, Eden; I’m not paying you for work you’re not doing.

Chris: I regret to inform you-

Ifrit: So that’s how you think it’s Sean, right? Connecting the bomb with him?

Eden: How did you?...

Ifrit: Call it a hunch.

Bahamut: How long ya think ya got?

Ifrit: Not too long.

Jon: Damn. That can’t be a good thing.

Ifrit: I guess.

Bahamut: Damn it! When the hell am I gonna get to use my 12 gauge again, you bum?

Ifrit: I’d leave right now if that ass hadn’t cut one of my ribs.

Bahamut: Damn you! DAMN you! DAMN YOU!

Ifrit: Did ya know this is a hospital? Quiet down will ya?

Bahamut: Fine. Ya bum.

Ifrit: Just shut up.

Jon: I’m glad that love scene’s over.

Ifrit: You too.

Chris: Man, that restaurant just kinda went up.

Eden: You should see it. Half our house is charred black.

Ifrit: Did you at least save the money?

Eden: No.

Ifrit: Get out! The two of you! NOW!

Chris: But-

Ifrit: N O W!

Eden and Chris walk out of the room slowly with their heads down. Ifrit looks at Bahamut and Jon, who are still in the room. Jon turns around and looks at the t.v.

Jon: Does the t.v. work?

Ifrit: I don’t even know where the remote is.

Bahamut: I think that’s it.

He’s pointing to a bow-shaped thing with one button and a wire hanging off of it. Ifrit tries to reach it without moving too much, but can’t.

Ifrit: Well don’t just stand there. Get it!

Bahamut: Oh! Sorry man.

Bahamut gets it and pushes the button once. The tv turns on to channel 2. Bahamut pushes it again and again to skim through all the channels. 2,3,4,5,7,8,10, and 16. He goes through them again, slower this time to see what's on.

Ifrit: Stop, what was that?

Bahamut: Too late, gotta go through them again.

He does and Ifrit stops him on a dime. There's a reporter in front of a restaurant. Ifrit notices it's the remains of his and listens in.

Reporter: -sources say a shooting was what had led to a bombing to the up and rising "The Um Restaurant."-

Ifrit: Damn! Get them away from there!

Ifrit picks up the phone and dials seven numbers. Tifa answers.

Tifa: Hello?

Ifrit: Tifa! Listen. There's a reporter outside my restaurant, scare him off! Bye!

Tifa: Got it. Bye.

Ifrit, Jon, and Bahamut watch the tv and see Tifa come out in the background, the camera man and reporter still unknowing, she pulls her gloves on tighter-right hand claws equip. One slash and the reporter goes down. She swings her left steel-plated boot up, crushing the hell out of the camera man's balls. The camera falls to the ground. It smashes on the pavement and a please stand by sign appears.

Jon: Dude!

Bahamut: She's got steel-plated boots too?

Ifrit: Girls can never be too careful.

Bahamut: I better not get on her bad side!

Jon: .........Owe.

Ifrit: I'm gonna rest some more. You two... Listen I don't want anymore things blown up. I have no employees, job, or even money!-

Bahamut: But you do still have money.

Ifrit: How do you figure?

Bahamut: We saved it for you!

Jon: That's why we came. We wouldn't have any other reason to come... down... here... and... see... you...

Ifrit: except to come down here and see me.

Jon: See you later.

Bahamut: See ya.

Ifrit: Later.

Bahamut and Jon leave Ifrit's room. Ifrit goes to sleep. Well, he tries to anyway. A nurse comes in to check up on him and notices him lying awake in bed.

Nurse: Need anything?

Ifrit: Got something to knock me out?

Nurse: Glad you asked. Hold on a moment.

The nurse walks out of the room and is gone for a few minutes. She walks back in with laughing gas and notices he's sleeping. She gives him the gas anyway. He has a bad dream that he's on a train. He had just found out that the tracks end and was about to go off it. He awakes and quickly sits up. He feels a sharp pain in his the stomach again and lies back down. The nursewalks in to check up on him again. She walks over to him.

Nurse: How are you doing?

Ifrit: ... My stomach hurts. What day is it?

Nurse: September eighth.

Ifrit: Whoa! I slept for five days!?

Nurse: Yes. Feel any better?

Ifrit: I have no idea.

Nurse: You've been tossing and turning throughout your sleep.

Ifrit: Shut up. Get out.

Nurse: Have it your way.

The nurse walks out. Ifrit sits up and notices that his stomach hurts, but not as much. He gets up and walks around the room a little. He thinks to himself.

Ifrit: I'm leaving tomorrow... I'm getting really hungry right about now... I need food.

Ifrit looks around the room and sees the lunch prepared for him. It's not the best but he eats it anyway.

Ifrit: September eighth? That food was not good. Why a train? I gotta tell Tifa.

He calls home and Eden answers.

Eden: Hello?

Ifrit: Don't give me your shit. Where's Tifa?

Eden: Fuck you. She ain't home.

Ifrit: What the fuck do you mean, ‘She ain't home'?

Eden: I said-HEY! Get off! Get OFF!

Bahamut: Fuck you! Owe! Give it!

Bahamut takes his twelve gauge and slams Eden over the head with it. Eden drops the phone and falls to the ground. Bahamut picks the phone up and answers.

Bahamut: Ifrit?

Ifrit: I'm here.

Bahamut: Seriously, Tifa isn't here. She went to get you a half hour ago. All right?

Ifrit: All right. Thanks. Bye.

Ifrit hangs up the phone and gets back in the bed. He trys to sleep but can't. He thinks for a minute about what the hell he's trying to do.

Ifrit: What the hell am I trying to do?... Duh! Trying to have Tifa wake me up when she gets here. I still have an hour and a half to something... What am I gonna do for ninety minutes? But nothing is on now... Guess I could watch the weather...

He gets the remote and puts the weather on. Ifrit falls asleep with the tv still on. The nurse, still angered by him, doesn't come in to check up on him. Tifa comes in a little while later and tries to wake him. She can't so she picks him up and carries him out to her car. She puts him the back and goes home. On the way there, he wakes up.

Ifrit: Huh? Where am I?

Tifa: On your way home. We leave tomorrow.

Ifrit: Tifa?

Tifa: Yes?

Ifrit: How are we gonna get to smallton? Isn't it on an island?

Tifa: By train and yes it is.

Ifrit: What time is it?

Tifa: About nine. Pack up as soon as we get home. And the Doc said not to be too active for a few days.

Ifrit: Who cares what Docs say?

Tifa: I do. And you should.

Ifrit: What should I pack besides my gunblade?

Tifa: How about... Tony's clothes.

Ifrit: That's gotta be the first time you didn't call me Tony. Wow.

Tifa: Well, I figured it was pissing you off so I'll call you Ifrit from now on.

Ifrit: It didn't piss me off. I know you miss him.

Tifa: It just isn't the same, you know?

Ifrit: Fine...

They get home and find all but Card sleeping.

Card: I've told everyone but you, Ifrit. Listen up. Jan, Chance and I are going to Han City.

Ifrit: Are you coming with us on the train ride?

Card: We'll follow you in a helicopter until you get to Smallton. After that though, you're on your own. So uh, go pack and good night. I'll see you two tomorrow.

Tifa: Good night. Your suitcase is on your bed.

Ifrit: Ok. Good night Card and Tifa.

Tifa goes to her bed and Ifrit walks down to the basement to get his and Tony's clothes. One of Tony's shirts has a cut on the front of it with a blood stain you could barely make out. He also he also notices it has a cut on the left sleeve. He drops the clothes and pulls up the left sleeve of the shirt he has on. He unraveled the bandages and finds a cut right under the symbol. He sighs,and re-bandageshis arm. He picks up the clothes and goes up and places them in the suitcase. Tifa is secretly awake so she can see the excite that will soon be on Ifrit's face. Ifrit goes back down and picks up the gunblade case. He notices it's heavier and larger than normal. Ifrit puts it down and opens it. He is left stunned. His revolver wasn't in the box. Instead it was something he had longed for. A double-edge gunblade had taken thrown to the box.

Ifrit: Wow. I wonder who-

Tifa: we all pulled our money together, and Chris got a very important item for it from Blade, and got it for you.

Ifrit: thank you.

He ran up the stairs and.............. Lets not go there (NO SEX). After that he goes back down, gets his case, puts it on his bed, and goes back down for his crystals and money. He put those in his suitcase, put his suitcase and g-b case on the ground, shut the basement door, shut off the light, and goes to sleep. The next morning he was the last one up (at 10:00 A.M.) and he was cranky. They put his stuff in his car for him and he yelled at Eden because of a scratch on the trunk that was there before. The ten head to the train station. Ifrit and Tifa in Tony's car (he insisted), Tai and Chris in Tifa's car, Jon in his Diablo, Eden in his stang, Bahamut in his car, and Card, Jan and Chance in Card's truck. The three say good bye after giving Tifa and Ifrit An ear piece so that they can communicate with Card and Jan up until they get to Smallton. Ifrit calms down, leaves his stuff in his car (no one else did), and waits. The train comes. Card, Jan, and Chance leave and the other seven of them get on in their own private car after parking their cars in an automobile car and get on their way!

Ifrit: We get our own car! Nice.

Jon: Sure is!

Tifa: Wonder how long it'll take to get there?

Chris: Probably a few hours.

Tai: That's a good few hours we can use.

Bahamut: This'll be boring.

Eden: How right you are.

Jon: Why don't we go try asking out some girls?

Tai: I'm in!

Eden: Hell yeah!

Bahamut: They'll have nowhere to go! Haha!

Ifrit: See ya. Just meet up here when it's time.

The four rush off to the car in front of them. This means that Chris and Tifa have to listen to Ifrit complain about everything.

Ifrit: I'm starving.

Chris: You should have eaten before leaving.

Ifrit: No one woke me!

Tifa: The car behind us is the dinning car. Come on.

The three of them go to the dinning car. Bahamut, Jon, Eden, and Tai pass through the door of the car in front of their's, and Bahamut instantly sees a girl bent over at the waist talking to a friend who's sitting down.

Bahamut: HELLO!

Eden: Dude! Go for it!

Her friend gets up and she stops bending over.

Tai (sarcastic): Why don't you both go over and ask?

Eden: Hell yeah.

Bahamut: Lets go!

The two girls get up and start walking away. Eden and Bahamut run up and stop them. The girls stand next to each other after turning around; Eden and Bahamut are also shoulder to shoulder. They ask and the two girls swing a leg up at the same time striking the two in the balls. Bahamut drops to his knees. Eden remains standing. The two girls stamp off in anger. Bahamut looks up at Eden puzzled.

Girls: Fuck off.

Bahamut: How the fuck can you take that shit?

Eden: I have no fucking idea.

Tai and Jon walk over and help Bahamut up.

Jon: That went well.

Tai: No other hot girls in this car that can kick Bahamut and Eden in the balls in this car. Let's go to the next one.

Bahamut: Shut up.

They head over to the next car. They spot two more girls, one standing by the other end of the car, a red head, and one sitting a quarter-length of the car away, a blond.

Tai: I call blonde.

Jon: I'll take the red head.

Eden: But I like red heads!

Jon: Too bad. You had your chance and blew it! My turn!

Tai and Jon walk over to the blond. Tai stops and Jon keeps walking.

Tai: Anyone sitting here?

Blond: Just me.

Tai sits next to her and keeps talking. The two of them blush as Tai goes on.

Tai: Where ya headed? She's kinda cute.

Blond: Smallton. Why?

Tai: Me too! Wanna come with us? That sounded kinda lame, but hope she agrees.

Blond: Who's "us"?

Tai: My friends and I.

Blond: I'll think about it.

Tai: My name's Tai.

Blond: That's nice to know.

Tai: Do you have a name?

Blond: Yes. It's Kayu.

Tai: Well Kayu, if you deside to join, my friends and I will be two cars back. Bye now!

Kayu: Bye.

Tai gets up and is just in time to see Jon get slapped in the face. Tai walks back to the others as does Jon. The four of them go back to the car they just came from. There's a crowd of girls surrounding a spiky-haired blond guy. But first, back to Ifrit, Tifa, and Chris. They step into the dinning car and smell the sweet aroma of foods. Ifrit's mouth starts to water.

Ifrit: Glad I'm not full! I don't know where to start!

Tifa: How about by sitting down?

They sit and wait to be served. A waitress comes over and gives them plates.

Waitress: This is a buffet breakfast, so like, help yourselves.

She walks away and the three of them get up. They go over to the "Line starts here" sign and see a lot of people in front of them. The line moves up some.

Guy: Hey, how ya doin. I'm Dave. It's nice to meet you!

Ifrit: What the hell does he want? Hi Dave. I notice you like to eat...

Dave's a little bulk. The line moves up some more.

Dave: I can't wait to eat and OH!-

Dave spots a cart being pushed by the waitress that served Ifrit. And on the cart is-

Dave: Um... Doughnut... Hey wait for me!

Dave runs off to catch the cart that's rolling away. The line moves up enough for the three to start getting their food. Ifrit goes for some bacon, eggs, pancakes, french toast, and a bagel with cream cheese. Tifa and Chris only get a pancake a piece. They sit and Ifrit starts stuffing his face and cleans the plate in five minutes. Tifa and Chris sit and watch in half amazement, half disgust. They go back to their car and five minutes later...

Ifrit: Where's the bathrooms?

Chris: HA HA HA HA ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahaha... I have no idea.

Ifrit: Tifa?

Tifa: Sorry.

Ifrit: COME ON!

Tifa: Fine. Back of this car, a door, make sure you shut it after stepping in.

Ifrit: Thank you!

Tifa: I knew Tony's body couldn't handle all that at once. Heheh...

Ifrit runs through the car trying to hold his shit in. Back to the perve- guys. Guys!

Bahamut: We should do this more often!

Eden: Hell yeah!

Jon: Those are nice...

Tai: Wonder who they're crowding around?

They walk up to the girls to find a built man about 22 years old. He has blond spiky hair and glowing blue eyes.

Eden: Cloud Strife!? DAMN!

Bahamut: Dude! Cloud, if you don't mind, could I like, "barrow" one of your girls?

Cloud: And you asses would be who?

Eden: I'm Eden, He's Bahamut, and- hey!

Jon: I'm Jon and the short shit is Tai.

Tai punches Jon in the back to shut him up.

Cloud: I should kick all of your asses right now.

Tai: I think we should leave now.

Bahamut: What did you say?!?

Eden: Bring it!

Jon: I KNOW you aren't talking to me.

Cloud: I wouldn't waste my time on you three losers.

Tai starts walking back to his car.

Eden: What about Tai?

Cloud: That little runt is smarter than the three of you combined.

Bahamut: That is IT!

Bahamut starts walking away, Eden and Jon Follow. They get in their car and it starts smelling really, really bad. Tai is seen holding is nose. The four of them look to the front of the car and see Chris and Tifa. They run over to them.

Chris: Have any luck with the ladies?

Bahamut: We'd rather not talk about it.

Tifa: You can guess who's smelling up the place.

They hear a flush far off and Ifrit comes out sweating.

Ifrit: I don't get it. I had pancakes, french toast, a strip of bacon and a bagel. Never happened before.

Eden: Don't get too close dude, you stink.

Ifrit: I changed and washed. I don't stink.

Chris: I wonder if there's a radio in here?

Bahamut: Over there.

Chris walks over to the radio and stands there looking for an on button. He finds it and turns it on, going through the stations.

News reporter: -has crashed into the only railroad tracks we have. That's all for now. Back to you Red.

Red: Wow. I hope no ones on their way to Smallton right now. We'll be back in a moment on SUKE 302.1.

Chris turns it off. The seven of them stare off, blank-faced.

Chris: No shit.

Bahamut: What now?

Ifrit: Card. Card, Jan? You still there?

Card: We're here. What's up?

Tifa: Could you possibly fly on ahead and inspect the tracks for us?

Card: Will do.

Jan: What's the matter?

Ifrit: something on the radio has us spooked.

Jan: Hang on. We'll check.

The seven of them hear a helicopter go by.

Eden: What now?

Jon: What else can we do?

Bahamut: We could go fuck some girls!

Eden: Besides that.

Tai: Guess all we can do is wait.

Chris: I got lucky by doing that. You could at least thank me.

Ifrit: We will later. If the tracks are out, what are we gonna do?

Tifa: I'll think of something.

Ifrit: I'm gonna get my gunblade. I wanna use it, not lose it.

They hear another helicopter go by. Ifrit goes through the dinning car, someone else's car and reaches the automobile car. He finds his car and pops the trunk, taking out his new gunblade's case and his other case. He rushes it back to the team, hearing faint sounds on the ceiling.

Ifrit: Tai, you have to hold these for me and your "bro." I need to go up top.

Card: Not too far off the tracks end. And looking back on the train there are a lot of guys on the top.

Ifrit: I hate to say it, but I need an M-16. Bahamut, take your shotgun and come with me.

Bahamut: All right!

Jan: It's about fifty feet up from the water, so we'll be coming to get you guys.

Ifrit: Come and get all but Bahamut and I. Then go to the track's break and wait. And make sure the latter's out in case we don't make it in the side.

Card: Right.

Jan: The rest of you be ready at the back of the train so we can get you.

Tifa: All right then. Guys! To the back! Let's go!

They go to the next car back and yell at Cloud.

Eden: Hey, Cloud. Track ends ahead. What are ya gonna do?

They leave and head to the next car back. Tai sees Kayu and her sheath and doesn't say anything, only looking. She smiles and nods her head. She gets up and follows the team through two more cars to the back. Once there...

Ifrit: Where's Chris? Fine, fuck him. And who the fuck are you?

Kayu: Name's Kayu.

Ifrit: Mine's Ifrit. Would you care to join us?

Kayu: Not at all.

Ifrit: Hey, Card, we're ready. We can't find Chris and this new girl's with us.

Card: What's her name?

Ifrit: I don't know her name.

Kayu: You know what, no, I'm not going to come. I'm going back inside to die with the rest of them.

Ifrit: her name's Kayu. She'll be running topside with Bahamut and I. We'll see you all later!

Tai hands Ifrit an M-16 and the three climb to the top and start running. Kayu draws her sword and Bahamut unleashes his 12 gauge shotgun.

Bahamut: I guess you're not one for long-range, huh?

Kayu: I could kill you right now. Ifrit: Would you two shut up. Keep up. Kayu, we'll be behind you.

Kayu: You had better watch your aim.

She runs ahead and does a mid-section slash. The receiving man falls off screaming and slams into the water below. Ifrit starts running and doesn't stop, Bahamut stands at his side, following his foot patterns. Ifrit goes through clip after clip ans Bahamut: shell after shell. Kayu has to keep running to stay ahead and hacks her way through. They make it to Cloud's car and find him climbing out a window.

Bahamut: Don't die on the way down!

Cloud: Later!

He jumps and dives into the water. He floats back up and starts swimming. The three of them go back to work. A helicopter goes by on its way to the back. Bahamut blows another man off.

Ifrit: Card! Hurry up!

Card: Tell that to the guys getting in!

Tifa: I will hurry.

Ifrit shoots a man in the stomach and he dies. They move to the next car. Five men come at them, three in front and two behind.

Bahamut: Where the hell do they come from?

Ifrit: Bahamut, get the one behind you.

Kayu: I've got these three.

Ifrit and Bahamuy turn around. Bahamut quickly shoots one down. Ifrit wastes another clip on the other. Kayu runs up flinging her right arm far left, then throws her sword into the gut off all three men, killing them easy. Ifrit turns around just in time to see this.

Ifrit: Geez... Anything she can't do? Card, almost done?

Card: Almost.

Ifrit: Hey Tifa, how's it going?

Tifa: Kinda busy right now. Chat later.

Ifrit: Couldn't hurt to ask.

Ifrit sees Bahamut and Kayu two cars ahead of him. He takes a shot at the cape on Bahamut's back to say hold on. Bahamut turns around and watches Ifrit jump the cars and run across. Kayu turns to see him and he points his M-16 at her. She ducks and the man behind her gets shot and flies off. Ifrit continues running. He jumps another car and runs across to meet up with them as they're running.

Ifrit: You really can do anything, can't you?

Kayu: I can't read minds, lift things with it, or fly. Not yet anyway.

Ifrit: How could you tell?

Kayu: Please. Who else has their hair stupidly down like that?

Ifrit: What did you say?!!?

Kayu: Tai is just copying you because he looks up to you. So, yeah, you're the only one who would show off red hair like that. Cloud's different because he's him. You're just an ass.

Ifrit: SHUT U- huh?

He looks off in the distance to see that the tracks end soon.

Ifrit: Card, Jan, a little faster, eh?

Jan: Then get to the front!

Ifrit: Right! Bahamut, Kayu! We gotta get to the front! NOW!

They run non-stop again and the helicopter comes by. Chance drops the latter.

Bahamut: Ladies first.

Ifrit: You mean yourself?

Kayu jumps and climbs the latter. Ifrit looks off in the distance again. Kayu gets back down.

Ifrit: There's no time. We're gonna have to jump!

Bahamut: Hell yeah!

Kayu: One thing. Wouldn't we have to get to the front to jump?

Ifrit: That'd be nice.

They start running, Kayu next to them this time. Ifrit shoots down three more men, wasting a few clips. Bahamut blows away a few more guys. Kayu slashes another four down as she goes by. They make it to the very front and wait. Card, Jan and Chance's helicopter is thirty feet from the edge.

Ifrit: Well, card. We're ready.

Card: Why didn't you just climb?

Ifrit: No time. We're almost there!

The train quickly draws nearer and nearer to the end. It suddenly reaches it and is sent soaring off. As it starts its decent they jump. Kayu lands first on the top of the latter. Bahamut lands next, dropping to his knees in the cargo helicopter. Ifrit doesn't make it and is sent hurling towards the water. He moves himself as close to the latter as possible and grasps it tightly. The force of the fall pulls at him and he gets a gut-wrenching pain in his stomach and puts his left arm over it, leaving him hanging at the bottom of the latter with one hand. Running through the still falling train (or trying to), Dave jumps out the back and lands on the tracks as the train leaves them. He turns around and sees Ifrit dangling on the latter.

Dave: Well. Not doing that again!

Ifrit notices Dave and reports it to Card. Jan swings the helicopter over to get him. By now the trains are exploding as they crush each other fifty feet below. The track starts shaking as Ifrit climbs the latter. Dave jumps and climbs the latter also. They fly the rest of the way to Smallton. Dave gets dropped off in town and the seven person team at a three story house. Bedrooms and bathrooms on the first floor with a basement, kitchen on the second and entertainment room on the third. Outside Ifrit drops his suitcases and stares into the distance.

Ifrit: Oh fuck.

Tifa: What happened?

Ifrit: Tony's car! It was fucking left behind! What we gonna do?

Eden: We? It's your fault!

Ifrit: Fuck you! I don't have to explain it to him!

Jon: Dude, so what? Same with us! How do you think we feel? Those were good cars!

Kayu: Hey assholes! Can we go inside now?

Tifa walks over to Kayu and quietly tells her...

Tifa: Get used to it. They do this sort of thing a lot.

Kayu: Grrrr... Fine.

Bahamut: Yeah! I wanna see the inside!

Ifrit: I just know there's something else I wanna say but I don't what!

Tai: can we just go in!?

Ifrit: Uh... Fine.

Ifrit grabs his suitcases and they all go inside. It's bigger than they thought. And a hell of a lot like their old house.

Kayu: Wow.

Tai: What is it?

Kayu: Haven't lived in a house like this in a while. I've always been moving from town to town, staying at inns, looking for something...

Tai: What have you been looking for?

Kayu: I couldn't tell you that.

Tai: I understand completely.

Kayu: You do?

Tai: Not at all!

Kayu sighs. At the same time the others are all talking.

Ifrit: What now?

Tifa: Well, we unpack, eat, unpack some more, eat again, then go to sleep.

Bahamut: Your day's shot.

Eden: So is yours.

Jon: Lets unpack!

Tifa: It won't be the same without the others...

Ifrit: Well, Card, Jan and Chance went to Han City and Chris, well, uh... Yeah.

Bahamut: He was a bum! It was his fault. He stayed behind. He paid the price.

Eden: What the fuck happened to that ass plug anyway?

Jon: I think he ran after hearing what was gonna happen.

Bahamut: Chicken-wuss.

Kayu: Wait. One of your friends dies on the train and all you can say is "chicken-wuss?"

Eden: Pretty much.

Kayu: Asses. All of you.

Jon: Why the hell are you here anyway?

Kayu: Tai invited me.

Jon: Should have known that...

Tai: Ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA ha haha ha...........

Eden: Shaddap. Just shut up.

Bahamut: My nuts still hurt because I asked that that girl out and all I had to do was invite her to live with me?!?

Jon: Do I still have that hand mark on my face?

Ifrit: Yup. Dude, the kid's 13 and he's smarter than the three of ya put together!

Tifa: Looks like I'm the ass for being the oldest in this damn place. Would you please shut up and start unpacking now?!!!!!!!!1

So they unpack, put clothes and items away, unpack some more, keep unpacking, and then Ifrit gets to his suitcase with is double-edge inside. He opens it up, takes out the gunblade and looks it over.

Ifrit: Man, will Tony be happy to see this. The scar I don't know about. Hope he doesn't mind.

He looks down at the box some more. He puts down the gunblade and pulls the soft sponge shaped for his gunblade up and outand reveals Tony's revolver g-b. He puts the sponge back in and the gunblade on top of the foam. He closes it up and puts it in the basement. He walks back out.

Kayu: Not that I care or anything but, uh, what are your names? I know Tai already.

Jon: It's Jon. And that's the village idiot over there.

Jon points over at Eden and Eden replies by flipping him off.

Eden: Last time I checked I was Eden.

Tifa: Mine's Tifa, as you may already know.

Bahamut: Name's Bahamut.

Ifrit: And mine's Ifrit. Although some confuse me for Tony.

Kayu: Thanks.

They all get back to unpacking. Just for the record there was no sex that night.


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