Peel Out

I desided to to write something different one day, a nice little short story, and this is what I came up with! A kind of futuristic thing that a LOT of people who read it liked. Well, I hope you like it too. Enjoy!

A crash. A spark. A fire flares up. A loud explosion that echoes across the city. An alarm bellows out the hour. Two o'clock in the morning. Sirens whale and get closer and closer. I look out the window. Just as I thought, right across the road. Just another normal morning. Just another alarm clock going off. The window shut, I shut off my alarm along with the thousands outside. I get to work two hours later, a half hour late, get yelled at from a faceless speaker in the wall at the door, and go in. Inside tires squeal and a car hits the wall sideways. It shatters to pieces and the driver falls out. The other side of the large room a voice rings out, "These cars aren't gonna drive themselves!" My boss. "They should!" I retort, "what have I got this morning?" They pull the car away from the wall and review the damage. A TV screen turns on and the crash plays in full, rewinds, and plays again.

"You've got a GRS today. A nice shipment came in a few hours ago with a couple of these bad boys," my boss replies.

"You're kidding!? I've been eyeing that car forever! Where the hell did you find something like that?"

Curious out of mind, I run to the car lot ignoring anything my boss just said and find myself in awe as I spot a dozen of the beauties, just waiting to be worn in by the best driver these streets have ever seen. Tires scream out and a set of headlights blind me into paralysis. A monster of a car skids to a halt four feet in front of me. The lights dim as the car is turned off. After a glimpse of the slick red paint of the car, I realize who the driver is. Yori. He's been a bother from the start and my only real competition. He steps out and looks around at this floor's stock of cars. "I see you got your car you've been wanting."

"Damn right, and you know what else? My only competition is about to be blown out of his racing seat."

"Is that so?" He wonders, "How much horse does that crap-heap have again? A half-dozen?"

I give a little grin and slyly reply, "You'll just have to find out for yourself, now won't you?" Even though I know for a fact that I've 590BHP (Brake Horse Power) under the hood and a top speed of at least 205 miles per hour. But I'll have to find that one out from first-hand experience.

"Well if you find out about mine, just take a look at the engine of one up on the third floors lot." I'm starting to get annoyed by all the talk. "Suit up or shut up!" I yell out as if he were a half mile away. He jumps, startled, and gets in. The window rolls down and a soft, hardly audible voice says, "You know where to meet me..." The car speeds off into the dark night. I walk over to my own little lot of finely tuned machines. I open the door to a yellow one, hop in, slam the door shut and press a button. Like life given to a demon child, it screams into existence and the steering wheel unfolds into a circle.

A bang. I spin my head around to the side window to see my boss yelling at me. Silently exploding his voice out at no one. I hush the car and the window rolls down. He stares for a moment with a blank expression on his face and then finally finds his words and voice again.

"... You're my best driver out here next to Yori. If anything were to happen to you th-"

"Don't worry about it boss, I've got eleven other GRS's ready. And besides, nothing is going to happen... Except that I'm going to win. By sun-up, that all-talk chump will be walking out of town. Later!"

Again, button pressed, tires slip as the beast comes back to life. I speed down the ramp and around the two corners, out the gate and onto the open road. After a few moments of flashing lights streaming by at 180 mph, I stop at a light next to Yori. Our eyes lock and then look at the light and the set a quarter of a mile away. Still red. Still red, still red. He rev's his engine. Still red. A rev. Still red. "Change already!!" I yell out. Yori jumps, peels out, the light changes and we're off. We mash through the gears like mad men, going ever faster down the line. Objects zip by us at almost two hundred mph, and yet, he's still next to me! I look down at the shifter, still another gear! I'm loving this car more and more. I shift into sixth and silently say to myself, "Yukiko, you've got this one won girl."

It's not the best, but she's still cool! It's her car!
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