The Prologue

The year 2015 and 18 some kids were born. A guy named Sean was under rule and was starting to fund a project. 3 years later the project was up and running. Project: Unstoppable. In this project, when people were taken to jail, they were treated differently. Life. Fighting. Who ever entered would be lucky to get out. But if you did you would have to keep running forever. They WILL hunt you down. If they find you, you will end up dead at their mercy. The prison guards and employees brand you as you come in on your arm that only comes off with your dead corpse. And also you were taught. Like school out of school. Read, write, and fight. As young as 3 years old. Those same kids born on 2015 and 2018 were sentenced to life after being found guilty of being raised by a fraud orphanage runner. 3 years later, when 1 was 13, 5 were 6 and 2 were 3, they broke out and were running since. 3 years after that, they left Earth to get away from Sean and another project. The 8 of them were split up to find their own way. They all went to the second Earth. While that was happening, something else was going down on the first Earth in an office building...

Man: And we don't know how to stop it?

Woman: No. At least I don't think there is. Is there a way to Sean?

Sean: Not that I know of. I don't want lives wasted. The last thing we need is more dead bodies then we already have. If we do stop it, how will we know it won't just start back up again?

Man: If it restarts, so do we.

Sean: And that means?

Woman: Killing off all who already carry the virus.

Sean: But I can't have more dead because of their wronging.

Man: Well, if it's the only way...then it has to be done.

Sean: I guess you're right. Good luck with the Eternal Virus, and good day Card and Jan. You 2 know the way out.

The 2 leave and Sean just sits there alone thinking.

Sean: If all those kids regroup, both Earths as we know them will be demolished. They have to be stopped while they're still young. It has to be done. For the sake of mankind. Even if it means I have to do it myself. I won't and can't be killed in the process. I will defeat them at all costs. They will be stopped.

Sean gets up and walks out and as he does, he slams the door behind him, shattering the glass all over the place....So it begins...

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