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Jinudce Harbringer
- Guild Leader -
Currently on leave
The man. Founder of the Mercenaries of Dark.
Always has final word on decisions pertaining to the guild.

Xailia Darkhart
- Commanding Officer-
second in command
head of all officers as well as the highest rank of all the other members,
any problems that the personnel officer cannot answer will be forwarded to her.

Raid officer
This position is currently open

3rd in command, he is in charge of all guild raids,
he will decide when, where, and what we are going to raid,
with input from guild members.
The raid must be to be approved by the guild leader,
once decided, we will then do the raid on that date and time
To apply for this position
email Xailia for info.

-Inviting Officer-
in charge of all inviting and removal of the guild

-Personnel Officer-
This position is currently open
complaint department, kinda a given on this one, all complaints go to this person,
and they will try and fix the problem
If not resolved, then please take problems to the SIC.
email Xailia to apply for this position

-Substituting Officer-
fill in for absent officers when they are needed,
will have to know all duties and commands in guild

-Master of Arms-
in charge of holding a supply of weapons and armor
in the bank for newbie members

Xailia Darkhart
-Officer of Webmastery
Contact Xaila
for any questions, updates or comments on this site.

Guild Officers
Officers will uphold all guild rules and proceedures.
They are intitled to invite new members as they see fit
