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Edmond Oklahoma Relocation

Edmond Oklahoma School information

Edmond Oklahoma Relocation, Edmond Oklahoma school information

Edmond Education, Edmond Real estate, UCOEdmond relocation, Edmond schools

Education Quality education is a top priority in Edmond, Oklahoma.

The schools in Edmond, public, private and parochial, and the universities and vocational-technical schools reflect the type of citizens living here.

The schools are progressive, high in their standards, demanding of excellence, well balanced and well managed.


Edmond Public School District Covers 97 square miles servicing an enrollment of over 15,000 students.

These students attend one of the fourteen elementary schools, four middle schools or three high schools in the system. Over 1,400 certified and support personnel staff Edmond's schools.

Special features of Edmond's school system include half-day kindergarten, considerations of children with special needs, and a program for gifted and talented students. Within the community there is a great interest in education. Some of our civic and professional organizations are strongly involved in programs designed specifically to enhance the quality of education in Edmond.

Edmond Public Schools Statistics 1995-96

Total Enrollment-15,613

Number of Schools

High Schools-3 (Enrollment-4,533)

Middle Schools-4 (Enrollment-3,843)

Elementary Schools-14 (Enrollment-7,237)

Student Outcomes

Attendance Rate 95.8%

Graduation Rate 85.0%

Average Scores

ACT-Edmond 21.8

ACT-U.S. 20.6

Edmond IOWA & TAP-21.8 and 71

U.S. IOWA & TAP-20.6 and 50

Blue Ribbon Schools

Each Year only 200 are named across the nation by the President of the U.S.

  • Summit Middle School - 1993
  • Cimarron Middle School - 1993

    National Elementary Administration of the Year - 1993
  • John Ross Elementary School

    In the past 3 years of Edmond has produced:
  • 35 National Merit Finalists
  • 41 Semi-Finalists

Oklahoma Superintendent of the Year - 1993

Elementary Schools

Edmond currently has 13 elementary school sites with a total elementary enrollemnt of approvixmately 7,250. The elementary program, encompassing grades K-5, maintains the early childhood curriculum and emphasizes growth in academic, social, and communicative skills.

A media center is provided in each school, and instructional specialists in music, art, physical education, and gifted education are available in all schools. Elementary counselors provide programs which meet students' developmental needs.

The system offers half-day kindergarten to all children in any district who meet state age requirements. A child must be 5 years old on or before September 2 of the school year in which he enters kindergarten. The early childhood program introduces children to the educational system and helps them build positive attitudes toward school and learning.

For a list of Edmond Elementary Schools with contact information, go to the Edmond Public Schools Directory. Middle Schools Edmond currently has four middle schools with an average enrollment of approximately 925 students. The middle school program, grades 6-8, bridges the gap between elementary and high school. It helps students learn to work with others, organize their knowledge of the world around them, and make progress toward becoming independent persons. The middle schools provide major blocks of time for instruction in core curriculum areas, including language arts, social studies, mathematics, and science.

The middle school schedule is flexible in order to give students a wide range of exploratory opportunities. These experiences include short-term courses, such as

  • Instrumental and Vocal music,
  • Art
  • Physical Education
  • Football
  • Cross Country
  • Softball
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Wrestling
  • Golf
  • Track
  • Tennis
  • Baseball
  • Home eEonomics
  • Foreign Language
  • Computer Technology
  • Speech and Drama

Developmental needs are met through a homebase program.

High Schools

Edmond School District operates three high schools, grades 9-12, with a total enrollment of approximately 4,500 students. The high schools are accredited by the North Central Association of Secondary Schools and the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

A broad curriculum and high scholastic standards are the foundation of the system's strong high school program.

The schools offer a wide variety of subjects and extra curricular activities beyond the required core curriculum areas, including courses in

  • Fine arts
  • Business and Vocational education
  • Foreign languages
  • Competitive athletics
  • Computer technology
  • Professional internships.

    Clubs and organization that are offered are:
  • he academic team
  • band
  • Orchestra
  • Debate
  • Environmental Awareness
  • FFA
  • Key Club
  • Mu Alpha Theata (math)
  • National Forensics League
  • National Honor Society
  • ROTC Corps of Cadets
  • Journalism
  • SADD
  • Student Council
  • Students United by Nature
  • Thespians
  • Yearbook
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Cheer/Pom
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Swimming/Diving
  • Tennis
  • Track
  • Volleyball
  • Wrestling
  • DECA
  • D-FY-IT
  • FHA

Advanced placement courses allow students to earn college credit in the following areas: English, biology, chemistry, physics, calculus, Spanish, American history, European history, and government.

Gifted Education

The goal of the district is to meet the needs of the gifted and talented students by providing instructional programs and learning settings which differentiate, supplement, and support the regular educational program; offering supportive services to meet individual needs; and encouraging all students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills for lifelong use.

The first through fifth grade identified students meet with a designated teacher in a specialized program during the regular school day. Identified sixth through eighth grade students may enroll in differentiated electives or honors classes. Identified ninth through twelfth grade students may enroll in honors, advanced placement, or talent classes. Alternative programs such as the internship classes will provide for special needs of gifted students.

Special Education Services

The Edmond Public School District serves all children with disabilities ages 3 to 21 years who are eligible for educational services in accordance with federal laws P.O. 99 and P.L. 94-142, Oklahoma State Department Policies and Procedures, and local district policy. For infants and toddlers (ages 0-3 years), the Edmond Public School District performs Child Find responsibilities. Infants and toddlers are referred by the school district to Oklahoma County regional office of Sooner Start for early intervention services through an IFSP (Individual Family Service Plan).

The categories of disabilities for school services are as follows:

  • Speech or Language Imparied
  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing
  • Mentally Retarded (Educable and Trainable)
  • Orthopedic Impairement
  • Other Health Impaired
  • Seriously Emotionally Disturbed
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Autism
  • Traumatic Brain Injury.

For Edmond Public School District residents needs information regarding eligibility for services, please contact the Office of the Child Find Coordinator, Special Services Center, 215 N. Boulevard, Edmond, OK 73034

Enrollment Requirements

Students must reside in the Edmond Public School District to attend Edmond Public Schools. When enrolling a child for the first time, the following is needed:

  • Two (2) proofs of residency (home purchase contract, rental agreement or receipt, lease agreement, current utility deposit receipt or current utility bill)
  • Current immunization records
  • Birth certificate if enrolling in kindergarten or first grade

    The State of Oklahoma requires acceptable evidence of adequate immunization before a child may be enrolled in any school in Oklahoma. Minimum required immunizations are:

    • Three doses DPT or Td
    • Three doses polio vaccine (OPV)
    • One dose EACH of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) received on or after child's first birthday for grades 3-12.

    Note: Studens in grades K-4 will be required to have two doses of a measles vaccine after their first birthday with second dose of measles preferably combined (MMR) at least one month after the first dose.

    Private Schools

    • Crescent Academy
    • Edmond Church of Christ - Oklahoma Christian Academy
    • Memorial Road Church of Christ
    • Oklahoma Christian Schools, Inc.
    • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic
    • St. Mary's Episcopal

    Edmond Oklahoma Real estate, Edmond Oklahoma Schools

    Higher Education

    There are two universities in the Edmond area, the University of Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma Christian University of Science and Arts.

    Vocational-Technical School

    Also in the Edmond area is the Francis Tuttle Vo-Tech Center, part of Oklahoma's outstanding Vo-Tech system. Francis Tuttle Vo-Tech Center is internationally known for providing quality technical education for high school students, adults and business and industry clients. They offer outstanding technology training and are actively involved in business/industry development. Day and evening classes are available in health, business, advanced technology, trade and industrial areas, and more. The Center prides itself in offering market-driven programs and services for the community. Daytime enrollment is around 1,400 students (60% adults) and approximately 20,000 adult students a year enroll in evening courses.
    Perhaps you can tell from this brief look at the educational opportunities available in our area that education is certainly a prime focus of the Edmond community

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