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sWo Wrestler Training & Development Center  


SCENARIO: You've just finished watching Raw, Smackdown, TNA, or sWo-TV and the whole way through, you sat there and said,"dude, I'd LOVE to actually DO that!"  Guess what?  You can make that happen!

  WHERE did you hear this before? That's right, on the main page of our site. Did you think about what you saw? Did you think that you might be able to make it in prowrestling? Well, the only way you will EVER find out is if you TRY!

  The first thing you're going to ask is, HOW MUCH does it cost to be a pro wrestler?? Usually the answer is somewhere between $25OO to $5OOO at many if not all, of the "schools" that train men and women in this sport. That's NOT how it works here. Susquehanna Wrestling offers high quality training and development packages at reasonable and responsible prices! Some people have told us that we can't possibly develop a wrestler at the price we offer, but that's EXACTLY what we're doing every day. Your training will be worth EVERY penny you invest. You will be able to excel at a high level while getting all of the inside information necessary to make it in the world of professional wrestling. You can feel free to contact us for more info, but before you do that you may want to read the rest of this page may shock you.

  From Suplex to Side Headlock, Body Slam to a Russian Leg Sweep, you can get the PROPER training on how to execute moves that will be key to your success in any wrestling organization, federation, or alliance. Without this "complete" style of training you may not be prepared for the future. Some people believe that it's okay to literally beat the living hell out of a student, take his money, and kick him to the curb. Oh yeah, that's happened at some the other places that call themselves "schools" in this business. What you'll find here at Susquehanna Wrestling is, that just doesn't cut it here. Never has, NEVER will! Our professional training staff will see to it that you are treated with the respect that you deserve. We are here to make you a wrestler, not a punching bag for some other guy. Some will try their hardest to discourage you from training with us, saying literally anything to you in order to do so. Just keep in mind that it's probably because we do things the right way, and they can't stand to see that happening. Don't be decieved and end up as another victim, see for yourself what makes us the premiere organization in the Susquehanna Valley. If you truly want a fair and indiscriminate shot at making your dream become reality, this is where you need to be!

  While training, you will be able to observe the inner workings of a professionally run wrestling show. You'll be given a chance to learn EVERYTHING that has to do with setting up a fully produced wrestling event. You will discover how to "speak" all over again, how to "walk" all over again, and how to perform at a level that you might have never thought possible. Your training will include the opportunity to travel to other promotions and perform frequently while becoming familiar with other wrestlers and their styles and techinques. All of these things are key steps in becoming a working professional wrestler in today's era of prowrestling. It is sometimes amazing to sit back and think of all that there is to learn, and even more amazing to find out that you will learn something new about this business every single day from now on, even after you complete your training with us. Holds, power moves, in and out of ring tactics, psychology, how to conduct interviews, and how to grow you character and develop true respect and great work ethics among your fellow wrestlers. Prowrestling isn't all glamour and glitz, and there are bad days as well as good ones, but then again that's the same as everyday life, isn't it? It may sound cliche, but the wrestling road is yours to travel. Just give us the chance to help you make the correct turns that get you where you want to go.

  This is where it comes down to the final question that WE have for YOU to ask yourself.
Can I make a commitment to MYSELF that will probably change my life FOREVER??
This is your chance to see if you can get that question answered. Get in touch with our staff and we will schedule either a face to face or telephone meeting that could get you on the way to a completely new future that only a select few are proud enough, brave enough, or able enough to embark upon. We do not promise you the world, and we never will. The future is yours to build. You have to make a promise to yourself in order to get the chance at doing something that you've dreamed of for quite some time. DO IT FOR YOU!!
Inquire at an event to speak with the training staff.