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Wuddup everybody?

I dont really know what to say on the profile page. Like everybody else i have a few nicknames. I dont know if im able to put alot of them on this site cause they're kinda messed up. So i wont put any on right now. I'd like to start out by saying that I AM NOT GAY (if you saw my video then youll know what im talking about). If your a guy then youll know what im talking about when i say that... Gwen stefani is soooo freakin hot. Ali larter is damn hot too (the girl on Varsity Blues w/ the whipped cream on boobs). Ok enough about that, even though i can talk about them all day. But as far music go's i listen to alot of it. i mostly listen to Rock and Punk. i listn to everything else except Country and boy bands. Im a fan of only a couple of groups like: Weezer, Jimmy Eat World, Offspring, No Doubt, and...and... and some other bands that i cant really think of right now. Since i dont know what else to talk about im just gonna stop. I'll talk to ya later.

P.S. if anybody wants to talk to me on instant messenger my screen name is Tricky Ricky 522. if you talk to me on AIM im not usually not this boring. I start to get weird once I fell confortable around you. so.....


P.S.S.S. Gwen Stefani is freakin hot as hell

P.S.S.S.S. i cant think of anything else to talk about.

P.S.S.S.S.S. I would right more P.S's but i dont know what else to waste space w/.

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