#2 If you are unhappy with something, DO NOT, IM anyone one on the Staff acting like a little smartass or you will be fired and banned PERIOD!! If you feel that you got "cheated" out of a match well all I can say is that this fed is ran 100% fair and if you lost a close match it's your own fault because if you would have tried just alittle harder maybe you could have proven yourself as a clear cut winner. The Staff will look long and hard at the rper's and do our very best to decide the true winner, so don't IM the staff saying you got screwed.
#3 When you join The WWE you do not get to choose which roster your wrestler will be apart of I will choose. The reason being is that I do not want the rosters getting lop sided.
#4 You can join The WWE as TWO REAL wrestler's, you can make a Tag Team with them.
#5 No attacking or even using other wrestlers in your rp UNLESS you have the handlers permission, they tell me so I know.
#6 No Racisist remarks.
#7 If you are booked for a match and you decide to waste our time and not rp... you will be replaced, Unless you let someone know ahead of time.
#8 No killing anyone in your rp's. If someone is going to get killed we will handle that in the results.
#9 There is a line min. of a 15 line RP if you fail to do so your rp will not be counted.
#10 This is a board federation!
#11 Most of all HAVE FUN! and have a nice day