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Vertical Improvement

A high vertical jump is probably the most sought after skill in basketball. My two favorite programs in this search are listed below:

Sky's the Limit 15 Week Vertical Leap Program
2)Aussieboy's Simple No Weights Program

You Also MUST know the following:
1)Stretching Excersises
2)Definition of Main Excersises
3)Nutrition during Training

Sky's the Limit

Creator: Ant from STL Basketball
Guaranteed to raise your vertical 10-13+ inches

(If you don't know the definition of the excersices or the stretching technique click the links above, also MAKE SURE YOU STRETCH THE MUSCLE GROUP YOU ARE WORKING BETWEEN SETS FOR ATLEAST 30 SECONDS!!!)

The following is the POWER SET of the program, to be performed TWICE A WEEK with REST DAYS INBETWEEN

Calf Raises - 3 sets of 30, 5 more repitiions every week.
Weightless Bench Squats - 3 sets of 50, 10 more reps every week.
Lunges - 3 sets of 10, 5 more reps every week.
Presses - 3 sets of 30, 5 more reps every week.
Shrugs - 3 sets of 30, 5 more reps every week.

Now, the following set of excersises is the MOBILITY SET of the program, to be performed TWICE A WEEK with REST DAYS INBETWEEN.. usually done the day before you do the power set.

Stabiliser Lunges - 2 sets of 10, 5 more reps every week.
Stabiliser Weightless Bench Squats - 2 sets of 10, 5 more reps every week.
Side Bends - 3 sets of 30, 10 more reps every week.
Twisting Sit-ups - 3 sets of 10, 5 more reps every week.
Basketball Balancing - 6 minutes, a minute more every week.

THERE IS A REST WEEK ON THE 5TH, 10TH, AND 15TH WEEK TO PREVENT OVERTRAINING. you will see much improvement on the rest weeks

Aussieboy's Simple No Weights Vertical Program.

Creator: Aussieboy from Mental Hops: Aussieboys Vertical Jump Site
Probably my favorite vertical program, mainly because it so easy and works effectively.

Remember to STRETCH!!!!!

Weightless Bench Squats - 3 sets of 25, 10 more reps each week (except on week 11 you will do 4 sets of 60 and on week 12 you will do 4 sets of 70)
Lunges - 3 sets of 25, 10 more reps each week (except on week 11 you will do 4 sets of 60 and on week 12 you will do 4 sets of 70)
Calf Raises - 3 sets of 25, 10 more reps each week (except on week 11 you will do 4 sets of 60 and on week 12 you will do 4 sets of 70)
Tippy toe Calf Jumps - 125 reps, 100 more each (except on last week when you will do 1000).

ON THE 5TH, 10TH, AND 13TH WEEK OF THE PROGRAM NO EXCERSISES WILL BE DONE EXCEPT FOR BASKETBALL BALANCING (5th week - 6 minutes, 10th - 10 minutes and 13 - lowered goal dunking and stretching before going to bed)

Stretching Excersises

Calf Stretch - Place your feet straight on the ground and lean against a wall (with your hands) without your heel leaving the ground. You should feel your calf stretching.
Quad Stretch - (For weightless bench squats) Lie on your side and place the hand thats farthest away from the surface you are lying on, on the ankle thats farthest away from the surface you are lying on. Pull back. You should feel your thigh muscles stretching, repeat for both legs.
Hamstring Stretch - (for lunges) stand with feet together and without bending your knees reach down as far as you can towards your toes. Hold position.

Definition of the excersises

Calf Raises- Stand straight with both legs together. Raise heels off the ground so you are on your tippy-toes. THen lower heels onto the ground again. Repeat.

Weightless Bench Squats- On a chair or bed sit down. Then Raise back up into standing position. Lower yourself again onto the chair but not so you are putting all your weight on it. Repeat.

Lunges - "Standing straight up with your feet together, step forward with either foot and bend your legs." On your lead leg the lower part of your thigh or your hamstring should be paralell with the ground. Use your lead leg to push you back up to starting position. Repeat.

Shrugs - Standing up, hold a weight that you can comfortably lift in both hands. Life shoulders so they are basically touching your neck, a motion as if you were shrugging. Bring the shoulders down and repeat.

Presses - Sitting down with legs open, hold a weight that you can comfortable lift in both hands. Keep them at your side then swing them upwards over your head till you reach the position so your hands are straight. Repeat.

Stabiliser Lunges - The same thing as lunges except place a ball under your lead leg and do the lunge. Repeat with both legs

Stabiliser Weightless Bench Squats - The same thing as a WBS except you place a ball under ONE of the legs and stand up. Repeat with both legs.

Basketball Balancing - Use a wall to get on a basketball and stabilise. Let go of the wall and try to stay balanced. If you fall of get back on immediatly. This activity is much easier done without shoes.

Twisting Sit-ups - The same as a sit up except you have your hands behind your back then you touch your right elbow to your left leg. THen go back to lying on your back and get up so your left elbow touches your right leg.

Side Bends - Stand up and hold a weight that you can comfortably lift in both hands. Bend towards the left as far as you can without lifting your feet off the gorund. Repeat with your right side.

Tippy toe calf jumps - On your Tippy-toes jump no more then an inch off the ground and get back on your tippy toe position. Repeat.

Nutrition during Training

1)ALWAYS be properly hydrated. Drink atleast 6-8 glasses of pure water a day.
2)Get ATLEAST 15 grams of protein after a workout, though if you can get 30 that is preferrable. This tells the body to immediatly start rebuilding the muscles you have worked. An easy way to get the 15 is to drink 2 glasses of milk.
3)Make your diet atleast 50-60% carbohydrtes, and 10-30% protein, depending on if you want to gain weight or lose it.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or would like to add a program, please email me at

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