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Location Review-Cheung Chau

For this months location review we have gone to the densely, maybe most busiest islands in the world, Hong Kong. But the amazing thing is, after just a hour long ferry ride you reach the quiet, beautiful, peaceful fishing village of Cheung Chau. Cheung Chau actually holds probably the best windsurfing in Hong Kong. The windsurfing area is enclosed in a bay that makes for calm waters most of the year round and no boats shooting through. But what makes this place really great is the strong consistent winds and the beautiful views.

Situated in the middle of this bay (behind the helicopter pad) is the windsurfing Centre which is where you can go to rent equipment, it is also a really good place to go and chill out after a long days windsurfing.

Cheung Chau boast the best seafood in the area so if you come don’t miss the oppurtunity to try it. There are also lots of western style restaurants and even an Indian restaurant if you don’t like seafood.

There is only one hotel on Cheung Chau, the Warwick. The average price per room is about HK$500.

Here are some pics, they were taken on the day on the Cheung Chau Circuit 2001. The just visible place in the background of most of these photos is Hong Kong. (click to enlarge)