
These pictures never look as good when you scan them into the computer. This is Sarah, Krista and Me just before Heidi and Jeremey's wedding at Sarah's house.

Our table at Heidi and Jeremey's wedding.

The guys table at the wedding.

Such a cute picture of Sarah and Krista. Sarah looks adorable.

And here's heidi and jeremey.

Another one that doesn't look nearly as good on the computer. I assure you that we both look beautiful though. lol. that was quite the evening. This is right before the youth christmas baquet, which wasn't really a banquet. We went to touch the universe, although it was fun.

The group from our winter retreat with youth.

Krista and me on the retreat. I think this is a very good picture of both of us, unfourtunatly its not such a great picture of Sarah and Amanda. lol.
