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Metal Kuura
>>> Your faith is in his hands alone <<<

Death is nothing but another part of life... Cross me and YOU will see that part REAL SOON!

Age- Unknown

PL- 4,919,500

HP- 4,919,500

Techniques- Shunkan Idou, Mind Control, Death Beam, Energy Ring, Ki Barrier, Regenerate, Solar Flare.

Advanced- Obj No Yutero, Ani No Yutero, Ki No Tsurugi

Finisher- DNA Duplication: Ripping out a part of his body part, Metal Kuura inserts some of his Lifeforce into it, creating a clone of himself. The clones are also able to use this technique. Each clone gets 50% of the one that made them. So if Kuura made it, it would be 50% of Kuura's PL. But if the clone made it, it would be 50% of the clone's PL. And so on...

Finisher #2- RyuKen/Dragonfist: A techinque of loud Ki being emitted from the users fist. In which ends with a golden dragon of Ki forcing it way out of the fist, covering the user with pure Ki. Then emerging to destroy anyone in it's way.

Finisher #3- Death Ball: A much deadly form of the Death Beam. This one technique can destroy any planet within five days... If not stopped. The user will be unable to do anything for a week after destroying a planet.

Finisher #4- *Saishyuu Saigo no Waza: Discharing all Ki within the user's body, an explosion of Ki destroying all weaker lifeforms surrounding the user, and highly damaging others. The aftermath of this technique leads the user to be coated in a hard stone covering.

Transformaions- Stage One, Stage Two, Stage Three, Stage Four, Stage Five, Mystic, Majin, Liquid Metal, Kaioken.


Alignment- Evil

Race- Metal/Changeling

Acheivements- Finding Diamond Studded Zet Sword, Breaking Diamond Studded Zet Sword, Obtaining the Majin Potion.

Location- Other World

Items- Royality Cape(50%),Weighted Saiyan Pants(45%), Weighted Reguler Shirt(35%), Weighted Shorts(20%), Weighted Boots(10%), Weighted Wristbands(10%), Weighted Headband(15%), Weighted Waistbelt(15%), The Diamond Studded Zet Sword(Fixed), Super Changeling Armor, Advanced Scouter.

Job(s)- Site Editor, The Big Ghetti Star's Leader.

Email/ScreenName- Metal

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