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Majin Potion- You must be pure evil in order to actually be able to use it. Once this potion is drunk by someone with a pure evil heart, his/her Power Level will rise by 100,000, You must have a power level over 200,000 in order to be able to control the powers. If it is drinken with any less stats than this, he/she will die. A mysterious 'M' will form on your head and you will become even more evil than before. You will only be cured from being Majin once you will also lose the evilness within you which was obtained after drinking it but you will still have the PL afterwards. You can decide if you want to stay Majin or not. If you decide to stay majin, you get the majin transformation(look in transformation page for more info.) There are 4 and 1 is hidden on each of the Planets.

Diamond Studded Zet Sword- Anyone can possess this sword but you must be on Planet Earth or Vegeta Or on the Big Ghetti Star. The sword alone increases your PL by 100,000, but only when someone masters the sword by training with the sword ONLY, 5 times. When the hidden Kaio who was sealed inside the sword is released, he will give you a boost of 200,000 PL, you will only be able to release him if you can break the sword(It takes a 200 post to break it after the 5 trainings). You must have 400,000 in order to pull this sword from the socket and be able to train with it to master it. You will not be able to break it unless you have mastered the sword. (Note: There is only four swords in the galaxy.) One is still on Earth(Found) and the other is on Planet Vegeta And one more in Big Ghetti Star(Found). And the last will be in any planet you want. After being granted these powers, you will become mystic. The transformation will double all of your powers. So it's 600 to find it. 200 to pull it out. 5 solo training to be able to break it. 200 to break it. 260 for the Kaio to do he's stuff. And 100 of you going Mystic.

True Potara Earrings- These earrings are only accessible on Planet Frieza Or the Big Ghetti Star. These rings were kept somewhere on that planet and nobody knows where they are. These earrings instantly transform you into a fusion if you and someone else wear's them. Unlike the normal Potara Earrings where the fusion is permanate until you die in the fused form, the owners of this earring can just take it off anytime they want to defuse and put it back in when they want to fuse again. Fusion combines all of your stats together and all of the PL, etc. you get and doubles it... like if someone had 50,000 and another had 40,000 it would equal up to 90,000 then it doubles turning it to 180,000. Each person must do this quest because you only find one earring each time. The earring can never be broken, stolen, or taken from the current owner unless approved by the current owner of an earring.

Earth Dragonballs- You must be on Planet Earth. When you gather all 7 dragonballs, you can make 2 wishes. Once they are found and used, they are unuseable for 1 month. For the wish list go to the dragonball page

Namek Dragonballs- You must be on Planet Namek. When you gather all 7 dragonballs, you can make 3 wishes. You must be able to find the ancient namek language book in order to be able to call this dragon Or be a Namek yourself. Once you use them, they are unuseable for 1 month.

*BlackStar Dragonballs*- You must be in Space, and yes Space is a place you can be in. It is recommended that you have many people search for them.(Note: You need a space suit or oxygen mask to breathe in space, and you need a space ship to get in space.) These grant you 5 wishes. Once used, they go away for 1 month.

Master Roshi's Quest- Master Roshi sends you out into the world to find him a perfect girl. You will have to find a perfect girl for him and bring her back to his small island and you will be granted training from him. You will a power level upgrade of 20,000 You can do this quest 3 times and 1 person can do it at a time.

Nimbus Cloud- In order to acquire this Nimbus Cloud which allows you to fly, you must have a Pure Good heart. Then you must also be on the planet earth. It takes you 600 words to find it and 400 to gain this Cloud's trust and then you will acquire it. It is good for sneaking around so no one can sense you.

Vegeta's Training Quest-If you complete this,you gain 10,000 zebi and get a PL raise of 25, have to fo in a 30 X gravity chamber.Do all six trainings.then test it out against me.Winning or Not,getting the raise.

Find the Clone - Kuura has sent clones onto Earth to destroy it. Your in the quest to find and destroy as many clones as you can. Right 400+ words on how you found one of Kuura's clone. Then 200+ more for killing it. So that's 600+ words entirely. And you get a nice 50,000 power upgrade.