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To reach a new stage(transformation) you need to power level requirement.


Super Saiyan- you must have a power level of 250,000 All of your stats will double when you reach this form. (Your aura will then become a golden color. Your eyes will become turquoise and your eyebrows & hair turn golden. Your hair divides into more triangles and divides. It also grows a bit. Muscles get a bit bigger also in this transformation.)

Super Saiyan 2- you must have a power level of 700,000. All of your stats will be tripled from your normal stats when you reach this form. (Your aura will still be golden but this time electricity-like energy will surround it. Then your muscles bulk up even more than before. His hair grows more and divides into more triangles. His/her eyebrows and hair and eyes the same color as before.)

Super Saiyan 3- you must have a power level of 1,000,000. All of your stats will be quadrupled from your normal stats when you reach this form. (Your aura will still be golden as usual and the electric-like energy still surrounds the aura. Then the muscles bulk up even more than they did before. Your hair then grows so much that it reaches your ankles and divides into even more triangles, still in the golden color. The eyebrows disappear but the eyes are still turquoise.)

Super Saiyan 4- you must have a power level of 2,000,000. All of your stats will be five times more than what your normal stats are when you reach this form. (Your hair turns to its original color once again and so do your muscles. Your hair grows a bit more though but does not reach ankles anymore. Red or pink fur covers the user’s body around his/her chest. Eyes are back to normal color also but there is a red outlining. The tail also grows back onto their body if it wasn’t there already.)

Golden Oozaru- you must be able to reach Super Saiyan 4 so you will be able to grow your tail back if you didn’t already have it. Then you need to look at the artificial moon. This tail gives you the ability to go Golden Oozaru, which is the same thing as the normal Oozaru, but this one is way more stronger and the fur is golden instead of brown. You're stats will be doubled.

Changeling Transformations

Changeling Stage One- you must have a power level of 250,000. All of your stats will double when you reach this form. (This form is still how you would look in your normal form but any clothes or anything else is removed revealing the true form of the user and a light purple aura surrounds your body.)

Changeling Stage Two- you must have a power level of 700,000. All of your stats will be tripled from your normal stats when you reach this form. (He/she becomes bulkier he/she would’ve been before. The rest of the body looks exactly the same besides the stronger muscles. The aura just darkens a very tiny bit.)

Changeling Stage Three- you must have a power level of 1,000,000. All of your stats will be quadrupled from your normal stats when you reach this form. (the user’s head becomes longer and he/she becomes bulkier. The body then takes after the color of the aura a bit as the main chest part where your six pack should be becomes purple and the rest of the body is a light blue if it wasn’t already. The aura turns into a white color now.)

Changeling Stage Four- you must have a power level of 2,000,000. All of your stats will be five times more than what your normal stats are when you reach this form. (Muscles are the same as the 2nd form and the head is back to normal. But this time, the user stays in size. The aura becomes a silver color. The appearance will become half of how the first form was on the left and half of how the second form looked on the right.)

Changeling Stage Five- you must at least have a power level of 3,000,000. Your stats will be six times more than what your normal stats are when you reach this form. (This is the strongest form that can ever be reached. You then stand 2 feet taller than you did when you were in the 4th form, but this time, the muscles grow huge. The aura and everything else is the same though.)

Namek People Transformations

Super Namekian- you must have a power level of 250,000 All of your stats will double when you reach this form. (Aura turns white. The user’s eyes turn pale white and his/her body bulks up a bit. The antennas stay the same.)

Mega Namekian- you must have a power level of 700,000 All of your stats will be tripled from your normal stats when you reach this form. (The user’s eyes turn pale white and the white aura gets darker turning sort of grayish. The antennas grow about an inch longer. The muscles get bigger once again. The user gets a deeper voice but not too much deeper than it was before.)

Ultra Namekian- you must have a power level of 1,000,000 All of your stats will be quadrupled from your normal stats when you reach this form. (The user’s eye pupils return but they are now dark red. The muscles grow even more and the aura then turns into a dark purple color. Electricity surrounds the aura and the antennas grow about another inch longer. The muscles bulk up a bit more than before. The user’s skin turns a bit darker than it was before.)

Ancient Namekian- you must have a power level of 2,000,000 All of your stats will be five times more than what your normal stats are when you reach this form. (The user’s eyes remain red and the veins in his eyes begin to surround his red pupils. His muscles grow a bit more and the user’s body grows bigger in general…about 5 inches taller and wider because of the muscles. A very dark green aura flares around him/her violently. The antennas grow about a two inches longer now.)

Human Transfermations

Super Human- you must have a power level of 250,000. All of your stats will double when you reach this form. (The user will begin to bulk up his/her muscles a bit and a white aura instantly flashes around his/her body. His/her hair will begin to blow wildly from the powerful aura. There is nothing that, really, changes in this transformation but that the aura is much wilder and the skin of the person gets a bit darker…)

Mega Human- you must have a power level of 700,000 All of your stats will be tripled from your normal stats when you reach this form. (The user’s fangs grow a bit and their body bulks up a bit. The aura color changes almost instantly into a baby blue aura and the user’s hair rises high on top of hi/her head but no color changes and the hair doesn’t divide into triangles…it just stays high on their head in the transformation.)

Ultra Human- you must have a power level of 1,000,000 All of your stats will be quadrupled from your normal stats when you reach this form. (This transformation makes the user bulk up even more. The light blue aura turns into an cerulean blue, and the hair lays back down as it would usually in a normal form. Their pupils, then fade away and leaves their eyes pale white. You can see what looks like red veins inside their eyes. The aura is surrounded by fire-like energy, which rotates around it. The user’s skin color goes back to normal also.)

Legendary Human- you must have a power level of 2,000,000 All of your stats will be five times more than what your normal stats are when you reach this form. (The eye pupils return and become blue. The red veins fade from the eyes. The eyebrows fade away. The hair flares all over the top of your head and blows wildly in an almost black aura. The muscles get even bulkier.)

Additional Transformations

Mystic Transformation: In order to acquire this race, you must first obtain the Z-Sword and break it, unleashing Dai Kaioshin who will grant you the powers of the Mystic Race in a day. This Transformation increases your stats by 5 times on your current power level. So if you're at Super Saiya-jin 3 or whatever... It'll be times 5 of it...And so...on... [See Details on the quests page.] (This transformation creates a gray aura around the users body and it sparkles. The sparkling is caused by the mystical powers that you obtain after the guy gives you the powers.)

Majin Transformation: In order to acquire this race, you must find the Majin Potion and drink it, bringing the evil curse of Majin inside your body. When you transform to Super Saiya-jin Two or whatever, you're power level will increase two times more then it would in that stage. And so on...This drink makes you evil and an M is planted on your forehead. [See details on the quests page.] (This transformation brings a golden aura around your body and it is surrounded by blue electric-like energy. No matter what race you are and no matter which transformations you are capable of doing, you are always going to have this M on your forehead and you will always be evil until you die and are revived. For example, if you can go Super Saiyan 3 but you are still under the Majin Potion, you will be evil and instead of your hair just being golden and all the way down to your ankles, your hair will be mixed with white and down to your ankles, and you will still have the M on your forehead until you die. You can decide if you want it or not...)
