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Cape Town House-Sitters



We are a young professional couple who are Cape Town locals looking to house sit houses on the Atlantic Sea Board in Cape Town.


My name  is Clint and I have a B Comm. Degree at the University of Cape Town. I am in the IT industry and have worked in the US and UK but have now moved back to South Africa. I am an IT e-commerce consultant to Pick n Pay, South Africa's largest retail chain. I also do allot of work for the large oil companies namely BP, Total and Caltex. Opposite to my industry,  I love the outdoors and spend every afternoon out and about in beautiful Cape Town. I do activities such as surfing, running, Mountain Biking, Golf, Diving, surf skiing, hiking etc .... 



Taryn has two degrees. She has a Drama degree from the University of Stellenbosch as well as a Teaching Degree from Cape Tecknikon.  Taryn is currently pursuing her acting career and has been featured in a few foreign advertisements and short films. She also teaches dance classes to young teenagers in the local area. On top of all of this Taryn is teaching Drama this year at Diocesan College,, Cape Town's premier private school, which is where I completed my schooling. Taryn also loves the outdoors and joins me in my afternoon adventures after work.


We have traveled round most of the globe together and have recently come home as we love the lifestyle that  living in Cape Town offers. We are proud home owners ourselves and take great pride in where we live. Please take a look at out apartment at .

We currently based in the Cavendish area of Cape but being such outdoor people we would both love to live on the Atlantic Seaboard.

Please feel free to contact us is you have any further queries and we will be happy to supply you with our Curriculum Vitae and letters of reference.

Chat soon

Clint and Taryn


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