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The Bucs

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The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are my favorite football team. My favorite Bucs players are:

QB Brad Johnson                   FB Mike Alstott                           WR Keyshawn Johnson


LB Derrick Brooks                DT Warren Sapp                           SS John Lynch


In the 2000 and 2001 Seasons, the Bucs lost both times in the playoffs to the Philadelphia Eagles. Things changed in 2002 when the Bucs got rid of old coach Tony Dungy and acquired former Raiders coach Jon Gruden. The Buccaneers went an incredible 12-4 in the 2002 season under coach Gruden and made it to the playoffs with a first round bye. First the Bucs outplayed and outscored the San Francisco 49ers 31 - 6, and then moved on to face their new rivals, the Philadelphia Eagles. The Bucs also outplayed and outscored them and won by a score of 27 - 10. The Buccaneers would be on their way to their first Super Bowl, a Super Bowl in which they won against the Oakland Raiders, 48 - 21.


                                 Gruden Celebrates the Super Bowl victory in San Diego