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By DevilsAlias








This game was recently reviewed by the popular Play Magazine and given an unprecedented,” XBOX GAME OF THE YEAR AWARD!”  Having seen other sources that said that this game was less than stellar I wondered about it when recently firing it up.  The graphics aren’t exactly modern looking more like a Playstation One Game than it’s next gen counter part.  The gameplay was as well a trip down memory lane.  Back were the jumps that took a few tries and a bit of creativity to make.  Back were the rooms full of monsters and then seeking the last hiding ones out in order to finish the level.  Many of called this the action shooter of the year.  Perhaps that is a better title for the game.  The sound in this game was definitely a call back to the past with no really interesting music and few good sound effects.  I found Gunvalkrie to be lacking…  The reason I’m writing this review is to explain from the point of view of someone who doesn’t play games for a living that whatever artsy value that the editors or writers of magazines may see in Gun, it just isn’t for everyone else and the value in it, I have yet to see.  Perhaps a strategy guide would help those of us that aren’t gaming gurus too bad the game isn’t even popular enough for a player walk through let alone one from Prima or Versus.

Sorry guys this one is 2 out of 5!