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            Lord of the Rings the Two Towers

                                                                                                       EA GAMES             $49.99

                                                                                                        1 player                    No Xbox Live Support

                                                                                                        Released: 12/31/02

By DevilsAlias


            Two Towers is an excellent game.  Many people wanted to see EA or Viviendi come out with an expansive RPG that was more like Neverwinter Nights than Golden Axe.  Well folks, this isn’t it!  Lord of the Rings Two Towers from EA GAMES is a slugfest, hack and slash, war game.  No strategists, role players, or people with really short attention spans need apply.

            Beautiful cinematics that have DVD clips from the movies built in, to enhance the experience.  The backgrounds and character models are great and have an accurate look and feel of the movies.  The game begins where the Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Rings begins.  The war of Elves and Men against Sauron’s forces.  It moves quickly on from there through the important battles and confrontations of the Fellowship of the Ring into the major battles and confrontations of the Two Towers.  Playing the game for the first time many gamers will see the difficulty curve rise sharply once you get about half way through the game.

            Most gamers can complete this game in the time of an average rental between 5-7 days. However, to unlock EVERYTHING in the game it’s going to take a little longer.

            The game allows you to play Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli.  Or if you prefer the human, the elf, and the dwarf.  You can also unlock Isildor if you beat the game with the other three. 

            The game can get boring, frustrating, and at times painful.  Some of the advanced combos used repeatedly on the Xbox controller can be painful.  Although the PS2 controller is no better in these circumstances.  I would say if you have small hands use the S-controller if you have larger hands track down the original Xbox controller.

            One of the good features of the game is your ability to upgrade your character after each level.  You have an overall range of experience you can receive from poor to perfect.  If you don’t get a fair amount of excellents in the later levels you will have a very hard time.

            Finally, the wonderful beautiful music in this game which comes directly from the movie, keeps you from turning it off and the sound effects are wonderfully immersive.

                  Rating: 5 out of 5