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Extreme Revolutionary Wrestling Federation

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - September 26th - 10:41 AM EST - Prezident Rodriguez with some big updates, ERWF PPV Groundzero card is posted, click the link up top to check that out. Also, the ERWF insider has started and expect it to get better everyday. A lot of inside news is going to be posted, as well as important stuff in the future of the ERWF. Role plays this week were better than the previous, but lets go even stronger for the PPV. Lets make ERWF great again, and all it takes is good role playing. More staff has been added to help out, so the site will be updated a lot more and a lot faster. Storylines are going to get going big time, and that all starts at the PPV. The more role plays, the better the storylines will be! Finally, the Wins/Loses have been updated, so check that out. That is it for now, I wish you all luck at the big PPV coming up. Again, click the link up top for ERWF PPV Groundzero to see the matches. Role play hard, and get ERWF back to greatness. Take Care Everyone.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - September 24th - 1:41 AM EST - Prezident Rodriguez with current updates, results have been posted, don't expect much. However PPV Card is already on a piece of paper and just needs to be done which will happen tomorrow. So that it for now, things are becoming harder with people not roleplaying. I don't got much else to say about it. How much longer we last remains a question. For now it's all left alone to me. Please try to help. Take Care Everyone.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - September 16th - 5:36 PM EST - The Showdown Card has been posted. Deadline is also posted on the card. I hope to see better improvement from last time. I do want to once again reiterate to continue trying to refer members, it's imperative so we can realyl get this bitch going. Ever since Gordon's Resignation we have fallen whether that has affected us or our personal lives have been affected. Well it could be for many reasons, but surely I don't want to be the one to have this go down again. The headlines will be updated as soon as I get the chance. Please bare with me, I'm doing this all alone basically and of course Jared is the one updating the usualy record pages. When your working, playing tennis, working out, doing banners, doing pages, it's a toll. Once we get more members I can begin to put forth my effort with better time management. Which probabl has gotten me not to pay as full attention as I should. But hell we will get back on our feet soon. I do believe that so let's stay positive and move this tihng in the right direction. Well any question contact me, e-mail me. I know I have to get back with some people on layouts and stuff. I will get to that. Well that's it for me.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - September 14th - 9:28 PM EST - Results have been posted just click on the banner, right there. Sorry for being posting today, tennis, training, I try my best but however some have failed to put their best effort this week. I'm cool with that, I can't really do much but I do want to address is we need more members. I don't know how much more to stress it but we can't continue on with this amount of members, we need more. It's hard building a card as it is. We had good expecations since last month ever since Redemption we have fallen. I just hope we do pick things back up very soon. So please continue to bring people, refer, whatever, I don't want to spam other feds cause that isn't my style but anything you guys can do to help please do so. Card will be posted tomorrow night deadline is Wednesday 10:00 PM EST
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Vice-Prezident Jared C. Morris - September 8th - 1:14 PM EST - Hello kids...I updated the Win-Loss section just so you all know. I've been trying to get people to join like crazy but no luck so far. Try anything you can just don't spam other feds boards....I hate that shit. Anyways...yeah...umm...yeah..Later kids...or somethin'
The Sexiest Man in Wrestling
~ERWF Vice-Prezident Jared C. Morris ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - September 7th - 6:55 PM EST - NEW UPDATE...oone match has been added for Showdown. Some how I forgot and I don't know why. Just not in it just yet I guess, well anyway That's it time for TENNIS. Take Care Everyone
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - September 7th - 2:18 PM EST - It's been very difficult to post a card these past two weeks, were losing members, no roleplays, for some, please try to help bring people any which way you can. I posted the new roster which I give credit to Former Vice Prezident Gordon, I just modified it a little bit, some links may be broken, we will fix that, That's it for now the deadline is 11:00 Pm ET Monday as always. Take Care Everyone.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - September 6th - 11:39 PM EST - Results posted. Good Night Everyone. Card Tomorrow. Going to sleep and hopefully snap out of my horrible nightmare of a day. You know when u get those days anything u do is not working, your mind is not in place, yeah those horrible days. So let me sleep through it. Tomorrow a card and new better banner. Good Night Everyone. Any complaints goes to Be safe Have a Good Night.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

Former ERWF Vice-Prezident Jared C. Morris - September 6th - 1:58 AM EST - Hey everyone, I am just doing this out of pure boredom. Deadline has gone and passed and results will be up later today. The next card will be released on Wednesday. Now then, everyone, we need people who are going to be dedicated to the fed. If you know of anyone who is looking for a better fed to be in than by all means give them a link. If any of you veterans know of any former ERWF people who might not know of our return than talk to them about coming back. Be aware that alot of our old people have gone on to PHW and there is to be no recruiting of them because I am sure that they have already been notified of our return and we don't want any bad blood between us and another fed. We are trying to get the least amount of drama possible around here. Well, that does it for my rambling right now. Thank you to everyone who RPed and who has been rping on a consistant basis.
The Sexiest Man in Wrestling
~ERWF Former Vice-Prezident Jared C. Morris ~

Former ERWF Vice-Prezident Jared C. Morris - September 5th - 4:20 PM EST - Hello everyone, long time no see. Prez A-Rod called me up and asked me if I could update a few things so I have. The Title History page is up to date....and that's basically the only thing I did but hey, at least I helped. I didn't go to sleep until 5 and then I woke up to hear A-Rod's voice and I was like....I'm never getting horny again. Anyway since I woke up at 11 and only got 6 hours of sleep that means looking through HTML sucks. Well, enjoy.
The Sexiest Man in Wrestling
~ERWF Former Vice-Prezident Jared C. Morris ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - September 5th - 12:55 PM EST - Hello everyone, The Prezident BACK IN BLACK! Don't mind me, anyway two updates, I know some links need to be fixed in the layout. I am working on that, I did add two additions though. One a Leave of Absence Request just in case anyone wants to be Inactive in the future, just fill that out. A new PPV Calendar, that's a first, so check that out, all our monthyl ppv with some not added which I will explain in the near future. I will be updating the roster as soon as I recieve word of confirmation of others who are considering to sign, this would be RuDogg, Iron Lung, and Chris Conway as some of you remember. That's it for now, expect more updates for the week. Remember the Deadline for Showdown is Tonight 11:00/10/9/8 ET/CT/MT/PT. Results will be posted tomorrow.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - August 31st - 9:40 PM EST - This is why I took so long, now I figured this shouldn't have been so important among other things, I definitely felt the federation needed a new look. 1 reason b/c the presenation can hopefully lead more people to join the federation and we can start building more storylines. Updates will be made to the following pages as well, check out our NEW Gimmick Matches Page we never got to share, credit to whoever did it. I have an idea of who but not so sure so I won't mention and incorrect name so I don't feel stupid. Showdown Card submitted I don't expect an all out effort this week since some of the stars are out we have lost members, however you can make the push to help bring people, please refer them, remind them of our rules and let's hope we can move into the right direction. That's it for now Deadline is on the card. Good Night Everyone. Enjoy the Layout.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - August 31st - 1:16 AM EST - RESULTS! Their here and finally finished, took sometime sorry, like we said. Don't expect too many surprises since it didn't come out as we thought it would, hopefully with Showdown coming up and stuff we can move back into the right direction. Showdown Card hopefully today this morning or afternoon deadline is Monday Night. if you cannot make it please let me know, e-mail me at That's it for me, take care everyone enjoy the results
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - August 21st 2005 - 11:30 PM EST - The card was posted back on 8/17/05, we have passed now 4 days just about and I want to stay optimistic, but I am trying not to grow impatient. Apparently cause I expected roleplays to be submitted by now at least 5 yah know. Instead 1 in 4 days, I don't want to show my frustration cause I prefer not to but if you really want me to put effort into the place. You gotta help do your thing. Seriously, this is crazy. Maybe it could be the SummerSlam festivities, I did attend Cyberspace but I have been on the look out. I do sincerely hope in the next couple of days things pick up. Deadline is Saturday 11:59 PM. I hope not to see last minute stuff.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - August 16th 2005 - 11:30 PM EST - Showdown Results have been posted. Redemption Card will be posted tomorrow as of the evening hours. However for now there are your results, All other pages will be updated as well. That's it from me. Take Care.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - August 10th 2005 - 2:25 PM EST - Once again as mentioned, Showdown Results have been posted. The Showdown Card is also posted Deadline 10 PM EST. 2 weeks Redemption is coming. Things are getting good and I like what I'm seeing. All pages Title History, Career Titles, W/L, have all been updated. That's it for now.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - August 9th 2005 - 11:55 PM EST - Showdown Results Posted! Check the link and there are the winners, losers & NEW Champions. The New Showdown Card has been posted and guranteed as promised we intend to keep our promises of posting results on time all the time. That's for sure, all pages will be updated tomorrow, I am beat and surely I need the sleep. I will sure enjoy myself this evening. But enjoy the results, everything will be updated the Deadline is the same 10PM. That's it for now. Take Care Have a Great Night.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - August 3rd 2005 - 9:58 AM - Alright everyone it's early but we got the card up and running square away. The new banner is out the link is there click it lets get those roleplays in Deadline is Monday 10 PM EST so please don't make late posts please. New superstars coming in make sure you read the roleplays rules on the forum. Right at the top. If you missed the August 2nd Edition of Showdown please click the Showdown Results link on the left. Roster has been fully updated except for the pages which we are working on as of this moment. We have updated the Win/Loss Page. Please make sure you check that out, any corrections get back to me immediately via e-mail, AIM, whatever. Be prepared as I will have the Insider for this week with a weekly report card and an interview hopefully. We are not guaranteeing anything so if nothing is posted. At least we told you there is no guarantee.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - August 2nd 2005 - 9:10 PM - Well everyone has been waiting for results and well here they are. Card is on it's way. Unfortunately the results were not what to be expected so please I do apologized but bare with us. Some did not do their share other did, were still trying to get something done about this. Things didn't go the way as planned. Since the card was supposed to be posted today. Deadline will be extended till Monday so please be aware of the change and hopefully we can put it back to the Sunday time frame. Makes it easier we just had a lot on our hands this week. So please be patient everyone, we will get on track, stay on the look out for the ERWF Bulletins and Updates as we always try to update you on everything that is new and rules policies whatever. Thank You. You can find the results under the Showdown Results link.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon - 07/22/05 - 4:50PM - IT'S OFFICIAL! WE ARE NOW RUNNING! The first card is posted by clicking the banner above. We're seeing some familiar faces as well as many new ones. The first card shouldn't be too bad, but it may need a little bit of work due to a few new faces. Basically, we're just scouting everyone out so we can start building some fueds and rivalries. The World Heavyweight Championship Tournament should also being next week. Til then, good luck!
~ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon~

ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon - 07/20/05 - 8:00PM - The Insider has returned! Major words have been said. And the suspense was there. All that's left for you to wait for is the first card! The Insider is just a preview of things to come. Check it out. The Card, again, shall be posted Friday afternoon, hopefully at around 5PM. Also, don't forget to support us by voting for us on X-Net! Thanks, have a good night!
~ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon~

ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon - 07/19/05 - 3:14PM - Alright, the ERWF Meeting is officially over. Some of you IMed us in the middle of the meeting, and we are now good to go. All the pages are now up and running. We have gone over a card for this friday. We pretty much have the idea of how it is going to be shaped up. So as of this Friday, July 22nd, 2005 at approximately 5PM a card will be posted and aired for all of you to view. Also be sure to check out the Insider tomorrow afternoon. WE WERE NEVER DEAD!
~ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - July 18th 2005 - 10:55 PM - So everyone remains awake and don't think. Were dead again, I got a couple of things updated I just didn't make it public yet because I wanted to work on them first before you all see it unless u already noticed. The HOF, W/L, Corporate, Rules have been mostly updated, a couple of pages have yet to be updated such as tag, segments, we'll get to that after our meeting. A card possible hopefully if everything goes well, I know everyone is eager to start. We got about 16 people and were buidling which is the great thing. More people are showing interest, that's what I like to see. Let's just remember one thing that the ERWF has return for one reason and one reason only. All about Having Fun. Read the rules they may need revision but you will understand what I mean through the rules. If you have questions concerns, please feel free to contact me at my s/n my e-mail, even at my space for you myspace people, if you have myspace look for and join the ERWF Group and Superstars group, would highly appreciate it. We will begin work on the other roster pages immediately, the time is almost near. Looking forward to the return. That's it for me. This is...
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~

ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon - 07/11/05 - 2:25PM - Well the site is getting ever so closely to being 100%. As a matter of fact, if you want to consider it 100% go ahead. We have everything we need to get this going. The Roster is operational, the new Showdown Logo has been posted on it's page. Everyone's Roster page is up that has sent in an application, minus the Prezident himself. Alex needs to update that. Also the new championship belt pics are working and up to date. And other than that, everything is pretty much updated. Now we are depending on you to help us out recruiting for the ERWF. My personal goal is to get at least 16 superstars before we start our first show. The quicker we get people, the quicker ERWF starts to roll. That's it for now. Later...
~ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon~

ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon - 07/08/05 - 3:03PM - Just a few updates to keep you guys up to date. The Champions page has been updated, it's a familier look to some of you from way back in the day. Remember, we're trying to keep things simple so we don't get stressed. Also I have updated the Career Titles Page, and also the Career2.html Page. If there are any errors please contact me at FirebirdTAo2. Mastermind pointed out to be that there were two titles missing for him. So again, I'm pretty sure everything is correct, but if there isn't. Please let me know. Also, I'll be heading up to Alex's house and we'll be discussing the rest of ERWF's progress as well as the first stage of recruitment. Please stand by, we'll get this bad boy going in no time!
~ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon~

ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon - 7/03/05 - 11:23 AM - Alright, if I remember correctly it's been nearly ten months since you last saw an active ERWF. We didn't have the dedication last year. We said we weren't going anywhere. We only took time to renovate the fed, and when it came back, everyone died. Since last september, Mr. Rodriguez and myself have been asked by numerous people how the ERWF was doing, and if they could come back. Well unfortunatly for them, there was nothing to come back to...until now! We noticed the ERWF has yet to die. And here we are again to bring the pleasure to you. This time things will be different. No longer will be stay here and try to be the best. That only comes with uneccesary work and stress. This is all abotu fun now. Maybe you all can do the same. Don't try to be the best and wear yourself out. Just go out and have some fun. If you would like, you may now join up by filling in the application. We kept the same layout cuz it never really got a chance to be seen. Also, the rules still need to be worked on by the Prezident himself if you want to wait for that. Anyway, welcome back. You know what time it is?! IT'S SHOWTIME!
~ERWF Vice Prezident Gordon~

ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez - 9/14/04 - 8:25 PM - It's Prezident Rodriguez making another brace through the net waves bringing to you the return of the ERWF. For those who gave up well if you had just a little more patience that woulda been great but I guess not but for whoever is left to keep up the ERWF is back and we have a card for you so basically it's that time again. Back to work. Have fun and ejoy what we do. Glad to bring it back, the card kinda crappy but it's alright like I said we will pick up no problem. Always a matter of time. For those who stuck through the Lockdown congratulation you sure showed devotion. I commend you all for that. The card is ready the deadline is next Tuesday at 11:59 PM. That's it from me let's get back to work everyone and bring this bitch back up.
Your One and Only
~ERWF Prezident Alex M. Rodriguez ~