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=G-Unit=...the ultimate RTCW clan..


Clan News
Our Server
Briefing Room
Clan Line-ups
Our Allies

Name: Combat Honor Medal
Symbol: For outstanding combat performance during clan battles.
How to acquire: Have the most kills in team battle during the public clan battle.

Name: American Eagle Medal
Symbol: For outstanding improvement throughout training and battles.
How to acquire: Do really good during training sessions or battles.

Name: Bronze Rust Award
Symbol: For great leadership.
How to acquire: Have good leadership during battles.

Name: Eagle Cross Medal
Symbol: Most valuable soldier.
How to acquire: Lead your squad to a victory.

Name: Silver King Medal
Symbol: Respect
How to acquire: Have respectful sportsmanship between your teammates and opponents.

Name: Gold Shiner Medal
Symbol: Hardwork
How to acquire: Your squad must win a G-Unit Squad Battle Tournament

Name: Heroic Honor Medal
Symbol: Heroism
How to acquire: Become a clan hero throughout battles.

Name: Doughboy's Courage Medal
Symbol: Bravery
How to acquire: Do not cheat, hack, or team-kill at all and don't switch teams during battles when your's is losing.

Name: Medal of Honor
Symbol: Honor
How to acquire: Win all the medals and badges.


Name: Gold Eagle
Symbol: Wisdom
How to acquire: Make smart and clever decisions during battles.

Name: Single Star
Symbol: Promotion
How to acquire: Achieve the rank of Major.

Name: Double Star
Symbol: Promotion
How to acquire: Achieve the rank of Colonel.

Name: Triple Star
Symbol: Promotion
How to acquire: Achieve the rank of General.

Email: =G-Unit= Briggs
