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Mythology Collection:

Years of sleeping through high school Latin was not in vain.  After all, I got to see 'Ben-Hur' and 'Cleopatra' eighty times each.  Plus, the hundreds of myths I had to translate and read provide some fun and interesting drawing ideas.


    Greek goddess of Wisdom.  Wear a Corinthian-style helmet, as she is also the female patron of War.  Her shield has the head of Medusa, the Gorgon.

"Cupid and Psyche"

    Based on the Greek story about Psyche's quest to find her husband, Cupid, the god of Love.  This picture shows the moment when Psyche discovers her new husband is not a demon, but the son of Aphrodite.


    Part woman, part bird.  Almost always a negative force in Greek and Roman myths.

"Lady Justice"

    The world-wide recognized symbol of Law and Order.  Justice is blind, with her scales and her sword in each hand.


    They say early sailors mistook Manatees for Mermaids.  They really were out to sea far too long.


    Overall bad-news for Greek heroes.

"Oedipus and the Sphinx"

    "What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three in the evening?"

    "Man.  In his youth he crawls on all fours, as an adult he walks on two, and as a senior he leans on a staff."

    Thus, Oedipus answered the Sphinx's riddle, and she promptly drove herself into the sea.  Sadly for Oedipus ('Swollen Feet'), being named ruler of Thebes ended in disaster for him.


    Part lioness, part woman.  Popular in both Greek and Egyptian mythology, some Sphinxes are shown with wings.