KinkyGrrl's list of recommended x-files fanfic reading

          At the top of my list goes Imajiru Mackenzie I can't stop re-reading her incredible Departure series; I consider it the ultimate M/K, perhaps the ultimate x-files fanfic.

            Departure: (chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 2.5, and chapter 3)

            She has also written two others which I particularly enjoy:
            Quicksand, where Mulder catches Krycek and intends to turn him in but Krycek gets very sick and Mulder has to take care of him.
            Triad, where Krycek returns home after helping stop the invasion, and discovers he has more waiting for him than he even dared hope. It's a really beautiful M/Sc/K triangle.

          Then there's Josan's web sit. Josan has abandoned us for Severus Snipe, alas, but before she did, she wrote a whole bunch of really nice fics, including

            Brutal Forces ( chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, and chapter 4) which was the series that got me turned on to x-files in the first place. It's an excellent example of my favorite type of fic; h/c between enemies. Then there's

            A Walk On The Dark Side is a non-con between Skinner and Krycek which starts out really strongly but ends on a weak note. Josan admitted that she'd run out of steam by the time she got to the end. Sniffle.
            The Game (part 1, part 2), which is right on the edge of being too dark for me, has Krycek going to Skinner for punishment for his misdeeds, Skinner goes almost too far. Has a sweet ending, though.
            Hallowe'en Spirit, where Krycek is badly injured in a hospital and his spirit comes to Skinner
            Closed Doors, in which Skinner takes care of a badly injured and raped Krycek
            Getting A Life, which is one of my favorites for the poignant scene where Krycek offers Skinner revenge for the things Krycek has done to him.
            The Three Little Feebies is very funny!
            Beyond The Barrier of Snow is an AU with Krycek and Skinner in a medieval world
            Skinner's Reward is a very naughty story wherein Krycek provides Skinner with an appropriate means for working out his frustration due to the actions of his most troublesome agent.

          Next stop on my tour is Xanthe's site. Xanthe is a truly *excellent* writer whose specialty is Skinner/Mulder, but who has written a few lovely Krycek/Skinner stories, including

            Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot, which starts out with an apparently amnesiac Krycek in the hospital. Skinner tells Krycek they are brothers and takes Krycek to a cabin where he proceeds to interrogate him, refusing to believe that Krycek has amnesia. The ending wasn't bad, but it just wasn't *satisfying* enough for me, so I wrote my own ending, Waiting For The Rain.

            Two other great Krycek fics by Xanthe are
            A Man Of Two Truths and
            Shadowplay, which is rather on the dark side.

          Next on my list are a number of fic written by Satina an incurable M/K addict and a very nice lady who was very encouraging to me when I first stared writing fanfic. Some of my favorite Satina stories include

            Cauterized, where Krycek breaks into Mulder's apartment intending to rape and torture him, but something happens to change his mind. Very dark and compelling.
            Triangle (chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3), in which Mulder goes back in time to an alternate world and discovers Krycek's greatest weakness, very sexy seduction scene.
            For As Long As I Can Remember, and the sequel Never Forget in which Krycek loses his memory and ends up with nothing but a business card in his pocket, with the name and number of someone called Fox Mulder
            It's Not Enough, which is a gripping series of encounters which start out with a chat room conversation
            Wishin Don't Make It So, which is cute but what you really want to read it for is the smart-ass leprechaun
            Love Hurts (chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6), which is a great story and has some awesome cover art
            Angelface, which is my personal favorite of her stories, has Mulder find out that Krycek has been made into a porn flick sex slave, and buys him free.

          Also by Satina and Shannon Kizzia there's a series of M/S/K stories;

            A Shared Obsession, which starts out with a slightly non-com between Krycek and Scully, Working Out The Kinks, where Mulder and Scully catch Krycek, tie him up and have their way with him
            Working Out The Kinks: Part 2, where Krycek gets them back.

            And Then there Were Three starts out with Mulder and Scully in a dungeon with Krycek. They torment him by having sex without him, and Dead Of Night, in which Krycek has his revenge.

          Don't miss Shannon's solo work, including The Closure Mantra, where a drunken Scully goads a drunken Mulder into sending Krycek a message telling him to get lost but Krycek isn't taking the message the way he's supposed to. There are also a lot more M/K stories, too many to name, all well written.

          RatAdder and Teand's fanfic is a great place to go for really meaty, satisfying Krycek fic. RatAdder writes Krycek so well...both M/K and Sk/K, which is amazing, I *love* that. He doesn't bash anyone, and every one of our favorite characters are beautifully characterized and treated with respect. Teand is also a very good writer, though most of his writing isn't x-files.

            Resist and Serve is about Krycek leading the resistance, and trying to deal with his destructive attraction to Mulder, with Skinner providing him with steady, dependable backup. It made me sniffly in some places.
            Chemical Agents Krycek falls into the hands of the Consortium, and manages to extract both himself and Scully. What follows is a wonderful page-turner involving Krycek, Scully, Mulder, Skinner and the Lone Gunmen.

          Straightforward This is an clever, amusing encounter between Krycek and Skinner, with a marvelously poignant moment at its apex.

        I just discovered an author whose dialogue and characterization are absolutely outstanding. Sylvia has written a number of Mulder/Krycek fics that I absolutely adore.

          The Gift of an Enemy is a skillfully written, poignant M/K story of satisfying length, with a brilliant title, complete with double meaning. It starts out with Mulder being given Krycek as a gift by the aliens, as a precursor to negotiations, and just gets more interesting. Very well done plot, which is a rarity with stories with such excellent characterization.
          Nighttime Visitors made me laugh until I was practically gasping. It is such a clever piece!
          Partners features a very different take on Fox and Alex. It explores what Fox might have been if his brilliant profiler mind had been twisted beyond all redemption by some undefined past. I found him simultaneously chilling and sexy. This story badly wants a sequel.
          Walking Shadow didn't have a satisfying ending, but what a ride...especially once you figure out what the deal is with Alex.

        Imp has written a surprisingly sweet M/K quadrilogy that is well worth reading. It's in the wrong order on the website, though, so here's the proper order: A Dark and Stormy Night, A Gray and Misty Morning, A Shadow in Sunshine, and The Calm Before the Storm

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