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Rocky Mountain Rapids

 Rocky Mountain Rapids Fact File
Name: Rocky Mountain Rapids
Position: American Adventure, Fort St. Lawrence
Type:River rapids, Intamin Ride Trade
Style:Rocky, hot themeing
Rides per hour:1500 per hour (approx)8 people per car
Extra:A good ride that uses water fountains

Ride Description
A quite boring ride, the same unoriginal design. The ride is good but not exciting enough. American Adventure could of really made an effort with this ride to make it something new and more original, but sadly you can ride the same thing at most UK theme parks. The ride says you will get wet but in reality you will be lucky to get a splash

 Other Facts
  • Another copy of the Intamin rapid rides not the most inspiring ride ever.
  • The ride takes a flowing route around the fort but lacks originality as with most of American Adventures ride

  • Ride Ratings
    Rating for the ride= 5/10