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'A tale with a twist'

 Hex Fact File
Name: Hex:The legend of the towers
Position: Alton Towers, House
Type:Vemoka "Villa Volta" (Spinning Room ride)
Style:scary, ghost themeing
Rides per hour:3000 per hour (approx)65 in room
Extra:The wall spin to give the rider a spinning impression, the seats are also on a pendulum to give better feel

Ride Description
Not the most exciting ride but adds to the Alton magic and helps bring more families to the park. The ride is pendulum-based like Blade, it works by using both the pendulum effect to give riders the feeling of motion whilst the room rotates. This giving an illusion of spinning through 360º. The ride is made more unsafe because there are no bars across you.

 Other Facts
  • Despite what some people may think - the story of hex is true. The old oak tree can be found in the woods of Alton, still chained up as it has been for hundreds of years. Gypsies believe in it's curse, although it is unknown whether or not the bit about the Earl's family dieing is true or not.

  • Ride Ratings
    Rating for the ride= 5/10