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Anna Elizabeth Smith Bio and Pic page
Anna Biography And Pictures

Anna Elizabeth Smith was born to Michael and Debbie Smith on July 11, 1990. Here is a picture of Anna with her dad when she was an hour old.

Anna is 2nd girl born into the smith family, but is the 4th child of Debbie and Michael's.

When Anna turned 2 years old in 1992, She would let people know what they wanted to know. She was a talker then, so look out Oprah she out beat you. Anna had at the age of two started building her own talk show host, in addition to this she is into putting make up on, and trying out modeling for mom and dad. There are times when Anna and Whitney (big sis) will get into playing dress-up, and put make up on, and just have a blast.

Also, she is just a little helper around the house, anywhere from cooking too cleaning house with mom. Her latest hobby at this age is chewing gum. "I want Some" is how she happily greets everyone with gum.

At age 3 she had the biggest Barney bash for her birthday. Anna loved Barney anything from the show to videos, and the picture books, just bascially all of it. She also had started swimming in the summertime. Especially swimming with her floatie friends, makes splash time fun in the sun. In the fall of 93 Anna started attending Pre-school, and she was so thrilled, she was keened on the ideal of school, cause she felt like a big girl like her older brothers and sister. At age three some of Anna's favorite movie picks for summer were: Home Alone(just in case you're ready for christmas in August), and Books: The Square Book, Video Barney(of course), and Animal Alphabet(she knew every word, song, and sound on the video). Anna favorite thing to do is: "Going on a date with dad to get waffles and syrup, and he get her flowers" Anna states.

Pictures of Anna at16 months

Anna at 4 years (going on 20) Attended her 2nd year of pre-school at a brand new school/church with lots of great outdoor playground and equipment. This summer she was brave by jumping in the pool by herself(with arm-in-arm with trusty waterwings), going underwater all the way. Anna also is into animals of all kinds. We all think she will become a veterinarian. She is always asking mom if she can keep this moth, bring this snail inside, or have a cup for another worm. Something we found cute is that Anna is already ready to give Milo(puppy at the time) a airplane ride in her arms to any destination in the house or beyond. Another interest of Anna's at 4 was Hot chocolate and something warm to chicken noodle soup!".

here is cute picture of Anna at age 5 years old on July 11, 1995.

Well Anna really enjoys time with dad below are some pictures that prove her dates with dad are wonderful.

Anna has grown into a very sweet young lady, very active. All though most of you know she loves to model. She is very respective child. Below are the final pictures of Anna from ages 6 to 11 and one of her modeling a dress.

Anna at 6

Anna at 7

Anna at 8

Anna at 9

Those were some photos taken of Anna growing up.

Here is a model picture of Anna.

Anna's Modeling here

Anna is now 13 years old, and very helpful. She really enjoys Camp she is known as the "Camp Queen" Anna is enjoying school, will be going to be doing drama in school. She enjoys still the swimming, the dates with Dad, and mostly her friends and hanging at the mall.

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