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The Kids Pics together and having Fun
Here are pictures of the just kids together

Christmas of 1991

l-r Emily, Whitney, Tyler, Ryan, and Anna (Christmas of 1993)

these next two pictures you can see how big the kids have grown.

A photo of the kids in 1997 l-r:Anna, Whitney, Ryan, Tyler, and Emily

L-R:Anna, Ryan, Emily, Whitney, and Tyler (1999).

Here Are The Kids Having Fun Together

this is Ryan giving Whitney a hug

Michael and his 2 first children Ryan and Whitney

Tyler and Anna

Three perfect Angels (Emily,Whitney,and Anna).

Emily and Anna just chillin'

Whitney and Anna

Tyler and Whitney

Emily and Anna having fun with Dad

Whitney and Megan at Grandma Smith Home cooking

Ryan and Whitney at Ryan's Cafe

Whitney and Emily growing up too quick

Whitney, Anna, and Emily growing up so fast

I hope you like these pics.

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